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Google Cloud Platform project Terraform module

This terraform module provisions a Google Cloud Platform project. It ships the following submodules:


module "gcp_project" {
  source  = "nephosolutions/gcp-project/google"
  version = "~> 6.0.0"

  billing_account = "..."
  default_region  = "europe-west1"
  default_zone    = "europe-west1-b"
  labels          = {}
  org_id          = "..."
  project_name    = "My GCP Project"


Name Version
terraform >= 0.13
google >= 3.90
random >= 2.0


Name Version
google 4.44.1
random 3.4.3


Name Source Version
audit_config ./modules/audit_config n/a
iam_memberships ./modules/iam_memberships n/a
metadata ./modules/metadata n/a
project ./modules/project n/a
project_services ./modules/project_services n/a


Name Type
google_project_iam_binding.basic_role resource
random_id.project_id resource


Name Description Type Default Required
auto_create_network Create the 'default' network automatically. bool false no
billing_account the billing_account to which the project should be attached to string n/a yes
default_zone The zone within a region used by default to create new resources string n/a yes
disable_dependent_project_services If true, services that are enabled and which depend on this service should also be disabled when this service is destroyed. If false, an error will be generated if any enabled services depend on this service when destroying it. bool true no
disable_project_services_on_destroy Disable the service when the terraform resource is destroyed. bool true no
editors Identities that will be granted the basic role editor on the project list(string) [] no
enable_guest_attributes Enable setting guest attributes for the project. bool false no
enable_os_config n/a bool false no
enable_os_inventory Enables or disables OS inventory for the project. bool false no
enable_os_login Enables or disables SSH key management on the project. bool false no
enable_os_login_2fa Enable 2-step verification for OS Login. bool false no
folder_id The numeric ID of the folder this project should be created under. string null no
iam_audit_config Map of service APIs which will be enabled for audit logging, with a map of audit log types for which logging is to be configured, with an map of optional attributes including a list of identities that do not cause logging. google_folder_iam_audit_config
exempted_members = list(string)
{} no
iam_memberships Updates the IAM policy to grant a role to a list of members. map(list(string)) {} no
labels Map of key vale pairs to set as project labels map(string) n/a yes
org_id The numeric ID of the organization this project belongs to. string n/a yes
owners Identities that will be granted the basic role owner on the project list(string) [] no
project_id A globally unique identifier for the project. Changing this forces a new project to be created. string n/a yes
project_name The display name of the project. string n/a yes
project_service_identities List of service identities to create for the project and grant IAM roles.
api = string
roles = list(string)
[] no
project_services A list of Google APIs to activate on this project list(string) [] no
random_project_id Whether to use a random suffix for the project_id. Changing this forces a new project to be created. bool true no
random_project_id_byte_length The number of random bytes to produce. The minimum value is 1, which produces eight bits of randomness. number 4 no
skip_delete If true, the Terraform resource can be deleted without deleting the Project via the Google API. bool false no
ssh_users A map of user:ssk_key pairs map(string) {} no
viewers Identities that will be granted the basic role viewer on the project list(string) [] no
vm_dns_setting Enable zonal DNS and global DNS for the VMs in your project. string "ZonalOnly" no


Name Description
project_id The Google Cloud Platform project ID