Amputees face physical and emotional challenges in their day-to-day life, and their struggle is immeasurable. To solve this problem, I'm presenting a robotic joint, that can be used as a limb (once combined with prosthetics) and can help them control an artificial arm or leg using their brain. Although the headset contains only a single channel, it can still be a stepping stone to cutting-edge technology.
This repository presents a brain-controlled robotic joint, so the user can control their artificial limb using their brain. Some practice might be required to consider focus levels. If more electrodes are added to it, it can be highly accurate as well.
- Arduino Nano
- EEG Headset
- HC-05 Bluetooth Module
- 9g Servo Motor
- A bunch of jumpers
Arduino - HC05
5V - VCC
RX0 - TX
- Arduino IDE
- PuTTY (Configuration)
Arduino IDE can be downloaded from here. For smooth installation, you can go through this page.
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