Location based Android Alarm App
An app which serves as a reminder, safety alarm and also an emergency notification system. Wrapped with MVC architecture, this was developed with android's Location API. Uses SQLite database for storing user data.
Features of the app:
- Location tracking
- Alarm on reaching or exiting a location
- SOS text to multiple contacts in case of emergencies on
- click of a button
- shaking the device thrice
- Notify users on reaching a location
- To build the app in android studio, clone the github repository
- Generate an API key and store the value in local.properties
- Run and emulate!
This presentation has a brief of this project- https://www.canva.com/design/DAFPN-DCz60/EAqxxpWOrRDE7UnsodTRNw/edit?utm_content=DAFPN-DCz60&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton