You need to get an API-KEY here
Install gem
gem install everscale-client-ruby
Install TON-SDK
everscale-client-ruby setup
- Install Rust to your OS
- git clone
- cd ./ever-sdk
- cargo update
- cargo build --release
# For MAcOS
TonClient.configure { |config| config.ffi_lib(./ever-sdk/target/release/libton_client.dylib) }
# For Linux
# TonClient.configure { |config| config.ffi_lib(./ever-sdk/target/release/ }
client = TonClient.create(config: {network: {endpoints: ["", ""]}})
# All methods are asynchronous
## example 1: call method for Crypto module
payload = {composite: '17ED48941A08F981'}
# Sync
response = client.crypto.factorize_sync(payload)
p response['result']['factors']
# Async
client.crypto.factorize(payload) do |response|
p response.result['factors']
## example 2: parse message from boc base64 encoded
# Sync
response = client.boc.parse_message_sync(payload)
p response['result']['parsed']['id']
p response['result']['parsed']['src']
p response['result']['parsed']['dst']
# Async
client.boc.parse_message(payload) do |response|
p response.result['parsed']['id']
p response.result['parsed']['src']
p response.result['parsed']['dst']
# e.g. ...
- case TON = 0
- case ENGLISH = 1
- case FRENCH = 4
- case ITALIAN = 5
- case JAPANESE = 6
- case KOREAN = 7
- case SPANISH = 8
case NotImplemented = 1
case InvalidHex = 2
case InvalidBase64 = 3
case InvalidAddress = 4
case CallbackParamsCantBeConvertedToJson = 5
case WebsocketConnectError = 6
case WebsocketReceiveError = 7
case WebsocketSendError = 8
case HttpClientCreateError = 9
case HttpRequestCreateError = 10
case HttpRequestSendError = 11
case HttpRequestParseError = 12
case CallbackNotRegistered = 13
case NetModuleNotInit = 14
case InvalidConfig = 15
case CannotCreateRuntime = 16
case InvalidContextHandle = 17
case CannotSerializeResult = 18
case CannotSerializeError = 19
case CannotConvertJsValueToJson = 20
case CannotReceiveSpawnedResult = 21
case SetTimerError = 22
case InvalidParams = 23
case ContractsAddressConversionFailed = 24
case UnknownFunction = 25
case AppRequestError = 26
case NoSuchRequest = 27
case CanNotSendRequestResult = 28
case CanNotReceiveRequestResult = 29
case CanNotParseRequestResult = 30
case UnexpectedCallbackResponse = 31
case CanNotParseNumber = 32
case InternalError = 33
case InvalidHandle = 34
case LocalStorageError = 35
case InvalidData = 36
Each GraphQL query uses separate HTTP request. - case HTTP =
All GraphQL queries will be served using single web socket connection. SDK is tested to reliably handle 5000 parallel network requests (sending and processing messages, quering and awaiting blockchain data) - case WS =
case Error = Error
case Ok = Ok
code: Number
message: String
data: Value
binding: BindingConfig
network: NetworkConfig
crypto: CryptoConfig
abi: Value
boc: BocConfig
proofs: ProofsConfig
For file based storage is a folder name where SDK will store its data. For browser based is a browser async storage key prefix. Default (recommended) value is "~/.tonclient" for native environments and ".tonclient" for web-browser.
- local_storage_path: String
This field is deprecated, but left for backward-compatibility. Evernode endpoint.
- server_address: String
List of Evernode endpoints. Any correct URL format can be specified, including IP addresses. This parameter is prevailing over
. Check the full list of supported network endpoints.- endpoints: Array
Deprecated. You must use
that allows to specify maximum network resolving timeout.- network_retries_count: Number
Maximum time for sequential reconnections. Must be specified in milliseconds. Default is 120000 (2 min).
- max_reconnect_timeout: Number
- reconnect_timeout: Number
The number of automatic message processing retries that SDK performs in case of
Message Expired (507)
error - but only for those messages which local emulation was successful or failed with replay protection error. Default is 5.- message_retries_count: Number
Timeout that is used to process message delivery for the contracts which ABI does not include "expire" header. If the message is not delivered within the specified timeout the appropriate error occurs. Must be specified in milliseconds. Default is 40000 (40 sec).
- message_processing_timeout: Number
Maximum timeout that is used for query response. Must be specified in milliseconds. Default is 40000 (40 sec).
- wait_for_timeout: Number
DEPRECATED: This parameter was deprecated.
- out_of_sync_threshold: Number
Maximum number of randomly chosen endpoints the library uses to broadcast a message. Default is 1.
- sending_endpoint_count: Number
Frequency of sync latency detection. Library periodically checks the current endpoint for blockchain data synchronization latency. If the latency (time-lag) is less then
then library selects another endpoint. Must be specified in milliseconds. Default is 60000 (1 min).- latency_detection_interval: Number
Maximum value for the endpoint's blockchain data synchronization latency (time-lag). Library periodically checks the current endpoint for blockchain data synchronization latency. If the latency (time-lag) is less then
then library selects another endpoint. Must be specified in milliseconds. Default is 60000 (1 min).- max_latency: Number
Default timeout for http requests. Is is used when no timeout specified for the request to limit the answer waiting time. If no answer received during the timeout requests ends witherror. Must be specified in milliseconds. Default is 60000 (1 min).
- query_timeout: Number
Queries protocol.
. Default isHTTP
.- queries_protocol: NetworkQueriesProtocol
UNSTABLE. First REMP status awaiting timeout. If no status received during the timeout than fallback transaction scenario is activated. Must be specified in milliseconds. Default is 1 (1 ms) in order to start fallback scenariotogether with REMP statuses processing while REMP is not properly tuned yet.
- first_remp_status_timeout: Number
UNSTABLE. Subsequent REMP status awaiting timeout. If no status received during the timeout than fallback transaction scenario is activated. Must be specified in milliseconds. Default is 5000 (5 sec).
- next_remp_status_timeout: Number
Network signature ID which is used by VM in signature verifying instructions if capability
is enabled in blockchain configuration parameters. This parameter should be set toglobal_id
field from any blockchain block if network cannot be reachable at the moment of message encoding and the message is aimed to be sent intonetwork withCapSignatureWithId
enabled. Otherwise signature ID is detected automaticallyinside message encoding functions- signature_id: Number
Access key to GraphQL API (Project secret)
- access_key: String
library: String
version: String
Mnemonic dictionary that will be used by default in crypto functions. If not specified,
dictionary will be used.- mnemonic_dictionary: MnemonicDictionary
Mnemonic word count that will be used by default in crypto functions. If not specified the default value will be 12.
- mnemonic_word_count: Number
Derivation path that will be used by default in crypto functions. If not specified
will be used.- hdkey_derivation_path: String
Workchain id that is used by default in DeploySet
- workchain: Number
Message lifetime for contracts which ABI includes "expire" header. Must be specified in milliseconds. Default is 40000 (40 sec).
- message_expiration_timeout: Number
Factor that increases the expiration timeout for each retry Default is 1.5
- message_expiration_timeout_grow_factor: Number
Maximum BOC cache size in kilobytes. Default is 10 MB
- cache_max_size: Number
Cache proofs in the local storage. Default is
. If this value is set totrue
, downloaded proofs and master-chain BOCs are saved into thepersistent local storage (e.g. file system for native environments or browser's IndexedDBfor the web); otherwise all the data is cached only in memory in current client's contextand will be lost after destruction of the client.- cache_in_local_storage: Boolean
Dependency name. Usually it is a crate name.
- name: String
Git commit hash of the related repository.
- git_commit: String
Request ID. Should be used in
call- app_request_id: Number
Request describing data
- request_data: Value
- type: AppRequestResult
Error description
- text: String
Request processing result
- result: Value
- api: Value
Core Library version
- version: String
Build number assigned to this build by the CI.
- build_number: Number
Fingerprint of the most important dependencies.
- dependencies: Array
Request ID received from SDK
- app_request_id: Number
Result of request processing
- result: AppRequestResult
case InvalidPublicKey = 100
case InvalidSecretKey = 101
case InvalidKey = 102
case InvalidFactorizeChallenge = 106
case InvalidBigInt = 107
case ScryptFailed = 108
case InvalidKeySize = 109
case NaclSecretBoxFailed = 110
case NaclBoxFailed = 111
case NaclSignFailed = 112
case Bip39InvalidEntropy = 113
case Bip39InvalidPhrase = 114
case Bip32InvalidKey = 115
case Bip32InvalidDerivePath = 116
case Bip39InvalidDictionary = 117
case Bip39InvalidWordCount = 118
case MnemonicGenerationFailed = 119
case MnemonicFromEntropyFailed = 120
case SigningBoxNotRegistered = 121
case InvalidSignature = 122
case EncryptionBoxNotRegistered = 123
case InvalidIvSize = 124
case UnsupportedCipherMode = 125
case CannotCreateCipher = 126
case EncryptDataError = 127
case DecryptDataError = 128
case IvRequired = 129
case CryptoBoxNotRegistered = 130
case InvalidCryptoBoxType = 131
case CryptoBoxSecretSerializationError = 132
case CryptoBoxSecretDeserializationError = 133
case InvalidNonceSize = 134
case AES = AES
case ChaCha20 = ChaCha20
case NaclBox = NaclBox
case NaclSecretBox = NaclSecretBox
case CBC =
case CFB =
case CTR =
case ECB =
case OFB =
case RandomSeedPhrase = RandomSeedPhrase
case PredefinedSeedPhrase = PredefinedSeedPhrase
case EncryptedSecret = EncryptedSecret
case ChaCha20 = ChaCha20
case NaclBox = NaclBox
case NaclSecretBox = NaclSecretBox
TON compatible dictionary - case Ton = 0
English BIP-39 dictionary - case English = 1
Chinese simplified BIP-39 dictionary - case ChineseSimplified = 2
Chinese traditional BIP-39 dictionary - case ChineseTraditional = 3
French BIP-39 dictionary - case French = 4
Italian BIP-39 dictionary - case Italian = 5
Japanese BIP-39 dictionary - case Japanese = 6
Korean BIP-39 dictionary - case Korean = 7
Spanish BIP-39 dictionary - case Spanish = 8
- case GetPassword = GetPassword
- case GetPassword = GetPassword
case GetPublicKey = GetPublicKey
case Sign = Sign
case GetPublicKey = GetPublicKey
case Sign = Sign
case GetInfo = GetInfo
case Encrypt = Encrypt
case Decrypt = Decrypt
case GetInfo = GetInfo
case Encrypt = Encrypt
case Decrypt = Decrypt
Derivation path, for instance "m/44'/396'/0'/0/0"
- hdpath: String
Cryptographic algorithm, used by this encryption box
- algorithm: String
Options, depends on algorithm and specific encryption box implementation
- options: Value
Public information, depends on algorithm
- public: Value
type: EncryptionAlgorithm
value: AesParamsEB
mode: CipherMode
key: String
iv: String
mode: CipherMode
iv: String
256-bit key. Must be encoded with
.- key: String
96-bit nonce. Must be encoded with
.- nonce: String
256-bit key. Must be encoded with
.- their_public: String
256-bit key. Must be encoded with
.- secret: String
96-bit nonce. Must be encoded with
.- nonce: String
Secret key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string
- key: String
Nonce in
- nonce: String
type: CryptoBoxSecret
dictionary: MnemonicDictionary
wordcount: Number
phrase: String
It is an object, containing encrypted seed phrase or private key (now we support only seed phrase).
- encrypted_secret: String
type: BoxEncryptionAlgorithm
value: ChaCha20ParamsCB
96-bit nonce. Must be encoded with
.- nonce: String
256-bit key. Must be encoded with
.- their_public: String
96-bit nonce. Must be encoded with
.- nonce: String
Nonce in
- nonce: String
Hexadecimal representation of u64 composite number.
- composite: String
Two factors of composite or empty if composite can't be factorized.
- factors: Array
argument of calculation.- base: String
argument of calculation.- exponent: String
argument of calculation.- modulus: String
Result of modular exponentiation
- modular_power: String
Input data for CRC calculation. Encoded with
.- data: String
Calculated CRC for input data.
- crc: Number
Size of random byte array.
- length: Number
Generated bytes encoded in
.- bytes: String
Public key - 64 symbols hex string
- public_key: String
Public key represented in TON safe format.
- ton_public_key: String
Public key - 64 symbols hex string
- public: String
Private key - u64 symbols hex string
- secret: String
Data that must be signed encoded in
.- unsigned: String
Sign keys.
- keys: KeyPair
Signed data combined with signature encoded in
.- signed: String
Signature encoded in
.- signature: String
Signed data that must be verified encoded in
.- signed: String
Signer's public key - 64 symbols hex string
- public: String
Unsigned data encoded in
.- unsigned: String
Input data for hash calculation. Encoded with
.- data: String
Hash of input
. Encoded with 'hex'.- hash: String
The password bytes to be hashed. Must be encoded with
.- password: String
Salt bytes that modify the hash to protect against Rainbow table attacks. Must be encoded with
.- salt: String
CPU/memory cost parameter
- log_n: Number
The block size parameter, which fine-tunes sequential memory read size and performance.
- r: Number
Parallelization parameter.
- p: Number
Intended output length in octets of the derived key.
- dk_len: Number
Derived key. Encoded with
.- key: String
Secret key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string
- secret: String
Data that must be signed encoded in
.- unsigned: String
Signer's secret key - unprefixed 0-padded to 128 symbols hex string (concatenation of 64 symbols secret and 64 symbols public keys). See
.- secret: String
Signed data, encoded in
.- signed: String
Signed data that must be unsigned. Encoded with
.- signed: String
Signer's public key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string
- public: String
Unsigned data, encoded in
.- unsigned: String
Signature encoded in
.- signature: String
Unsigned data that must be verified. Encoded with
.- unsigned: String
Signature that must be verified. Encoded with
.- signature: String
Signer's public key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string.
- public: String
if verification succeeded orfalse
if it failed- succeeded: Boolean
Secret key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string
- secret: String
Data that must be encrypted encoded in
.- decrypted: String
Nonce, encoded in
- nonce: String
Receiver's public key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string
- their_public: String
Sender's private key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string
- secret: String
Encrypted data encoded in
.- encrypted: String
Data that must be decrypted. Encoded with
.- encrypted: String
- nonce: String
Sender's public key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string
- their_public: String
Receiver's private key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string
- secret: String
Decrypted data encoded in
.- decrypted: String
Data that must be encrypted. Encoded with
.- decrypted: String
Nonce in
- nonce: String
Secret key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string
- key: String
Data that must be decrypted. Encoded with
.- encrypted: String
Nonce in
- nonce: String
Secret key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string
- key: String
Dictionary identifier
- dictionary: MnemonicDictionary
The list of mnemonic words
- words: String
Dictionary identifier
- dictionary: MnemonicDictionary
Mnemonic word count
- word_count: Number
String of mnemonic words
- phrase: String
Entropy bytes. Hex encoded.
- entropy: String
Dictionary identifier
- dictionary: MnemonicDictionary
Mnemonic word count
- word_count: Number
- phrase: String
- phrase: String
Dictionary identifier
- dictionary: MnemonicDictionary
Word count
- word_count: Number
Flag indicating if the mnemonic is valid or not
- valid: Boolean
- phrase: String
Derivation path, for instance "m/44'/396'/0'/0/0"
- path: String
Dictionary identifier
- dictionary: MnemonicDictionary
Word count
- word_count: Number
String with seed phrase
- phrase: String
Dictionary identifier
- dictionary: MnemonicDictionary
Mnemonic word count
- word_count: Number
Serialized extended master private key
- xprv: String
Serialized extended private key
- xprv: String
Child index (see BIP-0032)
- child_index: Number
Indicates the derivation of hardened/not-hardened key (see BIP-0032)
- hardened: Boolean
Serialized extended private key
- xprv: String
Serialized extended private key
- xprv: String
Derivation path, for instance "m/44'/396'/0'/0/0"
- path: String
Derived serialized extended private key
- xprv: String
Serialized extended private key
- xprv: String
Private key - 64 symbols hex string
- secret: String
Serialized extended private key
- xprv: String
Public key - 64 symbols hex string
- public: String
Source data to be encrypted or decrypted. Must be encoded with
.- data: String
256-bit key. Must be encoded with
.- key: String
96-bit nonce. Must be encoded with
.- nonce: String
Encrypted/decrypted data. Encoded with
.- data: String
Salt used for secret encryption. For example, a mobile device can use device ID as salt.
- secret_encryption_salt: String
Cryptobox secret
- secret: CryptoBoxSecret
- handle: CryptoBoxHandle
Interface that provides a callback that returns an encrypted password, used for cryptobox secret encryption# To secure the password while passing it from application to the library,the library generates a temporary key pair, passes the pubkeyto the passwordProvider, decrypts the received password with private key,and deletes the key pair right away.
Application should generate a temporary nacl_box_keypairand encrypt the password with naclbox function using nacl_box_keypair.secretand encryption_public_key keys + nonce = 24-byte prefix of encryption_public_key.
