Ansible Repository for testing ansible using test kitchen with Exec Driver.
The exec driver allows ansible to be driven from your workstation, (This provides similar functionality to to the kitchen-ansiblepush driver)
This demonstrates using test-kitchen, ansible to build a server with ansible automatically installed and run from your workstation.
The first thing you need to do is install the test-kitchen environment on your workstation. A useful link is:
The follow instructions are for Windows PC (it will be similar for Mac):
- Download and install the Windows RubyInstaller for 64 bit Ruby 2.4 from
- Check the option to add ruby to your path.
- Download and install the Windows Ruby DevKit for use with Ruby 2.4 and above (64bits version only) from
- Then install the following gems
- gem install test-kitchen
- gem install kitchen-ansible
- git clone the repository
kitchen list
This will return a list if everything is correctly installed.
kitchen create ansible-centos-72 -l debug
kitchen converge ansible-centos-72 -l debug
kitchen destroy ansible-centos-72 -l debug