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LiveAlert Webextension

LiveAlert is a Webextension for streamers, compatible with chromium-browsers and firefox.

It's main purpose is building engagement with your community, and notify when you are coming live on any streaming platform or channel.

LiveAlert is actually pre-configured as a fully working extension called Sardalert. If that's what you are looking for, see Using the pre-configured Sardalert

If you want to build your extension based on this system, see Hosting your own.


  • Can notify ANYTHING ! (Really..)
  • Displays the next scheduled stream time in the badge.
  • Displays a countdown 5 minutes before the stream starts in the badge.
  • You can edit the skin (icons, badges, texts, etc..) AT RUNTIME ! (from the server)
  • Compatible with almost any frontend framework with NO CONFIGURATION !
  • Typescript friendly, but not mandatory.
  • You can add a proxy for specific urls to unlock websites, or redirect your users to other machines.
  • You can superset youtube audio with your own hosted HQ lossless flac !

Using the pre-configured Sardalert


  • Clone the project and cd in it.
  • Install dependencies: npm i
  • Build the project: npm run build
  • Sardalert should be in dist folder, add it as unpacked extension in your favorite browser.

If you have any issue with this process, please, consider opening a Github Issue.

Hosting your own

LiveAlert uses Parcel 2 to build itself as a webextension.

You will find an already configured extension in src/manifest.json and src/popup/ you can just edit it, or remove it completly.


  • Change all metadata in src/manifest.json (Parcel will use them to build your project in the dist folder)
  • Set your LiveAlert server url location in src/config.js
  • If you plan not to use a specific feature, you can leave it blank, you can toggle any features from the server anyway.

Designing your interface

Just edit src/popup/index.html. That's it.

The Sardalert addon uses React and Tailwind by default to handle the Popup view.

You can opt-out of React simply by editing popup/index.html and changing <script src="./index.jsx"></script> to point to your script.

To opt-out Tailwind, it's just a postcss plugin, simply edit postcssrc.json to add/remove any plugin you want. (don't forget to npm uninstall / npm install accordingly)

You can use almost all frontend framework (or none) out of the box, either with Typescript or plain Javascript.

See the full list of supported languages and technologies


The main purpose of this repository is to continue evolving LiveAlert, making it faster and easier to use. Development of LiveAlert happens in the open on GitHub, and I'm grateful to the community for contributing bugfixes and improvements. Read below to learn how you can take part in improving LiveAlert.


Licensed under MIT.


Easy and feature-rich browser extension for streamers !