- type: ParamsOfAppPasswordProvider
Temporary library pubkey, that is used on application side for password encryption, along with application temporary private key and nonce. Used for password decryption on library side.
- encryption_public_key: String
- type: ResultOfAppPasswordProvider
Password, encrypted and encoded to base64. Crypto box uses this password to decrypt its secret (seed phrase).
- encrypted_password: String
Hex encoded public key of a temporary key pair, used for password encryption on application side. Used together with
to decodeencrypted_password
.- app_encryption_pubkey: String
Secret (seed phrase) encrypted with salt and password.
- encrypted_secret: String
phrase: String
dictionary: MnemonicDictionary
wordcount: Number
Crypto Box Handle.
- handle: Number
HD key derivation path. By default, Everscale HD path is used.
- hdpath: String
Store derived secret for this lifetime (in ms). The timer starts after each signing box operation. Secrets will be deleted immediately after each signing box operation, if this value is not set.
- secret_lifetime: Number
Handle of the signing box.
- handle: SigningBoxHandle
Crypto Box Handle.
- handle: Number
HD key derivation path. By default, Everscale HD path is used.
- hdpath: String
Encryption algorithm.
- algorithm: BoxEncryptionAlgorithm
Store derived secret for encryption algorithm for this lifetime (in ms). The timer starts after each encryption box operation. Secrets will be deleted (overwritten with zeroes) after each encryption operation, if this value is not set.
- secret_lifetime: Number
Handle of the encryption box.
- handle: EncryptionBoxHandle
- type: ParamsOfAppSigningBox
Data to sign encoded as base64
- unsigned: String
- type: ResultOfAppSigningBox
Signing box public key
- public_key: String
Data signature encoded as hex
- signature: String
Public key of signing box. Encoded with hex
- pubkey: String
Signing Box handle.
- signing_box: SigningBoxHandle
Unsigned user data. Must be encoded with
.- unsigned: String
Data signature. Encoded with
.- signature: String
- type: ParamsOfAppEncryptionBox
Data, encoded in Base64
- data: String
type: ResultOfAppEncryptionBox
info: EncryptionBoxInfo
Encrypted data, encoded in Base64
- data: String
Encryption box handle
- encryption_box: EncryptionBoxHandle
Encryption box information
- info: EncryptionBoxInfo
Encryption box handle
- encryption_box: EncryptionBoxHandle
Data to be encrypted, encoded in Base64
- data: String
Encrypted data, encoded in Base64. Padded to cipher block size
- data: String
Encryption box handle
- encryption_box: EncryptionBoxHandle
Data to be decrypted, encoded in Base64
- data: String
Decrypted data, encoded in Base64.
- data: String
Encryption algorithm specifier including cipher parameters (key, IV, etc)
- algorithm: EncryptionAlgorithm
case RequiredAddressMissingForEncodeMessage = 301
case RequiredCallSetMissingForEncodeMessage = 302
case InvalidJson = 303
case InvalidMessage = 304
case EncodeDeployMessageFailed = 305
case EncodeRunMessageFailed = 306
case AttachSignatureFailed = 307
case InvalidTvcImage = 308
case RequiredPublicKeyMissingForFunctionHeader = 309
case InvalidSigner = 310
case InvalidAbi = 311
case InvalidFunctionId = 312
case InvalidData = 313
case EncodeInitialDataFailed = 314
case InvalidFunctionName = 315
case Contract = Contract
case Json = Json
case Handle = Handle
case Serialized = Serialized
case None = None
case External = External
case Keys = Keys
case SigningBox = SigningBox
Message contains the input of the ABI function. - case Input =
Message contains the output of the ABI function. - case Output =
Message contains the input of the imported ABI function. Occurs when contract sends an internal message to othercontract. - case InternalOutput =
Message contains the input of the ABI event. - case Event =
case Message = Message
case StateInit = StateInit
case Tvc = Tvc
case Encoded = Encoded
case EncodingParams = EncodingParams
Decode message body as function input parameters. - case Input =
Decode message body as function output. - case Output =
type: Abi
value: AbiContract
Message expiration timestamp (UNIX time) in seconds. If not specified - calculated automatically from message_expiration_timeout(),try_index and message_expiration_timeout_grow_factor() (if ABI includes
header).- expire: Number
Message creation time in milliseconds. If not specified,
is used (if ABI includestime
header).- time: BigInt
Public key is used by the contract to check the signature. Encoded in
. If not specified, method fails with exception (if ABI includespubkey
header)..- pubkey: String
Function name that is being called. Or function id encoded as string in hex (starting with 0x).
- function_name: String
Function header. If an application omits some header parameters required by thecontract's ABI, the library will set the default values forthem.
- header: FunctionHeader
Function input parameters according to ABI.
- input: Value
Content of TVC file encoded in
. For compatibility reason this field can contain an encodedStateInit
.- tvc: String
Contract code BOC encoded with base64.
- code: String
State init BOC encoded with base64.
- state_init: String
Target workchain for destination address. Default is
.- workchain_id: Number
List of initial values for contract's public variables.
- initial_data: Value
Optional public key that can be provided in deploy set in order to substitute one in TVM file or provided by Signer. Public key resolving priority:
- Public key from deploy set.
- Public key, specified in TVM file.
- Public key, provided by Signer.
- initial_pubkey: String
type: Signer
public_key: String
keys: KeyPair
handle: SigningBoxHandle
type: StateInitSource
source: MessageSource
Code BOC. Encoded in
.- code: String
Data BOC. Encoded in
.- data: String
Library BOC. Encoded in
library: String
tvc: String
public_key: String
init_params: StateInitParams
abi: Value
value: Value
type: MessageSource
message: String
abi: Abi
name: String
type: String
components: Array
name: String
inputs: Array
id: String
key: Number
name: String
type: String
components: Array
name: String
inputs: Array
outputs: Array
id: String
abi_version: Number
version: String
header: Array
functions: Array
events: Array
data: Array
fields: Array
Contract ABI.
- abi: Value
Function call parameters. Must be specified in non deploy message. In case of deploy message contains parameters of constructor.
- call_set: CallSet
True if internal message body must be encoded.
- is_internal: Boolean
Signing parameters.
- signer: Signer
Processing try index. Used in message processing with retries. Encoder uses the provided try index to calculate messageexpiration time. Expiration timeouts will grow with every retry. Default value is 0.
- processing_try_index: Number
Destination address of the message Since ABI version 2.3 destination address of external inbound message is used in messagebody signature calculation. Should be provided when signed external inbound message body iscreated. Otherwise can be omitted.
- address: String
Signature ID to be used in data to sign preparing when CapSignatureWithId capability is enabled
- signature_id: Number
Message body BOC encoded with
.- body: String
Optional data to sign. Encoded with
. Presents whenmessage
is unsigned. Can be used for externalmessage signing. Is this case you need to sing this data andproduce signed message usingabi.attach_signature
.- data_to_sign: String
Contract ABI
- abi: Value
Public key. Must be encoded with
.- public_key: String
Unsigned message body BOC. Must be encoded with
.- message: String
Signature. Must be encoded with
.- signature: String
- body: String
Contract ABI.
- abi: Value
Target address the message will be sent to. Must be specified in case of non-deploy message.
- address: String
Deploy parameters. Must be specified in case of deploy message.
- deploy_set: DeploySet
Function call parameters. Must be specified in case of non-deploy message. In case of deploy message it is optional and contains parametersof the functions that will to be called upon deploy transaction.
- call_set: CallSet
Signing parameters.
- signer: Signer
Processing try index. Used in message processing with retries (if contract's ABI includes "expire" header). Encoder uses the provided try index to calculate messageexpiration time. The 1st message expiration time is specified inClient config. Expiration timeouts will grow with every retry. Retry grow factor is set in Client config: <.....add config parameter with default value here>Default value is 0.
- processing_try_index: Number
Signature ID to be used in data to sign preparing when CapSignatureWithId capability is enabled
- signature_id: Number
Message BOC encoded with
.- message: String
Optional data to be signed encoded in
. Returned in case ofSigner::External
. Can be used for externalmessage signing. Is this case you need to use this data to create signature andthen produce signed message usingabi.attach_signature
.- data_to_sign: String
Destination address.
- address: String
Message id.
- message_id: String
Contract ABI. Can be None if both deploy_set and call_set are None.
- abi: Value
Target address the message will be sent to. Must be specified in case of non-deploy message.
- address: String
Source address of the message.
- src_address: String
Deploy parameters. Must be specified in case of deploy message.
- deploy_set: DeploySet
Function call parameters. Must be specified in case of non-deploy message. In case of deploy message it is optional and contains parametersof the functions that will to be called upon deploy transaction.
- call_set: CallSet
Value in nanotokens to be sent with message.
- value: String
Flag of bounceable message. Default is true.
- bounce: Boolean
Enable Instant Hypercube Routing for the message. Default is false.
- enable_ihr: Boolean
Message BOC encoded with
.- message: String
Destination address.
- address: String
Message id.
- message_id: String
Contract ABI
- abi: Value
Public key encoded in
.- public_key: String
Unsigned message BOC encoded in
.- message: String
Signature encoded in
.- signature: String
Signed message BOC
- message: String
Message ID
- message_id: String
contract ABI
- abi: Value
Message BOC
- message: String
Flag allowing partial BOC decoding when ABI doesn't describe the full body BOC. Controls decoder behaviour when after decoding all described in ABI params there are some data left in BOC:
- return decoded valuesfalse
- return error of incomplete BOC deserialization (default)- allow_partial: Boolean
Function name or function id if is known in advance
function_name: String
data_layout: DataLayout
Type of the message body content.
- body_type: MessageBodyType
Function or event name.
- name: String
Parameters or result value.
- value: Value
Function header.
- header: FunctionHeader
Contract ABI used to decode.
- abi: Value
Message body BOC encoded in
.- body: String
True if the body belongs to the internal message.
- is_internal: Boolean
Flag allowing partial BOC decoding when ABI doesn't describe the full body BOC. Controls decoder behaviour when after decoding all described in ABI params there are some data left in BOC:
- return decoded valuesfalse
- return error of incomplete BOC deserialization (default)- allow_partial: Boolean
Function name or function id if is known in advance
function_name: String
data_layout: DataLayout
Source of the account state init.
- state_init: StateInitSource
Initial balance.
- balance: BigInt
Initial value for the
.- last_trans_lt: BigInt
Initial value for the
.- last_paid: Number
Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided
- boc_cache: BocCacheType
Account BOC encoded in
.- account: String
Account ID encoded in
.- id: String
Contract ABI
- abi: Value
Data BOC or BOC handle
- data: String
Flag allowing partial BOC decoding when ABI doesn't describe the full body BOC. Controls decoder behaviour when after decoding all described in ABI params there are some data left in BOC:
- return decoded valuesfalse
- return error of incomplete BOC deserialization (default)- allow_partial: Boolean
Decoded data as a JSON structure.
- data: Value
Contract ABI
- abi: Value
Data BOC or BOC handle
- data: String
List of initial values for contract's static variables.
parameter should be provided to set initial data- initial_data: Value
Initial account owner's public key to set into account data
- initial_pubkey: String
Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided.
- boc_cache: BocCacheType
Updated data BOC or BOC handle
- data: String
Contract ABI
- abi: Value
List of initial values for contract's static variables.
parameter should be provided to set initial data- initial_data: Value
Initial account owner's public key to set into account data
- initial_pubkey: String
Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided.
- boc_cache: BocCacheType
Updated data BOC or BOC handle
- data: String
Contract ABI. Initial data is decoded if this parameter is provided
- abi: Value
Data BOC or BOC handle
- data: String
Flag allowing partial BOC decoding when ABI doesn't describe the full body BOC. Controls decoder behaviour when after decoding all described in ABI params there are some data left in BOC:
- return decoded valuesfalse
- return error of incomplete BOC deserialization (default)- allow_partial: Boolean
List of initial values of contract's public variables. Initial data is decoded if
input parameter is provided- initial_data: Value
Initial account owner's public key
- initial_pubkey: String
Parameters to decode from BOC
- params: Array
Data BOC or BOC handle
boc: String
allow_partial: Boolean
Decoded data as a JSON structure.
- data: Value
Parameters to encode into BOC
- params: Array
Parameters and values as a JSON structure
- data: Value
Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided
- boc_cache: BocCacheType
BOC encoded as base64
- boc: String
Contract ABI.
- abi: Value
Contract function name
- function_name: String
If set to
output function ID will be returned which is used in contract response. Default isfalse
- output: Boolean
Contract function ID
- function_id: Number
Contract ABI used to decode.
- abi: Value
Message BOC encoded in
.- message: String
Signature ID to be used in unsigned data preparing when CapSignatureWithId capability is enabled
- signature_id: Number
Signature from the message in
.- signature: String
Data to verify the signature in
.- unsigned: String
case Pinned = Pinned
case Unpinned = Unpinned
case Integer = Integer
case BitString = BitString
case Cell = Cell
case CellBoc = CellBoc
case Address = Address
- case V1 = V1
case InvalidBoc = 201
case SerializationError = 202
case InappropriateBlock = 203
case MissingSourceBoc = 204
case InsufficientCacheSize = 205
case BocRefNotFound = 206
case InvalidBocRef = 207
type: BocCacheType
pin: String
- type: BuilderOp
Bit size of the value.
- size: Number
Value: -
containing integer number. e.g.123
. - Decimal string. e.g."123"
prefixed hexadecimal string. e.g0x123
.- value: Value
Nested cell builder.
- builder: Array
Nested cell BOC encoded with
or BOC cache key.- boc: String
Address in a common
or base64 format.- address: String
type: Tvc
value: TvcV1
code: String
description: String
Contract TVC BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle
- tvc: String
Decoded TVC
- tvc: Tvc
BOC encoded as base64
- boc: String
JSON containing parsed BOC
- parsed: Value
BOC encoded as base64
- boc: String
Shardstate identifier
- id: String
Workchain shardstate belongs to
- workchain_id: Number
Key block BOC or zerostate BOC encoded as base64
- block_boc: String
Blockchain config BOC encoded as base64
- config_boc: String
BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle
- boc: String
BOC root hash encoded with hex
- hash: String
BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle
- boc: String
BOC root cell depth
- depth: Number
Contract TVC image or image BOC handle
- tvc: String
Contract code encoded as base64
- code: String
Reference to the cached BOC
- boc_ref: String
BOC encoded as base64.
- boc: String
BOC encoded as base64 or BOC reference
- boc: String
Cache type
- cache_type: BocCacheType
Reference to the cached BOC
- boc_ref: String
Pinned name
- pin: String
Reference to the cached BOC. If it is provided then only referenced BOC is unpinned
- boc_ref: String
Cell builder operations.
- builder: Array
Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided.
- boc_cache: BocCacheType
Encoded cell BOC or BOC cache key.
- boc: String
Contract code BOC encoded as base64 or code BOC handle
- code: String
Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided.
- boc_cache: BocCacheType
Contract code salt if present. BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle
- salt: String
Contract code BOC encoded as base64 or code BOC handle
- code: String
Code salt to set. BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle
- salt: String
Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided.
- boc_cache: BocCacheType
Contract code with salt set. BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle
- code: String
Contract StateInit image BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle
- state_init: String
Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided.
- boc_cache: BocCacheType
Contract code BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle
- code: String
Contract code hash
- code_hash: String
Contract code depth
- code_depth: Number
Contract data BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle
- data: String
Contract data hash
- data_hash: String
Contract data depth
- data_depth: Number
Contract library BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle
- library: String
field. Specifies the contract ability to handle tick transactions- tick: Boolean
field. Specifies the contract ability to handle tock transactions- tock: Boolean
Is present and non-zero only in instances of large smart contracts
- split_depth: Number
Compiler version, for example 'sol 0.49.0'
- compiler_version: String
Contract code BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle
- code: String
Contract data BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle
- data: String
Contract library BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle
- library: String
field. Specifies the contract ability to handle tick transactions- tick: Boolean
field. Specifies the contract ability to handle tock transactions- tock: Boolean
Is present and non-zero only in instances of large smart contracts
- split_depth: Number
Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided.
- boc_cache: BocCacheType
Contract StateInit image BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle of boc_cache parameter was specified
- state_init: String
Source address.
- src: String
Destination address.
- dst: String
Bag of cells with state init (used in deploy messages).
- init: String
Bag of cells with the message body encoded as base64.
- body: String
Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided
- boc_cache: BocCacheType
Message BOC encoded with
.- message: String
Message id.
