This is my basic webpack configuration
- Support for TS as well as JS
- React
- ESLint + Prettier (my opinionated configuration)
- Jest + Enzyme + Custom test suite + Coverage
- SASS + SASS modules + SASS resources + PostCSS
- Subpackages with modules
- Pre-commit lint and test
- SASS + SASS modules + SASS resources + PostCSS
- Tailwind + SemanticUI
- Subpackages with modules
- Storybook with: A11y, Controls, Actions, Test
- Redux
- RxJS
- Custom configuration
- Feature flags
- Service worker + Offline (Google workbox)
- Manifest
- Size Limit (GitHub actions)
- Cypress
- CircleCI (GitHub/Bitbucket actions)
- Sentry (Not included in dev mode)
- enable/disable tailwind in conf
- enable/disable semantic ui in conf
- move service worker to a separate file
- move sentry to a separate file
- move SYSTEM config to it own chunk so every build will only modify 1 file
- Use Feature Flags per environment
- Allow different publication environments
- Adds default Heroku deployment
- Adds Heroku deployment with storybook at HEROKU_HOST/stories
- Adds TS coverage report script
~ nothing pending in the list
- Copy config/.env.example.yml to config/.env.yml
- Edit config/.env.yml as you wish
- Run
yarn serve