Is a xaml/wpf extension for lunet-io/markdig
With this library it is possible to create FlowDocument's
var content = File.ReadAllText(@"..\..\..\..\");
var doc = MarkdownXaml.ToFlowDocument(content,
new MarkdownPipelineBuilder()
flowDocumentViewer.Document = doc;
or Xaml-Source files.
var content = File.ReadAllText(@"..\..\..\..\");
var xaml = MarkdownXaml.ToXaml(content,
new MarkdownPipelineBuilder()
Supports standard features from Markdig.
Additionally, the following extensions are supported:
- AutoLinks (such as
- Tables
- Extra emphasis
It is possible to replace the default resource set.
Inherit from XamlMarkdownWriter
and override the method GetDefaultStyle
Difference to markdig.wpf
markdig.wpf implements two renderers, one for xaml-output and one for wpf-objects.
This implementation has only one renderer, that has a xaml-token-stream as output.
This stream can written with framework implemented XamlXmlWriter
or the XamlObjectWriter
Markdig.Wpf-toxaml : 109ms
Markdig.Xaml-toxaml : 850ms
Markdig.Wpf-towpf : 12.579ms
Markdig.Xaml-towpf : 6.882ms
If you want to create plain xaml text output, my library is a slower. The reason is, that my implementation validates the output against the wpf-object-schema. That is one expensive step more, but it ensures a valid wpf-xaml.
The object creation should be always faster in Neo.Markdig.Xaml than the Markdig.Wpf approach, because Neo.Markdig.Xaml uses the internal wpf-object creation with all is caching and replay mechanism.
Needs to prove: Neo.Markdig.Xaml should consume less memory on large documents in both cases.
- Nuget Neo.Markdig.Xaml
- TecWare GmbH