- message_id: String
Contract code BOC encoded as base64 or code BOC handle
- code: String
Compiler version, for example 'sol 0.49.0'
- version: String
case MessageAlreadyExpired = 501
case MessageHasNotDestinationAddress = 502
case CanNotBuildMessageCell = 503
case FetchBlockFailed = 504
case SendMessageFailed = 505
case InvalidMessageBoc = 506
case MessageExpired = 507
case TransactionWaitTimeout = 508
case InvalidBlockReceived = 509
case CanNotCheckBlockShard = 510
case BlockNotFound = 511
case InvalidData = 512
case ExternalSignerMustNotBeUsed = 513
case MessageRejected = 514
case InvalidRempStatus = 515
case NextRempStatusTimeout = 516
case WillFetchFirstBlock = WillFetchFirstBlock
case FetchFirstBlockFailed = FetchFirstBlockFailed
case WillSend = WillSend
case DidSend = DidSend
case SendFailed = SendFailed
case WillFetchNextBlock = WillFetchNextBlock
case FetchNextBlockFailed = FetchNextBlockFailed
case MessageExpired = MessageExpired
case RempSentToValidators = RempSentToValidators
case RempIncludedIntoBlock = RempIncludedIntoBlock
case RempIncludedIntoAcceptedBlock = RempIncludedIntoAcceptedBlock
case RempOther = RempOther
case RempError = RempError
If there are no resolved results yet, then monitor awaits for the next resolved result. - case AtLeastOne =
Monitor waits until all unresolved messages will be resolved. If there are no unresolved messages then monitor will wait. - case All =
- case NoWait =
case Boc = Boc
case HashAddress = HashAddress
Returned when the messages was processed and included into finalized block before
block time. - case Finalized =Returned when the message was not processed until
block time. - case Timeout =Reserved for future statuses. Is never returned. Application should wait for one of the
statuses. All other statuses are intermediate. - case Reserved = -
type: ProcessingEvent
message_id: String
message_dst: String
error: ClientError
shard_block_id: String
message: String
timestamp: BigInt
json: Value
Parsed transaction. In addition to the regular transaction fields there is a
field encoded withbase64
which contains sourcetransaction BOC.- transaction: Value
List of output messages' BOCs. Encoded as
- out_messages: Array
Optional decoded message bodies according to the optional
parameter.- decoded: DecodedOutput
Transaction fees
- fees: TransactionFees
Decoded bodies of the out messages. If the message can't be decoded, then
will be stored inthe appropriate position.- out_messages: Array
Decoded body of the function output message.
- output: Value
Compute phase exit code.
- exit_code: Number
Hash of the transaction. Present if transaction was included into the blocks. When then transaction was emulated this field will be missing.
- hash: String
Aborted field of the transaction.
- aborted: Boolean
Optional information about the compute phase of the transaction.
- compute: MessageMonitoringTransactionCompute
Monitored message identification. Can be provided as a message's BOC or (hash, address) pair. BOC is a preferable way because it helps to determine possible error reason (using TVM execution of the message).
- message: MonitoredMessage
Block time Must be specified as a UNIX timestamp in seconds
- wait_until: Number
User defined data associated with this message. Helps to identify this message when user received
.- user_data: Value
Hash of the message.
- hash: String
Processing status.
- status: MessageMonitoringStatus
In case of
the transaction is extracted from the block. In case ofTimeout
the transaction is emulated using the last known account state.- transaction: MessageMonitoringTransaction
In case of
contains possible error reason.- error: String
User defined data related to this message. This is the same value as passed before with
.- user_data: Value
type: MonitoredMessage
boc: String
Hash of the message.
- hash: String
Destination address of the message.
- address: String
BOC of the message, that must be sent to the blockchain.
- boc: String
Expiration time of the message. Must be specified as a UNIX timestamp in seconds.
- wait_until: Number
User defined data associated with this message. Helps to identify this message when user received
.- user_data: Value
Name of the monitoring queue.
- queue: String
Messages to start monitoring for.
- messages: Array
Name of the monitoring queue.
- queue: String
Count of the unresolved messages.
- unresolved: Number
Count of resolved results.
- resolved: Number
Name of the monitoring queue.
- queue: String
Wait mode. Default is
.- wait_mode: MonitorFetchWaitMode
List of the resolved results.
- results: Array
Name of the monitoring queue.
- queue: String
Messages that must be sent to the blockchain.
- messages: Array
Optional message monitor queue that starts monitoring for the processing results for sent messages.
- monitor_queue: String
Messages that was sent to the blockchain for execution.
- messages: Array
Message BOC.
- message: String
Optional message ABI. If this parameter is specified and the message has the
header then expiration time will be checked againstthe current time to prevent unnecessary sending of already expired message. Themessage already expired
error will be returned in thiscase. Note, that specifyingabi
for ABI compliant contracts isstrongly recommended, so that proper processing strategy can bechosen.- abi: Value
Flag for requesting events sending
- send_events: Boolean
The last generated shard block of the message destination account before the message was sent. This block id must be used as a parameter of the
.- shard_block_id: String
The list of endpoints to which the message was sent. This list id must be used as a parameter of the
.- sending_endpoints: Array
Optional ABI for decoding the transaction result. If it is specified, then the output messages' bodies will bedecoded according to this ABI. The
result field will be filled out.- abi: Value
Message BOC. Encoded with
.- message: String
The last generated block id of the destination account shard before the message was sent. You must provide the same value as the
has returned.- shard_block_id: String
Flag that enables/disables intermediate events
- send_events: Boolean
The list of endpoints to which the message was sent. Use this field to get more informative errors. Provide the same value as the
has returned. If the message was not delivered (expired), SDK will log the endpoint URLs, used for its sending.- sending_endpoints: Array
Message encode parameters.
- message_encode_params: ParamsOfEncodeMessage
Flag for requesting events sending
- send_events: Boolean
case AccountId = AccountId
case Hex = Hex
case Base64 = Base64
case AccountId =
case Hex =
case Base64 =
type: AddressStringFormat
url: Boolean
test: Boolean
bounce: Boolean
Account address in any TON format.
- address: String
Specify the format to convert to.
- output_format: AddressStringFormat
Address in the specified format
- address: String
Account address in any TON format.
- address: String
Account address type.
- address_type: AccountAddressType
account: String
period: Number
- fee: String
Uncompressed data. Must be encoded as base64.
- uncompressed: String
Compression level, from 1 to 21. Where: 1 - lowest compression level (fastest compression); 21 - highest compression level (slowest compression). If level is omitted, the default compression level is used (currently
).- level: Number
Compressed data. Must be encoded as base64.
- compressed: String
Compressed data. Must be encoded as base64.
- compressed: String
Decompressed data. Must be encoded as base64.
- decompressed: String
case CanNotReadTransaction = 401
case CanNotReadBlockchainConfig = 402
case TransactionAborted = 403
case InternalError = 404
case ActionPhaseFailed = 405
case AccountCodeMissing = 406
case LowBalance = 407
case AccountFrozenOrDeleted = 408
case AccountMissing = 409
case UnknownExecutionError = 410
case InvalidInputStack = 411
case InvalidAccountBoc = 412
case InvalidMessageType = 413
case ContractExecutionError = 414
case AccountIsSuspended = 415
case None = None
case Uninit = Uninit
case Account = Account
boc with config
- blockchain_config: String
time that is used as transaction time
- block_time: Number
block logical time
- block_lt: BigInt
transaction logical time
- transaction_lt: BigInt
Overrides standard TVM behaviour. If set to
then CHKSIG always will returntrue
.- chksig_always_succeed: Boolean
Signature ID to be used in signature verifying instructions when CapSignatureWithId capability is enabled
- signature_id: Number
- type: AccountForExecutor
Account BOC. Encoded as base64.
- boc: String
Flag for running account with the unlimited balance. Can be used to calculate transaction fees without balance check
- unlimited_balance: Boolean
Deprecated. Contains the same data as ext_in_msg_fee field
- in_msg_fwd_fee: BigInt
Fee for account storage
- storage_fee: BigInt
Fee for processing
- gas_fee: BigInt
Deprecated. Contains the same data as total_fwd_fees field. Deprecated because of its confusing name, that is not the same with GraphQL API Transaction type's field.
- out_msgs_fwd_fee: BigInt
Deprecated. Contains the same data as account_fees field
- total_account_fees: BigInt
Deprecated because it means total value sent in the transaction, which does not relate to any fees.
- total_output: BigInt
Fee for inbound external message import.
- ext_in_msg_fee: BigInt
Total fees the account pays for message forwarding
- total_fwd_fees: BigInt
Total account fees for the transaction execution. Compounds of storage_fee + gas_fee + ext_in_msg_fee + total_fwd_fees
- account_fees: BigInt
Input message BOC. Must be encoded as base64.
- message: String
Account to run on executor
- account: AccountForExecutor
Execution options.
- execution_options: ExecutionOptions
Contract ABI for decoding output messages
- abi: Value
Skip transaction check flag
- skip_transaction_check: Boolean
Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided
- boc_cache: BocCacheType
Return updated account flag. Empty string is returned if the flag is
- return_updated_account: Boolean
Parsed transaction. In addition to the regular transaction fields there is a
field encoded withbase64
which contains sourcetransaction BOC.- transaction: Value
List of output messages' BOCs. Encoded as
- out_messages: Array
Optional decoded message bodies according to the optional
parameter.- decoded: DecodedOutput
Updated account state BOC. Encoded as
- account: String
Transaction fees
- fees: TransactionFees
Input message BOC. Must be encoded as base64.
- message: String
Account BOC. Must be encoded as base64.
- account: String
Execution options.
- execution_options: ExecutionOptions
Contract ABI for decoding output messages
- abi: Value
Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided
- boc_cache: BocCacheType
Return updated account flag. Empty string is returned if the flag is
- return_updated_account: Boolean
List of output messages' BOCs. Encoded as
- out_messages: Array
Optional decoded message bodies according to the optional
parameter.- decoded: DecodedOutput
Updated account state BOC. Encoded as
. Attention!
part of the BOC is updated.- account: String
Account BOC in
- account: String
Function name
- function_name: String
Input parameters
- input: Value
Execution options
- execution_options: ExecutionOptions
Convert lists based on nested tuples in the result into plain arrays. Default is
. Input parameters may use any of lists representationsIf you receive this error on Web: "Runtime error. Unreachable code should not be executed...",set this flag to true. This may happen, for example, when elector contract contains too many participants- tuple_list_as_array: Boolean
Values returned by get-method on stack
- output: Value
case QueryFailed = 601
case SubscribeFailed = 602
case WaitForFailed = 603
case GetSubscriptionResultFailed = 604
case InvalidServerResponse = 605
case ClockOutOfSync = 606
case WaitForTimeout = 607
case GraphqlError = 608
case NetworkModuleSuspended = 609
case WebsocketDisconnected = 610
case NotSupported = 611
case NoEndpointsProvided = 612
case GraphqlWebsocketInitError = 613
case NetworkModuleResumed = 614
case Unauthorized = 615
case QueryTransactionTreeTimeout = 616
case GraphqlConnectionError = 617
case WrongWebscoketProtocolSequence = 618
case ASC =
case DESC =
case QueryCollection = QueryCollection
case WaitForCollection = WaitForCollection
case AggregateCollection = AggregateCollection
case QueryCounterparties = QueryCounterparties
Returns count of filtered record - case COUNT =
Returns the minimal value for a field in filtered records - case MIN =
Returns the maximal value for a field in filtered records - case MAX =
Returns a sum of values for a field in filtered records - case SUM =
Returns an average value for a field in filtered records - case AVERAGE =
path: String
direction: SortDirection
- type: ParamsOfQueryOperation
Dot separated path to the field
- field: String
Aggregation function that must be applied to field values
- fn: AggregationFn
Transaction id.
- id: String
In message id.
- in_msg: String
Out message ids.
- out_msgs: Array
Account address.
- account_addr: String
Transactions total fees.
- total_fees: String
Aborted flag.
- aborted: Boolean
Compute phase exit code.
- exit_code: Number
Message id.
- id: String
Source transaction id. This field is missing for an external inbound messages.
- src_transaction_id: String
Destination transaction id. This field is missing for an external outbound messages.
- dst_transaction_id: String
Source address.
- src: String
Destination address.
- dst: String
Transferred tokens value.
- value: String
Bounce flag.
- bounce: Boolean
Decoded body. Library tries to decode message body using provided
. This field will be missing if none of the provided abi can be used to decode.- decoded_body: DecodedMessageBody
GraphQL query text.
- query: String
Variables used in query. Must be a map with named values that can be used in query.
- variables: Value
Result provided by DAppServer.
- result: Value
List of query operations that must be performed per single fetch.
- operations: Array
Result values for batched queries. Returns an array of values. Each value corresponds to
item.- results: Array
Collection name (accounts, blocks, transactions, messages, block_signatures)
- collection: String
Collection filter
- filter: Value
Projection (result) string
- result: String
Sorting order
- order: Array
Number of documents to return
- limit: Number
Objects that match the provided criteria
- result: Array
Collection name (accounts, blocks, transactions, messages, block_signatures)
- collection: String
Collection filter
- filter: Value
Projection (result) string
- fields: Array
Values for requested fields. Returns an array of strings. Each string refers to the corresponding
item. Numeric value is returned as a decimal string representations.- values: Value
Collection name (accounts, blocks, transactions, messages, block_signatures)
- collection: String
Collection filter
- filter: Value
Projection (result) string
- result: String
Query timeout
- timeout: Number
First found object that matches the provided criteria
- result: Value
Subscription handle. Must be closed with
- handle: Number
Collection name (accounts, blocks, transactions, messages, block_signatures)
- collection: String
Collection filter
- filter: Value
Projection (result) string
- result: String
GraphQL subscription text.
- subscription: String
Variables used in subscription. Must be a map with named values that can be used in query.
- variables: Value
Account address
- address: String
Account shard last block ID
- block_id: String
List of endpoints provided by server
- endpoints: Array
Current query endpoint
- query: String
List of all endpoints used by client
- endpoints: Array
Account address
- account: String
Projection (result) string
- result: String
Number of counterparties to return
- first: Number
field of the last received result- after: String
Input message id.
- in_msg: String
List of contract ABIs that will be used to decode message bodies. Library will try to decode each returned message body using any ABI from the registry.
- abi_registry: Array
Timeout used to limit waiting time for the missing messages and transaction. If some of the following messages and transactions are missing yetThe maximum waiting time is regulated by this option. Default value is 60000 (1 min). If
is set to 0 then function will wait infinitelyuntil the whole transaction tree is executed- timeout: Number
Maximum transaction count to wait. If transaction tree contains more transaction then this parameter then only first
transaction are awaited and returned. Default value is 50. Iftransaction_max_count
is set to 0 then no limitation ontransaction count is used and all transaction are returned.- transaction_max_count: Number
- messages: Array
- transactions: Array
Starting time to iterate from. If the application specifies this parameter then the iterationincludes blocks with
. Otherwise the iteration starts from zero state. Must be specified in seconds.- start_time: Number
Optional end time to iterate for. If the application specifies this parameter then the iterationincludes blocks with
. Otherwise the iteration never stops. Must be specified in seconds.- end_time: Number
Shard prefix filter. If the application specifies this parameter and it is not the empty arraythen the iteration will include items related to accounts that belongs tothe specified shard prefixes. Shard prefix must be represented as a string "workchain:prefix". Where
is a signed integer and theprefix
if a hexadecimalrepresentation if the 64-bit unsigned integer with tagged shard prefix. For example: "0:3800000000000000".- shard_filter: Array
Projection (result) string. List of the fields that must be returned for iterated items. This field is the same as the
parameter ofthequery_collection
function. Note that iterated items can contains additional fields that arenot requested in theresult
.- result: String
Iterator handle. Must be removed using
when it is no more needed for the application.- handle: Number
Iterator state from which to resume. Same as value returned from
.- resume_state: Value
Starting time to iterate from. If the application specifies this parameter then the iterationincludes blocks with
. Otherwise the iteration starts from zero state. Must be specified in seconds.- start_time: Number
Optional end time to iterate for. If the application specifies this parameter then the iterationincludes blocks with
. Otherwise the iteration never stops. Must be specified in seconds.- end_time: Number
Shard prefix filters. If the application specifies this parameter and it is not an empty arraythen the iteration will include items related to accounts that belongs tothe specified shard prefixes. Shard prefix must be represented as a string "workchain:prefix". Where
is a signed integer and theprefix
if a hexadecimalrepresentation if the 64-bit unsigned integer with tagged shard prefix. For example: "0:3800000000000000". Account address conforms to the shard filter ifit belongs to the filter workchain and the first bits of address match tothe shard prefix. Only transactions with suitable account addresses are iterated.- shard_filter: Array
Account address filter. Application can specify the list of accounts for whichit wants to iterate transactions. If this parameter is missing or an empty list then the library iteratestransactions for all accounts that pass the shard filter. Note that the library doesn't detect conflicts between the account filter and the shard filterif both are specified. So it is an application responsibility to specify the correct filter combination.
- accounts_filter: Array
Projection (result) string. List of the fields that must be returned for iterated items. This field is the same as the
parameter ofthequery_collection
function. Note that iterated items can contain additional fields that arenot requested in theresult
.- result: String
field in iterated transactions. If this parameter istrue
then each transaction contains fieldtransfers
with list of transfer. See more about this structure in function description.- include_transfers: Boolean
Iterator state from which to resume. Same as value returned from
.- resume_state: Value
Account address filter. Application can specify the list of accounts for whichit wants to iterate transactions. If this parameter is missing or an empty list then the library iteratestransactions for all accounts that passes the shard filter. Note that the library doesn't detect conflicts between the account filter and the shard filterif both are specified. So it is the application's responsibility to specify the correct filter combination.
- accounts_filter: Array
Iterator handle
- iterator: Number
Maximum count of the returned items. If value is missing or is less than 1 the library uses 1.
- limit: Number
Indicates that function must return the iterator state that can be used for resuming iteration.
- return_resume_state: Boolean
Next available items. Note that
can return an empty items andhas_more
equals totrue
. In this case the application have to continue iteration. Such situation can take place when there is no data yet butthe requestedend_time
is not reached.- items: Array
Indicates that there are more available items in iterated range.
- has_more: Boolean
Optional iterator state that can be used for resuming iteration. This field is returned only if the
parameteris specified. Note thatresume_state
corresponds to the iteration positionafter the returned items.- resume_state: Value
Signature ID for configured network if it should be used in messages signature
- signature_id: Number
case DebotStartFailed = 801
case DebotFetchFailed = 802
case DebotExecutionFailed = 803
case DebotInvalidHandle = 804
case DebotInvalidJsonParams = 805
case DebotInvalidFunctionId = 806
case DebotInvalidAbi = 807
case DebotGetMethodFailed = 808
case DebotInvalidMsg = 809
case DebotExternalCallFailed = 810
case DebotBrowserCallbackFailed = 811
case DebotOperationRejected = 812
case DebotNoCode = 813
- case Transaction = Transaction
case Log = Log
case Switch = Switch
case SwitchCompleted = SwitchCompleted
case ShowAction = ShowAction
case Input = Input
case GetSigningBox = GetSigningBox
case InvokeDebot = InvokeDebot
case Send = Send
case Approve = Approve
case Input = Input
case GetSigningBox = GetSigningBox
case InvokeDebot = InvokeDebot
case Approve = Approve
A short action description. Should be used by Debot Browser as name of menu item.
- description: String
Depends on action type. Can be a debot function name or a print string (for Print Action).
- name: String
Action type.
- action_type: Number
ID of debot context to switch after action execution.
- to: Number
Action attributes. In the form of "param=value,flag". attribute example: instant, args, fargs, sign.
- attributes: String
Some internal action data. Used by debot only.
- misc: String
DeBot short name.
- name: String
DeBot semantic version.
- version: String
The name of DeBot deployer.
- publisher: String
Short info about DeBot.
- caption: String
The name of DeBot developer.
- author: String
TON address of author for questions and donations.
- support: String
String with the first messsage from DeBot.
- hello: String
String with DeBot interface language (ISO-639).
- language: String
String with DeBot ABI.
- dabi: String
DeBot icon.
- icon: String
Vector with IDs of DInterfaces used by DeBot.
- interfaces: Array
ABI version ("x.y") supported by DeBot
- dabiVersion: String
UNSTABLE Describes the operation that the DeBot wants to perform.
- type: DebotActivity
External inbound message BOC.
- msg: String
Target smart contract address.
- dst: String
List of spendings as a result of transaction.
- out: Array
Transaction total fee.
- fee: BigInt
Indicates if target smart contract updates its code.
- setcode: Boolean
Public key from keypair that was used to sign external message.
- signkey: String
Signing box handle used to sign external message.
- signing_box_handle: Number
Amount of nanotokens that will be sent to
address.- amount: BigInt
Destination address of recipient of funds.
- dst: String
Debot smart contract address
- address: String
Debot handle which references an instance of debot engine.
- debot_handle: DebotHandle
Debot abi as json string.
- debot_abi: String
Debot metadata.
- info: DebotInfo
UNSTABLE Debot Browser callbacks# Called by debot engine to communicate with debot browser.
- type: ParamsOfAppDebotBrowser
A string that must be printed to user.
- msg: String
Debot context ID to which debot is switched.
- context_id: Number
Debot action that must be shown to user as menu item. At least
property must be shown from [DebotAction] structure.- action: DebotAction
A prompt string that must be printed to user before input request.
- prompt: String
Address of debot in blockchain.
- debot_addr: String
Internal message to DInterface address. Message body contains interface function and parameters.
- message: String
DeBot activity details.
- activity: DebotActivity
UNSTABLE Returning values from Debot Browser callbacks.
- type: ResultOfAppDebotBrowser
String entered by user.
- value: String
Signing box for signing data requested by debot engine. Signing box is owned and disposed by debot engine
- signing_box: SigningBoxHandle
Indicates whether the DeBot is allowed to perform the specified operation.
- approved: Boolean
Debot handle which references an instance of debot engine.
- debot_handle: DebotHandle
Debot smart contract address.
- address: String
Debot metadata.
- info: DebotInfo
Debot handle which references an instance of debot engine.
- debot_handle: DebotHandle
Debot Action that must be executed.
- action: DebotAction
Debot handle which references an instance of debot engine.
- debot_handle: DebotHandle
BOC of internal message to debot encoded in base64 format.
- message: String
Debot handle which references an instance of debot engine.
- debot_handle: DebotHandle
case InvalidData = 901
case ProofCheckFailed = 902
case InternalError = 903
case DataDiffersFromProven = 904
Single block's data, retrieved from TONOS API, that needs proof. Required fields are
and/or top-levelboc
(for block identification), others are optional.- block: Value
Single transaction's data as queried from DApp server, without modifications. The required fields are
and/or top-levelboc
, others are optional. In order to reduce network requests count, it is recommended to provideblock_id
of transaction.- transaction: Value
Single message's data as queried from DApp server, without modifications. The required fields are
and/or top-levelboc
, others are optional. In order to reduce network requests count, it is recommended to provide at leastboc
of message and
.- message: Value
# Returns Core Library API reference
def get_api_reference(&block)
# RESPONSE: ResultOfGetApiReference
# api: Value -
# Returns Core Library version
def version(&block)
# RESPONSE: ResultOfVersion
# version: String - Core Library version
# Returns Core Library API reference
def config(&block)
# RESPONSE: ClientConfig
# binding: BindingConfig<Optional> -
# network: NetworkConfig<Optional> -
# crypto: CryptoConfig<Optional> -
# abi: Value -
# boc: BocConfig<Optional> -
# proofs: ProofsConfig<Optional> -
# local_storage_path: String<Optional> - For file based storage is a folder name where SDK will store its data. For browser based is a browser async storage key prefix. Default (recommended) value is "~/.tonclient" for native environments and ".tonclient" for web-browser.
# Returns detailed information about this build.
def build_info(&block)
# RESPONSE: ResultOfBuildInfo
# build_number: Number - Build number assigned to this build by the CI.
# dependencies: Array - Fingerprint of the most important dependencies.
# Resolves application request processing result
def resolve_app_request(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfResolveAppRequest
# app_request_id: Number - Request ID received from SDK
# result: AppRequestResult - Result of request processing
# Integer factorization # Performs prime factorization – decomposition of a composite numberinto a product of smaller prime integers (factors).
# See []
def factorize(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfFactorize
# composite: String - Hexadecimal representation of u64 composite number.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfFactorize
# factors: Array - Two factors of composite or empty if composite can't be factorized.
# Modular exponentiation # Performs modular exponentiation for big integers (`base`^`exponent` mod `modulus`).
# See []
def modular_power(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfModularPower
# base: String - `base` argument of calculation.
# exponent: String - `exponent` argument of calculation.
# modulus: String - `modulus` argument of calculation.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfModularPower
# modular_power: String - Result of modular exponentiation
# Calculates CRC16 using TON algorithm.
def ton_crc16(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfTonCrc16
# data: String - Input data for CRC calculation. Encoded with `base64`.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfTonCrc16
# crc: Number - Calculated CRC for input data.
# Generates random byte array of the specified length and returns it in `base64` format
def generate_random_bytes(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfGenerateRandomBytes
# length: Number - Size of random byte array.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfGenerateRandomBytes
# bytes: String - Generated bytes encoded in `base64`.
# Converts public key to ton safe_format
def convert_public_key_to_ton_safe_format(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfConvertPublicKeyToTonSafeFormat
# public_key: String - Public key - 64 symbols hex string
# RESPONSE: ResultOfConvertPublicKeyToTonSafeFormat
# ton_public_key: String - Public key represented in TON safe format.
# Generates random ed25519 key pair.
def generate_random_sign_keys(&block)
# public: String - Public key - 64 symbols hex string
# secret: String - Private key - u64 symbols hex string
# Signs a data using the provided keys.
def sign(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfSign
# unsigned: String - Data that must be signed encoded in `base64`.
# keys: KeyPair - Sign keys.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfSign
# signed: String - Signed data combined with signature encoded in `base64`.
# signature: String - Signature encoded in `hex`.
# Verifies signed data using the provided public key. Raises error if verification is failed.
def verify_signature(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfVerifySignature
# signed: String - Signed data that must be verified encoded in `base64`.
# public: String - Signer's public key - 64 symbols hex string
# RESPONSE: ResultOfVerifySignature
# unsigned: String - Unsigned data encoded in `base64`.
# Calculates SHA256 hash of the specified data.
def sha256(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfHash
# data: String - Input data for hash calculation. Encoded with `base64`.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfHash
# hash: String - Hash of input `data`. Encoded with 'hex'.
# Calculates SHA512 hash of the specified data.
def sha512(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfHash
# data: String - Input data for hash calculation. Encoded with `base64`.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfHash
# hash: String - Hash of input `data`. Encoded with 'hex'.
# Perform `scrypt` encryption # Derives key from `password` and `key` using `scrypt` algorithm.
# See [].
Arguments- `log_n` - The log2 of the Scrypt parameter `N`- `r` - The Scrypt parameter `r`- `p` - The Scrypt parameter `p`# Conditions- `log_n` must be less than `64`- `r` must be greater than `0` and less than or equal to `4294967295`- `p` must be greater than `0` and less than `4294967295`# Recommended values sufficient for most use-cases- `log_n = 15` (`n = 32768`)- `r = 8`- `p = 1`
def scrypt(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfScrypt
# password: String - The password bytes to be hashed. Must be encoded with `base64`.
# salt: String - Salt bytes that modify the hash to protect against Rainbow table attacks. Must be encoded with `base64`.
# log_n: Number - CPU/memory cost parameter
# r: Number - The block size parameter, which fine-tunes sequential memory read size and performance.
# p: Number - Parallelization parameter.
# dk_len: Number - Intended output length in octets of the derived key.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfScrypt
# key: String - Derived key. Encoded with `hex`.
# Generates a key pair for signing from the secret key # **NOTE:** In the result the secret key is actually the concatenationof secret and public keys (128 symbols hex string) by design of [NaCL](
# See also [the stackexchange question](
def nacl_sign_keypair_from_secret_key(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfNaclSignKeyPairFromSecret
# secret: String - Secret key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string
# public: String - Public key - 64 symbols hex string
# secret: String - Private key - u64 symbols hex string
# Signs data using the signer's secret key.
def nacl_sign(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfNaclSign
# unsigned: String - Data that must be signed encoded in `base64`.
# secret: String - Signer's secret key - unprefixed 0-padded to 128 symbols hex string (concatenation of 64 symbols secret and 64 symbols public keys). See `nacl_sign_keypair_from_secret_key`.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfNaclSign
# signed: String - Signed data, encoded in `base64`.
# Verifies the signature and returns the unsigned message # Verifies the signature in `signed` using the signer's public key `public`and returns the message `unsigned`.
# If the signature fails verification, crypto_sign_open raises an exception.
def nacl_sign_open(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfNaclSignOpen
# signed: String - Signed data that must be unsigned. Encoded with `base64`.
# public: String - Signer's public key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string
# RESPONSE: ResultOfNaclSignOpen
# unsigned: String - Unsigned data, encoded in `base64`.
# Signs the message using the secret key and returns a signature. # Signs the message `unsigned` using the secret key `secret`and returns a signature `signature`.
def nacl_sign_detached(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfNaclSign
# unsigned: String - Data that must be signed encoded in `base64`.
# secret: String - Signer's secret key - unprefixed 0-padded to 128 symbols hex string (concatenation of 64 symbols secret and 64 symbols public keys). See `nacl_sign_keypair_from_secret_key`.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfNaclSignDetached
# signature: String - Signature encoded in `hex`.
# Verifies the signature with public key and `unsigned` data.
def nacl_sign_detached_verify(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfNaclSignDetachedVerify
# unsigned: String - Unsigned data that must be verified. Encoded with `base64`.
# signature: String - Signature that must be verified. Encoded with `hex`.
# public: String - Signer's public key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfNaclSignDetachedVerify
# succeeded: Boolean - `true` if verification succeeded or `false` if it failed
# Generates a random NaCl key pair
def nacl_box_keypair(&block)
# public: String - Public key - 64 symbols hex string
# secret: String - Private key - u64 symbols hex string
# Generates key pair from a secret key
def nacl_box_keypair_from_secret_key(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfNaclBoxKeyPairFromSecret
# secret: String - Secret key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string
# public: String - Public key - 64 symbols hex string
# secret: String - Private key - u64 symbols hex string
# Public key authenticated encryption # Encrypt and authenticate a message using the senders secret key, the receivers publickey, and a nonce.
def nacl_box(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfNaclBox
# decrypted: String - Data that must be encrypted encoded in `base64`.
# nonce: String - Nonce, encoded in `hex`
# their_public: String - Receiver's public key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string
# secret: String - Sender's private key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string
# RESPONSE: ResultOfNaclBox
# encrypted: String - Encrypted data encoded in `base64`.
# Decrypt and verify the cipher text using the receivers secret key, the senders public key, and the nonce.
def nacl_box_open(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfNaclBoxOpen
# encrypted: String - Data that must be decrypted. Encoded with `base64`.
# nonce: String - Nonce
# their_public: String - Sender's public key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string
# secret: String - Receiver's private key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string
# RESPONSE: ResultOfNaclBoxOpen
# decrypted: String - Decrypted data encoded in `base64`.
# Encrypt and authenticate message using nonce and secret key.
def nacl_secret_box(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfNaclSecretBox
# decrypted: String - Data that must be encrypted. Encoded with `base64`.
# nonce: String - Nonce in `hex`
# key: String - Secret key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string
# RESPONSE: ResultOfNaclBox
# encrypted: String - Encrypted data encoded in `base64`.
# Decrypts and verifies cipher text using `nonce` and secret `key`.
def nacl_secret_box_open(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfNaclSecretBoxOpen
# encrypted: String - Data that must be decrypted. Encoded with `base64`.
# nonce: String - Nonce in `hex`
# key: String - Secret key - unprefixed 0-padded to 64 symbols hex string
# RESPONSE: ResultOfNaclBoxOpen
# decrypted: String - Decrypted data encoded in `base64`.
# Prints the list of words from the specified dictionary
def mnemonic_words(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfMnemonicWords
# dictionary: MnemonicDictionary - Dictionary identifier
# RESPONSE: ResultOfMnemonicWords
# words: String - The list of mnemonic words
# Generates a random mnemonic # Generates a random mnemonic from the specified dictionary and word count
def mnemonic_from_random(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfMnemonicFromRandom
# dictionary: MnemonicDictionary - Dictionary identifier
# word_count: Number<Optional> - Mnemonic word count
# RESPONSE: ResultOfMnemonicFromRandom
# phrase: String - String of mnemonic words
# Generates mnemonic from pre-generated entropy
def mnemonic_from_entropy(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfMnemonicFromEntropy
# entropy: String - Entropy bytes. Hex encoded.
# dictionary: MnemonicDictionary - Dictionary identifier
# word_count: Number<Optional> - Mnemonic word count
# RESPONSE: ResultOfMnemonicFromEntropy
# phrase: String - Phrase
# Validates a mnemonic phrase # The phrase supplied will be checked for word length and validated according to the checksumspecified in BIP0039.
def mnemonic_verify(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfMnemonicVerify
# phrase: String - Phrase
# dictionary: MnemonicDictionary - Dictionary identifier
# word_count: Number<Optional> - Word count
# RESPONSE: ResultOfMnemonicVerify
# valid: Boolean - Flag indicating if the mnemonic is valid or not
# Derives a key pair for signing from the seed phrase # Validates the seed phrase, generates master key and then derivesthe key pair from the master key and the specified path
def mnemonic_derive_sign_keys(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfMnemonicDeriveSignKeys
# phrase: String - Phrase
# path: String<Optional> - Derivation path, for instance "m/44'/396'/0'/0/0"
# dictionary: MnemonicDictionary - Dictionary identifier
# word_count: Number<Optional> - Word count
# public: String - Public key - 64 symbols hex string
# secret: String - Private key - u64 symbols hex string
# Generates an extended master private key that will be the root for all the derived keys
def hdkey_xprv_from_mnemonic(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfHDKeyXPrvFromMnemonic
# phrase: String - String with seed phrase
# dictionary: MnemonicDictionary - Dictionary identifier
# word_count: Number<Optional> - Mnemonic word count
# RESPONSE: ResultOfHDKeyXPrvFromMnemonic
# xprv: String - Serialized extended master private key
# Returns extended private key derived from the specified extended private key and child index
def hdkey_derive_from_xprv(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfHDKeyDeriveFromXPrv
# xprv: String - Serialized extended private key
# child_index: Number - Child index (see BIP-0032)
# hardened: Boolean - Indicates the derivation of hardened/not-hardened key (see BIP-0032)
# RESPONSE: ResultOfHDKeyDeriveFromXPrv
# xprv: String - Serialized extended private key
# Derives the extended private key from the specified key and path
def hdkey_derive_from_xprv_path(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfHDKeyDeriveFromXPrvPath
# xprv: String - Serialized extended private key
# path: String - Derivation path, for instance "m/44'/396'/0'/0/0"
# RESPONSE: ResultOfHDKeyDeriveFromXPrvPath
# xprv: String - Derived serialized extended private key
# Extracts the private key from the serialized extended private key
def hdkey_secret_from_xprv(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfHDKeySecretFromXPrv
# xprv: String - Serialized extended private key
# RESPONSE: ResultOfHDKeySecretFromXPrv
# secret: String - Private key - 64 symbols hex string
# Extracts the public key from the serialized extended private key
def hdkey_public_from_xprv(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfHDKeyPublicFromXPrv
# xprv: String - Serialized extended private key
# RESPONSE: ResultOfHDKeyPublicFromXPrv
# public: String - Public key - 64 symbols hex string
# Performs symmetric `chacha20` encryption.
def chacha20(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfChaCha20
# data: String - Source data to be encrypted or decrypted. Must be encoded with `base64`.
# key: String - 256-bit key. Must be encoded with `hex`.
# nonce: String - 96-bit nonce. Must be encoded with `hex`.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfChaCha20
# data: String - Encrypted/decrypted data. Encoded with `base64`.
# Creates a Crypto Box instance. # Crypto Box is a root crypto object, that encapsulates some secret (seed phrase usually)in encrypted form and acts as a factory for all crypto primitives used in SDK:
# keys for signing and encryption, derived from this secret.
# Crypto Box encrypts original Seed Phrase with salt and password that is retrievedfrom `password_provider` callback, implemented on Application side.
# When used, decrypted secret shows up in core library's memory for a very short periodof time and then is immediately overwritten with zeroes.
def create_crypto_box(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfCreateCryptoBox
# secret_encryption_salt: String - Salt used for secret encryption. For example, a mobile device can use device ID as salt.
# secret: CryptoBoxSecret - Cryptobox secret
# RESPONSE: RegisteredCryptoBox
# handle: CryptoBoxHandle -
# Removes Crypto Box. Clears all secret data.
def remove_crypto_box(payload, &block)
# INPUT: RegisteredCryptoBox
# handle: CryptoBoxHandle -
# Get Crypto Box Info. Used to get `encrypted_secret` that should be used for all the cryptobox initializations except the first one.
def get_crypto_box_info(payload, &block)
# INPUT: RegisteredCryptoBox
# handle: CryptoBoxHandle -
# RESPONSE: ResultOfGetCryptoBoxInfo
# encrypted_secret: String - Secret (seed phrase) encrypted with salt and password.
# Get Crypto Box Seed Phrase. # Attention! Store this data in your application for a very short period of time and overwrite it with zeroes ASAP.
def get_crypto_box_seed_phrase(payload, &block)
# INPUT: RegisteredCryptoBox
# handle: CryptoBoxHandle -
# RESPONSE: ResultOfGetCryptoBoxSeedPhrase
# phrase: String -
# dictionary: MnemonicDictionary -
# wordcount: Number -
# Get handle of Signing Box derived from Crypto Box.
def get_signing_box_from_crypto_box(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfGetSigningBoxFromCryptoBox
# handle: Number - Crypto Box Handle.
# hdpath: String<Optional> - HD key derivation path. By default, Everscale HD path is used.
# secret_lifetime: Number<Optional> - Store derived secret for this lifetime (in ms). The timer starts after each signing box operation. Secrets will be deleted immediately after each signing box operation, if this value is not set.
# RESPONSE: RegisteredSigningBox
# handle: SigningBoxHandle - Handle of the signing box.
# Gets Encryption Box from Crypto Box. # Derives encryption keypair from cryptobox secret and hdpath andstores it in cache for `secret_lifetime`or until explicitly cleared by `clear_crypto_box_secret_cache` method.
# If `secret_lifetime` is not specified - overwrites encryption secret with zeroes immediately afterencryption operation.
def get_encryption_box_from_crypto_box(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfGetEncryptionBoxFromCryptoBox
# handle: Number - Crypto Box Handle.
# hdpath: String<Optional> - HD key derivation path. By default, Everscale HD path is used.
# algorithm: BoxEncryptionAlgorithm - Encryption algorithm.
# secret_lifetime: Number<Optional> - Store derived secret for encryption algorithm for this lifetime (in ms). The timer starts after each encryption box operation. Secrets will be deleted (overwritten with zeroes) after each encryption operation, if this value is not set.
# RESPONSE: RegisteredEncryptionBox
# handle: EncryptionBoxHandle - Handle of the encryption box.
# Removes cached secrets (overwrites with zeroes) from all signing and encryption boxes, derived from crypto box.
def clear_crypto_box_secret_cache(payload, &block)
# INPUT: RegisteredCryptoBox
# handle: CryptoBoxHandle -
# Register an application implemented signing box.
def register_signing_box(&block)
# RESPONSE: RegisteredSigningBox
# handle: SigningBoxHandle - Handle of the signing box.
# Creates a default signing box implementation.
def get_signing_box(payload, &block)
# INPUT: KeyPair
# public: String - Public key - 64 symbols hex string
# secret: String - Private key - u64 symbols hex string
# RESPONSE: RegisteredSigningBox
# handle: SigningBoxHandle - Handle of the signing box.
# Returns public key of signing key pair.
def signing_box_get_public_key(payload, &block)
# INPUT: RegisteredSigningBox
# handle: SigningBoxHandle - Handle of the signing box.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfSigningBoxGetPublicKey
# pubkey: String - Public key of signing box. Encoded with hex
# Returns signed user data.
def signing_box_sign(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfSigningBoxSign
# signing_box: SigningBoxHandle - Signing Box handle.
# unsigned: String - Unsigned user data. Must be encoded with `base64`.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfSigningBoxSign
# signature: String - Data signature. Encoded with `hex`.
# Removes signing box from SDK.
def remove_signing_box(payload, &block)
# INPUT: RegisteredSigningBox
# handle: SigningBoxHandle - Handle of the signing box.
# Register an application implemented encryption box.
def register_encryption_box(&block)
# RESPONSE: RegisteredEncryptionBox
# handle: EncryptionBoxHandle - Handle of the encryption box.
# Removes encryption box from SDK
def remove_encryption_box(payload, &block)
# INPUT: RegisteredEncryptionBox
# handle: EncryptionBoxHandle - Handle of the encryption box.
# Queries info from the given encryption box
def encryption_box_get_info(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfEncryptionBoxGetInfo
# encryption_box: EncryptionBoxHandle - Encryption box handle
# RESPONSE: ResultOfEncryptionBoxGetInfo
# info: EncryptionBoxInfo - Encryption box information
# Encrypts data using given encryption box Note. # Block cipher algorithms pad data to cipher block size so encrypted data can be longer then original data. Client should store the original data size after encryption and use it afterdecryption to retrieve the original data from decrypted data.
def encryption_box_encrypt(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfEncryptionBoxEncrypt
# encryption_box: EncryptionBoxHandle - Encryption box handle
# data: String - Data to be encrypted, encoded in Base64
# RESPONSE: ResultOfEncryptionBoxEncrypt
# data: String - Encrypted data, encoded in Base64. Padded to cipher block size
# Decrypts data using given encryption box Note. # Block cipher algorithms pad data to cipher block size so encrypted data can be longer then original data. Client should store the original data size after encryption and use it afterdecryption to retrieve the original data from decrypted data.
def encryption_box_decrypt(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfEncryptionBoxDecrypt
# encryption_box: EncryptionBoxHandle - Encryption box handle
# data: String - Data to be decrypted, encoded in Base64
# RESPONSE: ResultOfEncryptionBoxDecrypt
# data: String - Decrypted data, encoded in Base64.
# Creates encryption box with specified algorithm
def create_encryption_box(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfCreateEncryptionBox
# algorithm: EncryptionAlgorithm - Encryption algorithm specifier including cipher parameters (key, IV, etc)
# RESPONSE: RegisteredEncryptionBox
# handle: EncryptionBoxHandle - Handle of the encryption box.
# Encodes message body according to ABI function call.
def encode_message_body(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfEncodeMessageBody
# abi: Value - Contract ABI.
# call_set: CallSet - Function call parameters. Must be specified in non deploy message.
# In case of deploy message contains parameters of constructor.
# is_internal: Boolean - True if internal message body must be encoded.
# signer: Signer - Signing parameters.
# processing_try_index: Number<Optional> - Processing try index. Used in message processing with retries.
# Encoder uses the provided try index to calculate messageexpiration time.
# Expiration timeouts will grow with every retry.
# Default value is 0.
# address: String<Optional> - Destination address of the message Since ABI version 2.3 destination address of external inbound message is used in messagebody signature calculation. Should be provided when signed external inbound message body iscreated. Otherwise can be omitted.
# signature_id: Number<Optional> - Signature ID to be used in data to sign preparing when CapSignatureWithId capability is enabled
# RESPONSE: ResultOfEncodeMessageBody
# body: String - Message body BOC encoded with `base64`.
# data_to_sign: String<Optional> - Optional data to sign. Encoded with `base64`.
# # Presents when `message` is unsigned. Can be used for externalmessage signing. Is this case you need to sing this data andproduce signed message using `abi.attach_signature`.
def attach_signature_to_message_body(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfAttachSignatureToMessageBody
# abi: Value - Contract ABI
# public_key: String - Public key. Must be encoded with `hex`.
# message: String - Unsigned message body BOC. Must be encoded with `base64`.
# signature: String - Signature. Must be encoded with `hex`.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfAttachSignatureToMessageBody
# body: String -
# Encodes an ABI-compatible message # Allows to encode deploy and function call messages,both signed and unsigned.
# Use cases include messages of any possible type:
# - deploy with initial function call (i.e. `constructor` or any other function that is used for some kindof initialization);
# - deploy without initial function call;
# - signed/unsigned + data for signing.
# `Signer` defines how the message should or shouldn't be signed:
# `Signer::None` creates an unsigned message. This may be needed in case of some public methods,that do not require authorization by pubkey.
# `Signer::External` takes public key and returns `data_to_sign` for later signing.
# Use `attach_signature` method with the result signature to get the signed message.
# `Signer::Keys` creates a signed message with provided key pair.
# [SOON] `Signer::SigningBox` Allows using a special interface to implement signingwithout private key disclosure to SDK. For instance, in case of using a cold wallet or HSM,when application calls some API to sign data.
# There is an optional public key can be provided in deploy set in order to substitute onein TVM file.
# Public key resolving priority:
# 1. Public key from deploy set.
# 2. Public key, specified in TVM file.
# 3. Public key, provided by signer.
def encode_message(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfEncodeMessage
# abi: Value - Contract ABI.
# address: String<Optional> - Target address the message will be sent to. Must be specified in case of non-deploy message.
# deploy_set: DeploySet<Optional> - Deploy parameters. Must be specified in case of deploy message.
# call_set: CallSet<Optional> - Function call parameters. Must be specified in case of non-deploy message.
# In case of deploy message it is optional and contains parametersof the functions that will to be called upon deploy transaction.
# signer: Signer - Signing parameters.
# processing_try_index: Number<Optional> - Processing try index. Used in message processing with retries (if contract's ABI includes "expire" header).
# Encoder uses the provided try index to calculate messageexpiration time. The 1st message expiration time is specified inClient config.
# Expiration timeouts will grow with every retry.
# Retry grow factor is set in Client config:
# <.....add config parameter with default value here>Default value is 0.
# signature_id: Number<Optional> - Signature ID to be used in data to sign preparing when CapSignatureWithId capability is enabled
# RESPONSE: ResultOfEncodeMessage
# message: String - Message BOC encoded with `base64`.
# data_to_sign: String<Optional> - Optional data to be signed encoded in `base64`. Returned in case of `Signer::External`. Can be used for externalmessage signing. Is this case you need to use this data to create signature andthen produce signed message using `abi.attach_signature`.
# address: String - Destination address.
# message_id: String - Message id.
# Encodes an internal ABI-compatible message # Allows to encode deploy and function call messages.
# Use cases include messages of any possible type:
# - deploy with initial function call (i.e. `constructor` or any other function that is used for some kindof initialization);
# - deploy without initial function call;
# - simple function callThere is an optional public key can be provided in deploy set in order to substitute onein TVM file.
# Public key resolving priority:
# 1. Public key from deploy set.
# 2. Public key, specified in TVM file.
def encode_internal_message(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfEncodeInternalMessage
# abi: Value<Optional> - Contract ABI. Can be None if both deploy_set and call_set are None.
# address: String<Optional> - Target address the message will be sent to. Must be specified in case of non-deploy message.
# src_address: String<Optional> - Source address of the message.
# deploy_set: DeploySet<Optional> - Deploy parameters. Must be specified in case of deploy message.
# call_set: CallSet<Optional> - Function call parameters. Must be specified in case of non-deploy message.
# In case of deploy message it is optional and contains parametersof the functions that will to be called upon deploy transaction.
# value: String - Value in nanotokens to be sent with message.
# bounce: Boolean<Optional> - Flag of bounceable message. Default is true.
# enable_ihr: Boolean<Optional> - Enable Instant Hypercube Routing for the message. Default is false.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfEncodeInternalMessage
# message: String - Message BOC encoded with `base64`.
# address: String - Destination address.
# message_id: String - Message id.
# Combines `hex`-encoded `signature` with `base64`-encoded `unsigned_message`. Returns signed message encoded in `base64`.
def attach_signature(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfAttachSignature
# abi: Value - Contract ABI
# public_key: String - Public key encoded in `hex`.
# message: String - Unsigned message BOC encoded in `base64`.
# signature: String - Signature encoded in `hex`.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfAttachSignature
# message: String - Signed message BOC
# message_id: String - Message ID
# Decodes message body using provided message BOC and ABI.
def decode_message(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfDecodeMessage
# abi: Value - contract ABI
# message: String - Message BOC
# allow_partial: Boolean<Optional> - Flag allowing partial BOC decoding when ABI doesn't describe the full body BOC. Controls decoder behaviour when after decoding all described in ABI params there are some data left in BOC: `true` - return decoded values `false` - return error of incomplete BOC deserialization (default)
# function_name: String<Optional> - Function name or function id if is known in advance
# data_layout: DataLayout<Optional> -
# RESPONSE: DecodedMessageBody
# body_type: MessageBodyType - Type of the message body content.
# name: String - Function or event name.
# value: Value<Optional> - Parameters or result value.
# header: FunctionHeader<Optional> - Function header.
# Decodes message body using provided body BOC and ABI.
def decode_message_body(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfDecodeMessageBody
# abi: Value - Contract ABI used to decode.
# body: String - Message body BOC encoded in `base64`.
# is_internal: Boolean - True if the body belongs to the internal message.
# allow_partial: Boolean<Optional> - Flag allowing partial BOC decoding when ABI doesn't describe the full body BOC. Controls decoder behaviour when after decoding all described in ABI params there are some data left in BOC: `true` - return decoded values `false` - return error of incomplete BOC deserialization (default)
# function_name: String<Optional> - Function name or function id if is known in advance
# data_layout: DataLayout<Optional> -
# RESPONSE: DecodedMessageBody
# body_type: MessageBodyType - Type of the message body content.
# name: String - Function or event name.
# value: Value<Optional> - Parameters or result value.
# header: FunctionHeader<Optional> - Function header.
# Creates account state BOC # Creates account state provided with one of these sets of data :
# 1. BOC of code, BOC of data, BOC of library2. TVC (string in `base64`), keys, init params
def encode_account(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfEncodeAccount
# state_init: StateInitSource - Source of the account state init.
# balance: BigInt<Optional> - Initial balance.
# last_trans_lt: BigInt<Optional> - Initial value for the `last_trans_lt`.
# last_paid: Number<Optional> - Initial value for the `last_paid`.
# boc_cache: BocCacheType<Optional> - Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided
# RESPONSE: ResultOfEncodeAccount
# account: String - Account BOC encoded in `base64`.
# id: String - Account ID encoded in `hex`.
# Decodes account data using provided data BOC and ABI. # Note: this feature requires ABI 2.1 or higher.
def decode_account_data(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfDecodeAccountData
# abi: Value - Contract ABI
# data: String - Data BOC or BOC handle
# allow_partial: Boolean<Optional> - Flag allowing partial BOC decoding when ABI doesn't describe the full body BOC. Controls decoder behaviour when after decoding all described in ABI params there are some data left in BOC: `true` - return decoded values `false` - return error of incomplete BOC deserialization (default)
# RESPONSE: ResultOfDecodeAccountData
# data: Value - Decoded data as a JSON structure.
# Updates initial account data with initial values for the contract's static variables and owner's public key. This operation is applicable only for initial account data (before deploy). If the contract is already deployed, its data doesn't contain this data section any more.
def update_initial_data(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfUpdateInitialData
# abi: Value<Optional> - Contract ABI
# data: String - Data BOC or BOC handle
# initial_data: Value - List of initial values for contract's static variables. `abi` parameter should be provided to set initial data
# initial_pubkey: String<Optional> - Initial account owner's public key to set into account data
# boc_cache: BocCacheType<Optional> - Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfUpdateInitialData
# data: String - Updated data BOC or BOC handle
# Encodes initial account data with initial values for the contract's static variables and owner's public key into a data BOC that can be passed to `encode_tvc` function afterwards. # This function is analogue of `tvm.buildDataInit` function in Solidity.
def encode_initial_data(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfEncodeInitialData
# abi: Value<Optional> - Contract ABI
# initial_data: Value - List of initial values for contract's static variables. `abi` parameter should be provided to set initial data
# initial_pubkey: String<Optional> - Initial account owner's public key to set into account data
# boc_cache: BocCacheType<Optional> - Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfEncodeInitialData
# data: String - Updated data BOC or BOC handle
# Decodes initial values of a contract's static variables and owner's public key from account initial data This operation is applicable only for initial account data (before deploy). If the contract is already deployed, its data doesn't contain this data section any more.
def decode_initial_data(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfDecodeInitialData
# abi: Value<Optional> - Contract ABI. Initial data is decoded if this parameter is provided
# data: String - Data BOC or BOC handle
# allow_partial: Boolean<Optional> - Flag allowing partial BOC decoding when ABI doesn't describe the full body BOC. Controls decoder behaviour when after decoding all described in ABI params there are some data left in BOC: `true` - return decoded values `false` - return error of incomplete BOC deserialization (default)
# RESPONSE: ResultOfDecodeInitialData
# initial_data: Value<Optional> - List of initial values of contract's public variables. Initial data is decoded if `abi` input parameter is provided
# initial_pubkey: String - Initial account owner's public key
# Decodes BOC into JSON as a set of provided parameters. # Solidity functions use ABI types for [builder encoding](
# The simplest way to decode such a BOC is to use ABI decoding.
# ABI has it own rules for fields layout in cells so manually encodedBOC can not be described in terms of ABI rules.
# To solve this problem we introduce a new ABI type `Ref(<ParamType>)`which allows to store `ParamType` ABI parameter in cell reference and, thus,decode manually encoded BOCs. This type is available only in `decode_boc` functionand will not be available in ABI messages encoding until it is included into some ABI revision.
# Such BOC descriptions covers most users needs. If someone wants to decode some BOC whichcan not be described by these rules (i.e. BOC with TLB containing constructors of flagsdefining some parsing conditions) then they can decode the fields up to fork condition,check the parsed data manually, expand the parsing schema and then decode the whole BOCwith the full schema.
def decode_boc(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfDecodeBoc
# params: Array - Parameters to decode from BOC
# boc: String - Data BOC or BOC handle
# allow_partial: Boolean -
# RESPONSE: ResultOfDecodeBoc
# data: Value - Decoded data as a JSON structure.
# Encodes given parameters in JSON into a BOC using param types from ABI.
def encode_boc(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfAbiEncodeBoc
# params: Array - Parameters to encode into BOC
# data: Value - Parameters and values as a JSON structure
# boc_cache: BocCacheType<Optional> - Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided
# RESPONSE: ResultOfAbiEncodeBoc
# boc: String - BOC encoded as base64
# Calculates contract function ID by contract ABI
def calc_function_id(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfCalcFunctionId
# abi: Value - Contract ABI.
# function_name: String - Contract function name
# output: Boolean<Optional> - If set to `true` output function ID will be returned which is used in contract response. Default is `false`
# RESPONSE: ResultOfCalcFunctionId
# function_id: Number - Contract function ID
# Extracts signature from message body and calculates hash to verify the signature
def get_signature_data(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfGetSignatureData
# abi: Value - Contract ABI used to decode.
# message: String - Message BOC encoded in `base64`.
# signature_id: Number<Optional> - Signature ID to be used in unsigned data preparing when CapSignatureWithId capability is enabled
# RESPONSE: ResultOfGetSignatureData
# signature: String - Signature from the message in `hex`.
# unsigned: String - Data to verify the signature in `base64`.
# Decodes tvc according to the tvc spec. Read more about tvc structure here
def decode_tvc(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfDecodeTvc
# tvc: String - Contract TVC BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle
# RESPONSE: ResultOfDecodeTvc
# tvc: Tvc - Decoded TVC
# Parses message boc into a JSON # JSON structure is compatible with GraphQL API message object
def parse_message(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfParse
# boc: String - BOC encoded as base64
# RESPONSE: ResultOfParse
# parsed: Value - JSON containing parsed BOC
# Parses transaction boc into a JSON # JSON structure is compatible with GraphQL API transaction object
def parse_transaction(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfParse
# boc: String - BOC encoded as base64
# RESPONSE: ResultOfParse
# parsed: Value - JSON containing parsed BOC
# Parses account boc into a JSON # JSON structure is compatible with GraphQL API account object
def parse_account(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfParse
# boc: String - BOC encoded as base64
# RESPONSE: ResultOfParse
# parsed: Value - JSON containing parsed BOC
# Parses block boc into a JSON # JSON structure is compatible with GraphQL API block object
def parse_block(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfParse
# boc: String - BOC encoded as base64
# RESPONSE: ResultOfParse
# parsed: Value - JSON containing parsed BOC
# Parses shardstate boc into a JSON # JSON structure is compatible with GraphQL API shardstate object
def parse_shardstate(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfParseShardstate
# boc: String - BOC encoded as base64
# id: String - Shardstate identifier
# workchain_id: Number - Workchain shardstate belongs to
# RESPONSE: ResultOfParse
# parsed: Value - JSON containing parsed BOC
# Extract blockchain configuration from key block and also from zerostate.
def get_blockchain_config(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfGetBlockchainConfig
# block_boc: String - Key block BOC or zerostate BOC encoded as base64
# RESPONSE: ResultOfGetBlockchainConfig
# config_boc: String - Blockchain config BOC encoded as base64
# Calculates BOC root hash
def get_boc_hash(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfGetBocHash
# boc: String - BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle
# RESPONSE: ResultOfGetBocHash
# hash: String - BOC root hash encoded with hex
# Calculates BOC depth
def get_boc_depth(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfGetBocDepth
# boc: String - BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle
# RESPONSE: ResultOfGetBocDepth
# depth: Number - BOC root cell depth
# Extracts code from TVC contract image
def get_code_from_tvc(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfGetCodeFromTvc
# tvc: String - Contract TVC image or image BOC handle
# RESPONSE: ResultOfGetCodeFromTvc
# code: String - Contract code encoded as base64
# Get BOC from cache
def cache_get(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfBocCacheGet
# boc_ref: String - Reference to the cached BOC
# RESPONSE: ResultOfBocCacheGet
# boc: String<Optional> - BOC encoded as base64.
# Save BOC into cache or increase pin counter for existing pinned BOC
def cache_set(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfBocCacheSet
# boc: String - BOC encoded as base64 or BOC reference
# cache_type: BocCacheType - Cache type
# RESPONSE: ResultOfBocCacheSet
# boc_ref: String - Reference to the cached BOC
# Unpin BOCs with specified pin defined in the `cache_set`. Decrease pin reference counter for BOCs with specified pin defined in the `cache_set`. BOCs which have only 1 pin and its reference counter become 0 will be removed from cache
def cache_unpin(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfBocCacheUnpin
# pin: String - Pinned name
# boc_ref: String<Optional> - Reference to the cached BOC. If it is provided then only referenced BOC is unpinned
# Encodes bag of cells (BOC) with builder operations. This method provides the same functionality as Solidity TvmBuilder. Resulting BOC of this method can be passed into Solidity and C++ contracts as TvmCell type.
def encode_boc(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfEncodeBoc
# builder: Array - Cell builder operations.
# boc_cache: BocCacheType<Optional> - Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfEncodeBoc
# boc: String - Encoded cell BOC or BOC cache key.
# Returns the contract code's salt if it is present.
def get_code_salt(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfGetCodeSalt
# code: String - Contract code BOC encoded as base64 or code BOC handle
# boc_cache: BocCacheType<Optional> - Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfGetCodeSalt
# salt: String<Optional> - Contract code salt if present. BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle
# Sets new salt to contract code. # Returns the new contract code with salt.
def set_code_salt(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfSetCodeSalt
# code: String - Contract code BOC encoded as base64 or code BOC handle
# salt: String - Code salt to set. BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle
# boc_cache: BocCacheType<Optional> - Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfSetCodeSalt
# code: String - Contract code with salt set. BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle
# Decodes contract's initial state into code, data, libraries and special options.
def decode_state_init(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfDecodeStateInit
# state_init: String - Contract StateInit image BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle
# boc_cache: BocCacheType<Optional> - Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfDecodeStateInit
# code: String<Optional> - Contract code BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle
# code_hash: String<Optional> - Contract code hash
# code_depth: Number<Optional> - Contract code depth
# data: String<Optional> - Contract data BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle
# data_hash: String<Optional> - Contract data hash
# data_depth: Number<Optional> - Contract data depth
# library: String<Optional> - Contract library BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle
# tick: Boolean<Optional> - `special.tick` field. Specifies the contract ability to handle tick transactions
# tock: Boolean<Optional> - `special.tock` field. Specifies the contract ability to handle tock transactions
# split_depth: Number<Optional> - Is present and non-zero only in instances of large smart contracts
# compiler_version: String<Optional> - Compiler version, for example 'sol 0.49.0'
# Encodes initial contract state from code, data, libraries ans special options (see input params)
def encode_state_init(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfEncodeStateInit
# code: String<Optional> - Contract code BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle
# data: String<Optional> - Contract data BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle
# library: String<Optional> - Contract library BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle
# tick: Boolean<Optional> - `special.tick` field. Specifies the contract ability to handle tick transactions
# tock: Boolean<Optional> - `special.tock` field. Specifies the contract ability to handle tock transactions
# split_depth: Number<Optional> - Is present and non-zero only in instances of large smart contracts
# boc_cache: BocCacheType<Optional> - Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfEncodeStateInit
# state_init: String - Contract StateInit image BOC encoded as base64 or BOC handle of boc_cache parameter was specified
# Encodes a message # Allows to encode any external inbound message.
def encode_external_in_message(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfEncodeExternalInMessage
# src: String<Optional> - Source address.
# dst: String - Destination address.
# init: String<Optional> - Bag of cells with state init (used in deploy messages).
# body: String<Optional> - Bag of cells with the message body encoded as base64.
# boc_cache: BocCacheType<Optional> - Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided
# RESPONSE: ResultOfEncodeExternalInMessage
# message: String - Message BOC encoded with `base64`.
# message_id: String - Message id.
# Returns the compiler version used to compile the code.
def get_compiler_version(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfGetCompilerVersion
# code: String - Contract code BOC encoded as base64 or code BOC handle
# RESPONSE: ResultOfGetCompilerVersion
# version: String<Optional> - Compiler version, for example 'sol 0.49.0'
# Starts monitoring for the processing results of the specified messages. # Message monitor performs background monitoring for a message processing resultsfor the specified set of messages.
# Message monitor can serve several isolated monitoring queues.
# Each monitor queue has a unique application defined identifier (or name) usedto separate several queue's.
# There are two important lists inside of the monitoring queue:
# - unresolved messages: contains messages requested by the application for monitoring and not yet resolved;
# - resolved results: contains resolved processing results for monitored messages.
# Each monitoring queue tracks own unresolved and resolved lists.
# Application can add more messages to the monitoring queue at any time.
# Message monitor accumulates resolved results.
# Application should fetch this results with `fetchNextMonitorResults` function.
# When both unresolved and resolved lists becomes empty, monitor stops any background activityand frees all allocated internal memory.
# If monitoring queue with specified name already exists then messages will be addedto the unresolved list.
# If monitoring queue with specified name does not exist then monitoring queue will be createdwith specified unresolved messages.
def monitor_messages(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfMonitorMessages
# queue: String - Name of the monitoring queue.
# messages: Array - Messages to start monitoring for.
# Returns summary information about current state of the specified monitoring queue.
def get_monitor_info(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfGetMonitorInfo
# queue: String - Name of the monitoring queue.
# RESPONSE: MonitoringQueueInfo
# unresolved: Number - Count of the unresolved messages.
# resolved: Number - Count of resolved results.
# Fetches next resolved results from the specified monitoring queue. # Results and waiting options are depends on the `wait` parameter.
# All returned results will be removed from the queue's resolved list.
def fetch_next_monitor_results(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfFetchNextMonitorResults
# queue: String - Name of the monitoring queue.
# wait_mode: MonitorFetchWaitMode<Optional> - Wait mode. Default is `NO_WAIT`.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfFetchNextMonitorResults
# results: Array - List of the resolved results.
# Cancels all background activity and releases all allocated system resources for the specified monitoring queue.
def cancel_monitor(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfCancelMonitor
# queue: String - Name of the monitoring queue.
# Sends specified messages to the blockchain.
def send_messages(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfSendMessages
# messages: Array - Messages that must be sent to the blockchain.
# monitor_queue: String<Optional> - Optional message monitor queue that starts monitoring for the processing results for sent messages.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfSendMessages
# messages: Array - Messages that was sent to the blockchain for execution.
# Sends message to the network # Sends message to the network and returns the last generated shard block of the destination accountbefore the message was sent. It will be required later for message processing.
def send_message(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfSendMessage
# message: String - Message BOC.
# abi: Value<Optional> - Optional message ABI. If this parameter is specified and the message has the`expire` header then expiration time will be checked againstthe current time to prevent unnecessary sending of already expired message.
# The `message already expired` error will be returned in thiscase.
# Note, that specifying `abi` for ABI compliant contracts isstrongly recommended, so that proper processing strategy can bechosen.
# send_events: Boolean - Flag for requesting events sending
# RESPONSE: ResultOfSendMessage
# shard_block_id: String - The last generated shard block of the message destination account before the message was sent. This block id must be used as a parameter of the`wait_for_transaction`.
# sending_endpoints: Array - The list of endpoints to which the message was sent. This list id must be used as a parameter of the`wait_for_transaction`.
# Performs monitoring of the network for the result transaction of the external inbound message processing. # `send_events` enables intermediate events, such as `WillFetchNextBlock`,`FetchNextBlockFailed` that may be useful for logging of new shard blocks creationduring message processing.
# Note, that presence of the `abi` parameter is critical for ABIcompliant contracts. Message processing uses drasticallydifferent strategy for processing message for contracts whichABI includes "expire" header.
# When the ABI header `expire` is present, the processing uses`message expiration` strategy:
# - The maximum block gen time is set to `message_expiration_timeout + transaction_wait_timeout`.
# - When maximum block gen time is reached, the processing will be finished with `MessageExpired` error.
# When the ABI header `expire` isn't present or `abi` parameterisn't specified, the processing uses `transaction waiting`strategy:
# - The maximum block gen time is set to `now() + transaction_wait_timeout`.
# - If maximum block gen time is reached and no result transaction is found,the processing will exit with an error.
def wait_for_transaction(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfWaitForTransaction
# abi: Value<Optional> - Optional ABI for decoding the transaction result. If it is specified, then the output messages' bodies will bedecoded according to this ABI.
# The `abi_decoded` result field will be filled out.
# message: String - Message BOC. Encoded with `base64`.
# shard_block_id: String - The last generated block id of the destination account shard before the message was sent. You must provide the same value as the `send_message` has returned.
# send_events: Boolean - Flag that enables/disables intermediate events
# sending_endpoints: Array<Optional> - The list of endpoints to which the message was sent. Use this field to get more informative errors.
# Provide the same value as the `send_message` has returned.
# If the message was not delivered (expired), SDK will log the endpoint URLs, used for its sending.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfProcessMessage
# transaction: Value - Parsed transaction. In addition to the regular transaction fields there is a`boc` field encoded with `base64` which contains sourcetransaction BOC.
# out_messages: Array - List of output messages' BOCs. Encoded as `base64`
# decoded: DecodedOutput<Optional> - Optional decoded message bodies according to the optional `abi` parameter.
# fees: TransactionFees - Transaction fees
# Creates message, sends it to the network and monitors its processing. # Creates ABI-compatible message,sends it to the network and monitors for the result transaction.
# Decodes the output messages' bodies.
# If contract's ABI includes "expire" header, thenSDK implements retries in case of unsuccessful message delivery within the expirationtimeout: SDK recreates the message, sends it and processes it again.
# The intermediate events, such as `WillFetchFirstBlock`, `WillSend`, `DidSend`,`WillFetchNextBlock`, etc - are switched on/off by `send_events` flagand logged into the supplied callback function.
# The retry configuration parameters are defined in the client's `NetworkConfig` and `AbiConfig`.
# If contract's ABI does not include "expire" headerthen, if no transaction is found within the network timeout (see config parameter ), exits with error.
def process_message(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfProcessMessage
# message_encode_params: ParamsOfEncodeMessage - Message encode parameters.
# send_events: Boolean - Flag for requesting events sending
# RESPONSE: ResultOfProcessMessage
# transaction: Value - Parsed transaction. In addition to the regular transaction fields there is a`boc` field encoded with `base64` which contains sourcetransaction BOC.
# out_messages: Array - List of output messages' BOCs. Encoded as `base64`
# decoded: DecodedOutput<Optional> - Optional decoded message bodies according to the optional `abi` parameter.
# fees: TransactionFees - Transaction fees
# Converts address from any TON format to any TON format
def convert_address(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfConvertAddress
# address: String - Account address in any TON format.
# output_format: AddressStringFormat - Specify the format to convert to.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfConvertAddress
# address: String - Address in the specified format
# Validates and returns the type of any TON address. # Address types are the following`0:919db8e740d50bf349df2eea03fa30c385d846b991ff5542e67098ee833fc7f7` - standard TON address mostcommonly used in all cases. Also called as hex address`919db8e740d50bf349df2eea03fa30c385d846b991ff5542e67098ee833fc7f7` - account ID. A part of fulladdress. Identifies account inside particular workchain`EQCRnbjnQNUL80nfLuoD+jDDhdhGuZH/VULmcJjugz/H9wam` - base64 address. Also called "user-friendly".
# Was used at the beginning of TON. Now it is supported for compatibility
def get_address_type(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfGetAddressType
# address: String - Account address in any TON format.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfGetAddressType
# address_type: AccountAddressType - Account address type.
# Calculates storage fee for an account over a specified time period
def calc_storage_fee(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfCalcStorageFee
# account: String -
# period: Number -
# RESPONSE: ResultOfCalcStorageFee
# fee: String -
# Compresses data using Zstandard algorithm
def compress_zstd(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfCompressZstd
# uncompressed: String - Uncompressed data. Must be encoded as base64.
# level: Number<Optional> - Compression level, from 1 to 21. Where: 1 - lowest compression level (fastest compression); 21 - highest compression level (slowest compression). If level is omitted, the default compression level is used (currently `3`).
# RESPONSE: ResultOfCompressZstd
# compressed: String - Compressed data. Must be encoded as base64.
# Decompresses data using Zstandard algorithm
def decompress_zstd(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfDecompressZstd
# compressed: String - Compressed data. Must be encoded as base64.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfDecompressZstd
# decompressed: String - Decompressed data. Must be encoded as base64.
# Emulates all the phases of contract execution locally # Performs all the phases of contract execution on Transaction Executor -the same component that is used on Validator Nodes.
# Can be used for contract debugging, to find out the reason why a message was not delivered successfully.
# Validators throw away the failed external inbound messages (if they failed before `ACCEPT`) in the real network.
# This is why these messages are impossible to debug in the real network.
# With the help of run_executor you can do that. In fact, `process_message` functionperforms local check with `run_executor` if there was no transaction as a result of processingand returns the error, if there is one.
# Another use case to use `run_executor` is to estimate fees for message execution.
# Set `AccountForExecutor::Account.unlimited_balance`to `true` so that emulation will not depend on the actual balance.
# This may be needed to calculate deploy fees for an account that does not exist yet.
# JSON with fees is in `fees` field of the result.
# One more use case - you can produce the sequence of operations,thus emulating the sequential contract calls locally.
# And so on.
# Transaction executor requires account BOC (bag of cells) as a parameter.
# To get the account BOC - use `net.query` method to download it from GraphQL API(field `boc` of `account`) or generate it with `abi.encode_account` method.
# Also it requires message BOC. To get the message BOC - use `abi.encode_message` or `abi.encode_internal_message`.
# If you need this emulation to be as precise as possible (for instance - emulate transactionwith particular lt in particular block or use particular blockchain config,downloaded from a particular key block - then specify `execution_options` parameter.
# If you need to see the aborted transaction as a result, not as an error, set `skip_transaction_check` to `true`.
def run_executor(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfRunExecutor
# message: String - Input message BOC. Must be encoded as base64.
# account: AccountForExecutor - Account to run on executor
# execution_options: ExecutionOptions<Optional> - Execution options.
# abi: Value<Optional> - Contract ABI for decoding output messages
# skip_transaction_check: Boolean<Optional> - Skip transaction check flag
# boc_cache: BocCacheType<Optional> - Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided
# return_updated_account: Boolean<Optional> - Return updated account flag. Empty string is returned if the flag is `false`
# RESPONSE: ResultOfRunExecutor
# transaction: Value - Parsed transaction. In addition to the regular transaction fields there is a`boc` field encoded with `base64` which contains sourcetransaction BOC.
# out_messages: Array - List of output messages' BOCs. Encoded as `base64`
# decoded: DecodedOutput<Optional> - Optional decoded message bodies according to the optional `abi` parameter.
# account: String - Updated account state BOC. Encoded as `base64`
# fees: TransactionFees - Transaction fees
# Executes get-methods of ABI-compatible contracts # Performs only a part of compute phase of transaction executionthat is used to run get-methods of ABI-compatible contracts.
# If you try to run get-methods with `run_executor` you will get an error, because it checks ACCEPT and exitsif there is none, which is actually true for get-methods.
# To get the account BOC (bag of cells) - use `net.query` method to download it from GraphQL API(field `boc` of `account`) or generate it with `abi.encode_account method`.
# To get the message BOC - use `abi.encode_message` or prepare it any other way, for instance, with FIFT script.
# Attention! Updated account state is produces as well, but only`` part of the BOC is updated.
def run_tvm(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfRunTvm
# message: String - Input message BOC. Must be encoded as base64.
# account: String - Account BOC. Must be encoded as base64.
# execution_options: ExecutionOptions<Optional> - Execution options.
# abi: Value<Optional> - Contract ABI for decoding output messages
# boc_cache: BocCacheType<Optional> - Cache type to put the result. The BOC itself returned if no cache type provided
# return_updated_account: Boolean<Optional> - Return updated account flag. Empty string is returned if the flag is `false`
# RESPONSE: ResultOfRunTvm
# out_messages: Array - List of output messages' BOCs. Encoded as `base64`
# decoded: DecodedOutput<Optional> - Optional decoded message bodies according to the optional `abi` parameter.
# account: String - Updated account state BOC. Encoded as `base64`. Attention! Only `` part of the BOC is updated.
# Executes a get-method of FIFT contract # Executes a get-method of FIFT contract that fulfills the smc-guidelines returns the result data from TVM's stack
def run_get(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfRunGet
# account: String - Account BOC in `base64`
# function_name: String - Function name
# input: Value - Input parameters
# execution_options: ExecutionOptions<Optional> - Execution options
# tuple_list_as_array: Boolean<Optional> - Convert lists based on nested tuples in the **result** into plain arrays. Default is `false`. Input parameters may use any of lists representationsIf you receive this error on Web: "Runtime error. Unreachable code should not be executed...",set this flag to true.
# This may happen, for example, when elector contract contains too many participants
# RESPONSE: ResultOfRunGet
# output: Value - Values returned by get-method on stack
# Performs DAppServer GraphQL query.
def query(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfQuery
# query: String - GraphQL query text.
# variables: Value - Variables used in query. Must be a map with named values that can be used in query.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfQuery
# result: Value - Result provided by DAppServer.
# Performs multiple queries per single fetch.
def batch_query(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfBatchQuery
# operations: Array - List of query operations that must be performed per single fetch.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfBatchQuery
# results: Array - Result values for batched queries. Returns an array of values. Each value corresponds to `queries` item.
# Queries collection data # Queries data that satisfies the `filter` conditions,limits the number of returned records and orders them.
# The projection fields are limited to `result` fields
def query_collection(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfQueryCollection
# collection: String - Collection name (accounts, blocks, transactions, messages, block_signatures)
# filter: Value - Collection filter
# result: String - Projection (result) string
# order: Array<Optional> - Sorting order
# limit: Number<Optional> - Number of documents to return
# RESPONSE: ResultOfQueryCollection
# result: Array - Objects that match the provided criteria
# Aggregates collection data. # Aggregates values from the specified `fields` for recordsthat satisfies the `filter` conditions,
def aggregate_collection(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfAggregateCollection
# collection: String - Collection name (accounts, blocks, transactions, messages, block_signatures)
# filter: Value - Collection filter
# fields: Array<Optional> - Projection (result) string
# RESPONSE: ResultOfAggregateCollection
# values: Value - Values for requested fields. Returns an array of strings. Each string refers to the corresponding `fields` item.
# Numeric value is returned as a decimal string representations.
# Returns an object that fulfills the conditions or waits for its appearance # Triggers only once.
# If object that satisfies the `filter` conditionsalready exists - returns it immediately.
# If not - waits for insert/update of data within the specified `timeout`,and returns it.
# The projection fields are limited to `result` fields
def wait_for_collection(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfWaitForCollection
# collection: String - Collection name (accounts, blocks, transactions, messages, block_signatures)
# filter: Value - Collection filter
# result: String - Projection (result) string
# timeout: Number<Optional> - Query timeout
# RESPONSE: ResultOfWaitForCollection
# result: Value - First found object that matches the provided criteria
# Cancels a subscription # Cancels a subscription specified by its handle.
def unsubscribe(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ResultOfSubscribeCollection
# handle: Number - Subscription handle. Must be closed with `unsubscribe`
# Creates a collection subscription # Triggers for each insert/update of data that satisfiesthe `filter` conditions.
# The projection fields are limited to `result` fields.
# The subscription is a persistent communication channel betweenclient and Free TON Network.
# All changes in the blockchain will be reflected in realtime.
# Changes means inserts and updates of the blockchain entities.
# ### Important Notes on SubscriptionsUnfortunately sometimes the connection with the network brakes down.
# In this situation the library attempts to reconnect to the network.
# This reconnection sequence can take significant time.
# All of this time the client is disconnected from the network.
# Bad news is that all blockchain changes that happened whilethe client was disconnected are lost.
# Good news is that the client report errors to the callback whenit loses and resumes connection.
# So, if the lost changes are important to the application thenthe application must handle these error reports.
# Library reports errors with `responseType` == 101and the error object passed via `params`.
# When the library has successfully reconnectedthe application receives callback with`responseType` == 101 and `params.code` == 614 (NetworkModuleResumed).
# Application can use several ways to handle this situation:
# - If application monitors changes for the single blockchainobject (for example specific account): applicationcan perform a query for this object and handle actual data as aregular data from the subscription.
# - If application monitors sequence of some blockchain objects(for example transactions of the specific account): application mustrefresh all cached (or visible to user) lists where this sequences presents.
def subscribe_collection(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfSubscribeCollection
# collection: String - Collection name (accounts, blocks, transactions, messages, block_signatures)
# filter: Value - Collection filter
# result: String - Projection (result) string
# RESPONSE: ResultOfSubscribeCollection
# handle: Number - Subscription handle. Must be closed with `unsubscribe`
# Creates a subscription # The subscription is a persistent communication channel betweenclient and Everscale Network.
# ### Important Notes on SubscriptionsUnfortunately sometimes the connection with the network breaks down.
# In this situation the library attempts to reconnect to the network.
# This reconnection sequence can take significant time.
# All of this time the client is disconnected from the network.
# Bad news is that all changes that happened whilethe client was disconnected are lost.
# Good news is that the client report errors to the callback whenit loses and resumes connection.
# So, if the lost changes are important to the application thenthe application must handle these error reports.
# Library reports errors with `responseType` == 101and the error object passed via `params`.
# When the library has successfully reconnectedthe application receives callback with`responseType` == 101 and `params.code` == 614 (NetworkModuleResumed).
# Application can use several ways to handle this situation:
# - If application monitors changes for the singleobject (for example specific account): applicationcan perform a query for this object and handle actual data as aregular data from the subscription.
# - If application monitors sequence of some objects(for example transactions of the specific account): application mustrefresh all cached (or visible to user) lists where this sequences presents.
def subscribe(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfSubscribe
# subscription: String - GraphQL subscription text.
# variables: Value - Variables used in subscription. Must be a map with named values that can be used in query.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfSubscribeCollection
# handle: Number - Subscription handle. Must be closed with `unsubscribe`
# Suspends network module to stop any network activity
def suspend(&block)
# Resumes network module to enable network activity
def resume(&block)
# Returns ID of the last block in a specified account shard
def find_last_shard_block(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfFindLastShardBlock
# address: String - Account address
# RESPONSE: ResultOfFindLastShardBlock
# block_id: String - Account shard last block ID
# Requests the list of alternative endpoints from server
def fetch_endpoints(&block)
# RESPONSE: EndpointsSet
# endpoints: Array - List of endpoints provided by server
# Sets the list of endpoints to use on reinit
def set_endpoints(payload, &block)
# INPUT: EndpointsSet
# endpoints: Array - List of endpoints provided by server
# Requests the list of alternative endpoints from server
def get_endpoints(&block)
# RESPONSE: ResultOfGetEndpoints
# query: String - Current query endpoint
# endpoints: Array - List of all endpoints used by client
# Allows to query and paginate through the list of accounts that the specified account has interacted with, sorted by the time of the last internal message between accounts # *Attention* this query retrieves data from 'Counterparties' service which is not supported inthe opensource version of DApp Server (and will not be supported) as well as in Evernode SE (will be supported in SE in future),but is always accessible via [EVER OS Clouds](../ton-os-api/
def query_counterparties(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfQueryCounterparties
# account: String - Account address
# result: String - Projection (result) string
# first: Number<Optional> - Number of counterparties to return
# after: String<Optional> - `cursor` field of the last received result
# RESPONSE: ResultOfQueryCollection
# result: Array - Objects that match the provided criteria
# Returns a tree of transactions triggered by a specific message. # Performs recursive retrieval of a transactions tree produced by a specific message:
# in_msg -> dst_transaction -> out_messages -> dst_transaction -> ...
# If the chain of transactions execution is in progress while the function is running,it will wait for the next transactions to appear until the full tree or more than 50 transactionsare received.
# All the retrieved messages and transactions are includedinto `result.messages` and `result.transactions` respectively.
# Function reads transactions layer by layer, by pages of 20 transactions.
# The retrieval process goes like this:
# Let's assume we have an infinite chain of transactions and each transaction generates 5 messages.
# 1. Retrieve 1st message (input parameter) and corresponding transaction - put it into result.
# It is the first level of the tree of transactions - its root.
# Retrieve 5 out message ids from the transaction for next steps.
# 2. Retrieve 5 messages and corresponding transactions on the 2nd layer. Put them into result.
# Retrieve 5*5 out message ids from these transactions for next steps3. Retrieve 20 (size of the page) messages and transactions (3rd layer) and 20*5=100 message ids (4th layer).
# 4. Retrieve the last 5 messages and 5 transactions on the 3rd layer + 15 messages and transactions (of 100) from the 4th layer+ 25 message ids of the 4th layer + 75 message ids of the 5th layer.
# 5. Retrieve 20 more messages and 20 more transactions of the 4th layer + 100 more message ids of the 5th layer.
# 6. Now we have 1+5+20+20+20 = 66 transactions, which is more than 50. Function exits with the tree of1m->1t->5m->5t->25m->25t->35m->35t. If we see any message ids in the last transactions out_msgs, which don't havecorresponding messages in the function result, it means that the full tree was not received and we need to continue iteration.
# To summarize, it is guaranteed that each message in `result.messages` has the corresponding transactionin the `result.transactions`.
# But there is no guarantee that all messages from transactions `out_msgs` arepresented in `result.messages`.
# So the application has to continue retrieval for missing messages if it requires.
def query_transaction_tree(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfQueryTransactionTree
# in_msg: String - Input message id.
# abi_registry: Array<Optional> - List of contract ABIs that will be used to decode message bodies. Library will try to decode each returned message body using any ABI from the registry.
# timeout: Number<Optional> - Timeout used to limit waiting time for the missing messages and transaction. If some of the following messages and transactions are missing yetThe maximum waiting time is regulated by this option.
# Default value is 60000 (1 min). If `timeout` is set to 0 then function will wait infinitelyuntil the whole transaction tree is executed
# transaction_max_count: Number<Optional> - Maximum transaction count to wait. If transaction tree contains more transaction then this parameter then only first `transaction_max_count` transaction are awaited and returned.
# Default value is 50. If `transaction_max_count` is set to 0 then no limitation ontransaction count is used and all transaction are returned.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfQueryTransactionTree
# messages: Array - Messages.
# transactions: Array - Transactions.
# Creates block iterator. # Block iterator uses robust iteration methods that guaranties that everyblock in the specified range isn't missed or iterated twice.
# Iterated range can be reduced with some filters:
# - `start_time` – the bottom time range. Only blocks with `gen_utime`more or equal to this value is iterated. If this parameter is omitted then there isno bottom time edge, so all blocks since zero state is iterated.
# - `end_time` – the upper time range. Only blocks with `gen_utime`less then this value is iterated. If this parameter is omitted then there isno upper time edge, so iterator never finishes.
# - `shard_filter` – workchains and shard prefixes that reduce the set of interestingblocks. Block conforms to the shard filter if it belongs to the filter workchainand the first bits of block's `shard` fields matches to the shard prefix.
# Only blocks with suitable shard are iterated.
# Items iterated is a JSON objects with block data. The minimal set of returnedfields is:
# ```textidgen_utimeworkchain_idshardafter_splitafter_mergeprev_ref { root_hash}prev_alt_ref { root_hash}```Application can request additional fields in the `result` parameter.
# Application should call the `remove_iterator` when iterator is no longer required.
def create_block_iterator(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfCreateBlockIterator
# start_time: Number<Optional> - Starting time to iterate from. If the application specifies this parameter then the iterationincludes blocks with `gen_utime` >= `start_time`.
# Otherwise the iteration starts from zero state.
# Must be specified in seconds.
# end_time: Number<Optional> - Optional end time to iterate for. If the application specifies this parameter then the iterationincludes blocks with `gen_utime` < `end_time`.
# Otherwise the iteration never stops.
# Must be specified in seconds.
# shard_filter: Array<Optional> - Shard prefix filter. If the application specifies this parameter and it is not the empty arraythen the iteration will include items related to accounts that belongs tothe specified shard prefixes.
# Shard prefix must be represented as a string "workchain:prefix".
# Where `workchain` is a signed integer and the `prefix` if a hexadecimalrepresentation if the 64-bit unsigned integer with tagged shard prefix.
# For example: "0:3800000000000000".
# result: String<Optional> - Projection (result) string. List of the fields that must be returned for iterated items.
# This field is the same as the `result` parameter ofthe `query_collection` function.
# Note that iterated items can contains additional fields that arenot requested in the `result`.
# RESPONSE: RegisteredIterator
# handle: Number - Iterator handle. Must be removed using `remove_iterator`when it is no more needed for the application.
# Resumes block iterator. # The iterator stays exactly at the same position where the `resume_state` was caught.
# Application should call the `remove_iterator` when iterator is no longer required.
def resume_block_iterator(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfResumeBlockIterator
# resume_state: Value - Iterator state from which to resume. Same as value returned from `iterator_next`.
# RESPONSE: RegisteredIterator
# handle: Number - Iterator handle. Must be removed using `remove_iterator`when it is no more needed for the application.
# Creates transaction iterator. # Transaction iterator uses robust iteration methods that guaranty that everytransaction in the specified range isn't missed or iterated twice.
# Iterated range can be reduced with some filters:
# - `start_time` – the bottom time range. Only transactions with `now`more or equal to this value are iterated. If this parameter is omitted then there isno bottom time edge, so all the transactions since zero state are iterated.
# - `end_time` – the upper time range. Only transactions with `now`less then this value are iterated. If this parameter is omitted then there isno upper time edge, so iterator never finishes.
# - `shard_filter` – workchains and shard prefixes that reduce the set of interestingaccounts. Account address conforms to the shard filter ifit belongs to the filter workchain and the first bits of address match tothe shard prefix. Only transactions with suitable account addresses are iterated.
# - `accounts_filter` – set of account addresses whose transactions must be iterated.
# Note that accounts filter can conflict with shard filter so application must combinethese filters carefully.
# Iterated item is a JSON objects with transaction data. The minimal set of returnedfields is:
# ```textidaccount_addrnowbalance_delta(format:DEC)bounce { bounce_type }in_message { id value(format:DEC) msg_type src}out_messages { id value(format:DEC) msg_type dst}```Application can request an additional fields in the `result` parameter.
# Another parameter that affects on the returned fields is the `include_transfers`.
# When this parameter is `true` the iterator computes and adds `transfer` field containinglist of the useful `TransactionTransfer` objects.
# Each transfer is calculated from the particular message related to the transactionand has the following structure:
# - message – source message identifier.
# - isBounced – indicates that the transaction is bounced, which means the value will be returned back to the sender.
# - isDeposit – indicates that this transfer is the deposit (true) or withdraw (false).
# - counterparty – account address of the transfer source or destination depending on `isDeposit`.
# - value – amount of nano tokens transferred. The value is represented as a decimal stringbecause the actual value can be more precise than the JSON number can represent. Applicationmust use this string carefully – conversion to number can follow to loose of precision.
# Application should call the `remove_iterator` when iterator is no longer required.
def create_transaction_iterator(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfCreateTransactionIterator
# start_time: Number<Optional> - Starting time to iterate from. If the application specifies this parameter then the iterationincludes blocks with `gen_utime` >= `start_time`.
# Otherwise the iteration starts from zero state.
# Must be specified in seconds.
# end_time: Number<Optional> - Optional end time to iterate for. If the application specifies this parameter then the iterationincludes blocks with `gen_utime` < `end_time`.
# Otherwise the iteration never stops.
# Must be specified in seconds.
# shard_filter: Array<Optional> - Shard prefix filters. If the application specifies this parameter and it is not an empty arraythen the iteration will include items related to accounts that belongs tothe specified shard prefixes.
# Shard prefix must be represented as a string "workchain:prefix".
# Where `workchain` is a signed integer and the `prefix` if a hexadecimalrepresentation if the 64-bit unsigned integer with tagged shard prefix.
# For example: "0:3800000000000000".
# Account address conforms to the shard filter ifit belongs to the filter workchain and the first bits of address match tothe shard prefix. Only transactions with suitable account addresses are iterated.
# accounts_filter: Array<Optional> - Account address filter. Application can specify the list of accounts for whichit wants to iterate transactions.
# If this parameter is missing or an empty list then the library iteratestransactions for all accounts that pass the shard filter.
# Note that the library doesn't detect conflicts between the account filter and the shard filterif both are specified.
# So it is an application responsibility to specify the correct filter combination.
# result: String<Optional> - Projection (result) string. List of the fields that must be returned for iterated items.
# This field is the same as the `result` parameter ofthe `query_collection` function.
# Note that iterated items can contain additional fields that arenot requested in the `result`.
# include_transfers: Boolean<Optional> - Include `transfers` field in iterated transactions. If this parameter is `true` then each transaction contains field`transfers` with list of transfer. See more about this structure in function description.
# RESPONSE: RegisteredIterator
# handle: Number - Iterator handle. Must be removed using `remove_iterator`when it is no more needed for the application.
# Resumes transaction iterator. # The iterator stays exactly at the same position where the `resume_state` was caught.
# Note that `resume_state` doesn't store the account filter. If the application requiresto use the same account filter as it was when the iterator was created then the applicationmust pass the account filter again in `accounts_filter` parameter.
# Application should call the `remove_iterator` when iterator is no longer required.
def resume_transaction_iterator(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfResumeTransactionIterator
# resume_state: Value - Iterator state from which to resume. Same as value returned from `iterator_next`.
# accounts_filter: Array<Optional> - Account address filter. Application can specify the list of accounts for whichit wants to iterate transactions.
# If this parameter is missing or an empty list then the library iteratestransactions for all accounts that passes the shard filter.
# Note that the library doesn't detect conflicts between the account filter and the shard filterif both are specified.
# So it is the application's responsibility to specify the correct filter combination.
# RESPONSE: RegisteredIterator
# handle: Number - Iterator handle. Must be removed using `remove_iterator`when it is no more needed for the application.
# Returns next available items. # In addition to available items this function returns the `has_more` flagindicating that the iterator isn't reach the end of the iterated range yet.
# This function can return the empty list of available items butindicates that there are more items is available.
# This situation appears when the iterator doesn't reach iterated rangebut database doesn't contains available items yet.
# If application requests resume state in `return_resume_state` parameterthen this function returns `resume_state` that can be used later toresume the iteration from the position after returned items.
# The structure of the items returned depends on the iterator used.
# See the description to the appropriated iterator creation function.
def iterator_next(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfIteratorNext
# iterator: Number - Iterator handle
# limit: Number<Optional> - Maximum count of the returned items. If value is missing or is less than 1 the library uses 1.
# return_resume_state: Boolean<Optional> - Indicates that function must return the iterator state that can be used for resuming iteration.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfIteratorNext
# items: Array - Next available items. Note that `iterator_next` can return an empty items and `has_more` equals to `true`.
# In this case the application have to continue iteration.
# Such situation can take place when there is no data yet butthe requested `end_time` is not reached.
# has_more: Boolean - Indicates that there are more available items in iterated range.
# resume_state: Value<Optional> - Optional iterator state that can be used for resuming iteration. This field is returned only if the `return_resume_state` parameteris specified.
# Note that `resume_state` corresponds to the iteration positionafter the returned items.
# Removes an iterator # Frees all resources allocated in library to serve iterator.
# Application always should call the `remove_iterator` when iteratoris no longer required.
def remove_iterator(payload, &block)
# INPUT: RegisteredIterator
# handle: Number - Iterator handle. Must be removed using `remove_iterator`when it is no more needed for the application.
# Returns signature ID for configured network if it should be used in messages signature
def get_signature_id(&block)
# RESPONSE: ResultOfGetSignatureId
# signature_id: Number<Optional> - Signature ID for configured network if it should be used in messages signature
# [UNSTABLE]( Creates and instance of DeBot. # Downloads debot smart contract (code and data) from blockchain and createsan instance of Debot Engine for it.
RemarksIt does not switch debot to context 0. Browser Callbacks are not called.
def init(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfInit
# address: String - Debot smart contract address
# RESPONSE: RegisteredDebot
# debot_handle: DebotHandle - Debot handle which references an instance of debot engine.
# debot_abi: String - Debot abi as json string.
# info: DebotInfo - Debot metadata.
# [UNSTABLE]( Starts the DeBot. # Downloads debot smart contract from blockchain and switches it tocontext zero.
# This function must be used by Debot Browser to start a dialog with debot.
# While the function is executing, several Browser Callbacks can be called,since the debot tries to display all actions from the context 0 to the user.
# When the debot starts SDK registers `BrowserCallbacks` AppObject.
# Therefore when `debote.remove` is called the debot is being deleted and the callback is calledwith `finish`=`true` which indicates that it will never be used again.
def start(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfStart
# debot_handle: DebotHandle - Debot handle which references an instance of debot engine.
# [UNSTABLE]( Fetches DeBot metadata from blockchain. # Downloads DeBot from blockchain and creates and fetches its metadata.
def fetch(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfFetch
# address: String - Debot smart contract address.
# RESPONSE: ResultOfFetch
# info: DebotInfo - Debot metadata.
# [UNSTABLE]( Executes debot action. # Calls debot engine referenced by debot handle to execute input action.
# Calls Debot Browser Callbacks if needed.
RemarksChain of actions can be executed if input action generates a list of subactions.
def execute(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfExecute
# debot_handle: DebotHandle - Debot handle which references an instance of debot engine.
# action: DebotAction - Debot Action that must be executed.
# [UNSTABLE]( Sends message to Debot. # Used by Debot Browser to send response on Dinterface call or from other Debots.
def send(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfSend
# debot_handle: DebotHandle - Debot handle which references an instance of debot engine.
# message: String - BOC of internal message to debot encoded in base64 format.
# [UNSTABLE]( Destroys debot handle. # Removes handle from Client Context and drops debot engine referenced by that handle.
def remove(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfRemove
# debot_handle: DebotHandle - Debot handle which references an instance of debot engine.
# Proves that a given block's data, which is queried from TONOS API, can be trusted. # This function checks block proofs and compares given data with the proven.
# If the given data differs from the proven, the exception will be thrown.
# The input param is a single block's JSON object, which was queried from DApp server usingfunctions such as `net.query`, `net.query_collection` or `net.wait_for_collection`.
# If block's BOC is not provided in the JSON, it will be queried from DApp server(in this case it is required to provide at least `id` of block).
# Please note, that joins (like `signatures` in `Block`) are separated entities and not supported,so function will throw an exception in a case if JSON being checked has such entities in it.
# If `cache_in_local_storage` in config is set to `true` (default), downloaded proofs andmaster-chain BOCs are saved into the persistent local storage (e.g. file system for nativeenvironments or browser's IndexedDB for the web); otherwise all the data is cached only inmemory in current client's context and will be lost after destruction of the client.
# **Why Proofs are needed**Proofs are needed to ensure that the data downloaded from a DApp server is real blockchaindata. Checking proofs can protect from the malicious DApp server which can potentially providefake data, or also from "Man in the Middle" attacks class.
# **What Proofs are**Simply, proof is a list of signatures of validators', which have signed this particular master-block.
# The very first validator set's public keys are included in the zero-state. Whe know a root hashof the zero-state, because it is stored in the network configuration file, it is our authorityroot. For proving zero-state it is enough to calculate and compare its root hash.
# In each new validator cycle the validator set is changed. The new one is stored in a key-block,which is signed by the validator set, which we already trust, the next validator set will bestored to the new key-block and signed by the current validator set, and so on.
# In order to prove any block in the master-chain we need to check, that it has been signed bya trusted validator set. So we need to check all key-blocks' proofs, started from the zero-stateand until the block, which we want to prove. But it can take a lot of time and traffic todownload and prove all key-blocks on a client. For solving this, special trusted blocks are usedin Ever-SDK.
# The trusted block is the authority root, as well, as the zero-state. Each trusted block is the`id` (e.g. `root_hash`) of the already proven key-block. There can be plenty of trustedblocks, so there can be a lot of authority roots. The hashes of trusted blocks for MainNetand DevNet are hardcoded in SDK in a separated binary file (trusted_key_blocks.bin) and isbeing updated for each release by using `update_trusted_blocks` utility.
# See [update_trusted_blocks](../../../tools/update_trusted_blocks) directory for more info.
# In future SDK releases, one will also be able to provide their hashes of trusted blocks forother networks, besides for MainNet and DevNet.
# By using trusted key-blocks, in order to prove any block, we can prove chain of key-blocks tothe closest previous trusted key-block, not only to the zero-state.
# But shard-blocks don't have proofs on DApp server. In this case, in order to prove any shard-block data, we search for a corresponding master-block, which contains the root hash of thisshard-block, or some shard block which is linked to that block in shard-chain. After provingthis master-block, we traverse through each link and calculate and compare hashes with links,one-by-one. After that we can ensure that this shard-block has also been proven.
def proof_block_data(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfProofBlockData
# block: Value - Single block's data, retrieved from TONOS API, that needs proof. Required fields are `id` and/or top-level `boc` (for block identification), others are optional.
# Proves that a given transaction's data, which is queried from TONOS API, can be trusted. # This function requests the corresponding block, checks block proofs, ensures that giventransaction exists in the proven block and compares given data with the proven.
# If the given data differs from the proven, the exception will be thrown.
# The input parameter is a single transaction's JSON object (see params description),which was queried from TONOS API using functions such as `net.query`, `net.query_collection`or `net.wait_for_collection`.
# If transaction's BOC and/or `block_id` are not provided in the JSON, they will be queried fromTONOS API.
# Please note, that joins (like `account`, `in_message`, `out_messages`, etc. in `Transaction`entity) are separated entities and not supported, so function will throw an exception in a caseif JSON being checked has such entities in it.
# For more information about proofs checking, see description of `proof_block_data` function.
def proof_transaction_data(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfProofTransactionData
# transaction: Value - Single transaction's data as queried from DApp server, without modifications. The required fields are `id` and/or top-level `boc`, others are optional. In order to reduce network requests count, it is recommended to provide `block_id` and `boc` of transaction.
# Proves that a given message's data, which is queried from TONOS API, can be trusted. # This function first proves the corresponding transaction, ensures that the proven transactionrefers to the given message and compares given data with the proven.
# If the given data differs from the proven, the exception will be thrown.
# The input parameter is a single message's JSON object (see params description),which was queried from TONOS API using functions such as `net.query`, `net.query_collection`or `net.wait_for_collection`.
# If message's BOC and/or non-null `` or `` are not providedin the JSON, they will be queried from TONOS API.
# Please note, that joins (like `block`, `dst_account`, `dst_transaction`, `src_account`,`src_transaction`, etc. in `Message` entity) are separated entities and not supported,so function will throw an exception in a case if JSON being checked has such entities in it.
# For more information about proofs checking, see description of `proof_block_data` function.
def proof_message_data(payload, &block)
# INPUT: ParamsOfProofMessageData
# message: Value - Single message's data as queried from DApp server, without modifications. The required fields are `id` and/or top-level `boc`, others are optional. In order to reduce network requests count, it is recommended to provide at least `boc` of message and non-null `` or ``.
- create .env.test file inside root directory of this library with variables
example for NodeSE
- Run tests: inside folder of this library execute this commands
rspec spec/binding.rb
rspec spec/client.rb
rspec spec/context.rb
rspec spec/abi.rb
rspec spec/boc.rb
rspec spec/crypto.rb
rspec spec/net.rb
rspec spec/processing.rb
rspec spec/tvm.rb
rspec spec/utils.rb
everscale-client-ruby update
curl > api.json
everscale-client-ruby update ./api.json
cd everscale-client-ruby
./bin/everscale-client-ruby update