The NECCTON-algo organization hosts the algorithms developed in the framework of the NECCTON project.
Requirements to add a repository to the organization
- Be a member of the NECCTON project
- Put the mandatory files in the respository as described here.
- Follow the recommendations as much as possible
- Complete the table here :
Repository name | Branch (default: main) | Owner1 | NECCTON task | short description |
.github | @brajard | 4.1 | description of the github organization | |
Neccton_Super_Resolution | @AntoineBernigaud | 4.4.3 | Super Resolution Data Assimilation | |
DINCAE-benthic-traits | @Alexander-Barth,@AbelDechN | 4.2.2 Interpolation | data products of benthic traits | |
PNMI data paper | @dlaetitia | 4.3.1 | Spatial distribution of zooplankton diversity in the Parc Naturel Marin Iroise (PNMI) | |
BFMFORFABM | @plazzari | 5.2.3 and 5.2.4 | POC and bio-optic module used within BFM | |
plasticparcels | @michaeldenes | 8.2.1 | Microplastic transport and dispersion simulation tool based on the parcels Lagrangian framework |
ERSEM-NECCTON | spm | @jimc101 | 5.2.2 | SPM Model in ERSEM |
ERSEM-NECCTON | dvm | @r-millington | 5.2.1 | DVM Model in ERSEM |
ECOSMO | @caglartac | 4.3.1 and 5.2.1 | main ECOSMO and diel vertical migration codes | |
SPMmodule | @giubonino | 5.2.2 | SPM module | |
ERSEM-NECCTON | DOC | @hpowley | 5.2.3 | NECCTON DOC changes in ERSEM |
ERSEM-NECCTON | CDOM | @hpowley | 5.2.4 | CDOM additions for bio-optical model in ERSEM |
fabm-spectral | rrs | @hpowley | 5.2.4 | Bio-optical model used with ERSEM |
bamhbi-rt | @loic-mace | 5.2.4 | Bio-optics module for BAMHBI | |
bamhbi-spm | @mchoblet | 5.2.2 | Bamhbi benthic model (Organic SPM) | |
ERGOM-NECCTON | Anja Lindenthal | 3.2, 5.2.1, 5.2.3 and 5.2.4 | ERGOM-FABM code with DVM and bio-optical modules | |
ECOSMO-MERCY) | @jbieser | 5.2.5 | Marine POP Cycling module | |
SEAPODYM-1D-IET | @cls-team | 3.2 and 5.2.1 | 1D version of SEAPODYM-LMTL Intermediate Energy Transfert (IET) | |
Plastic_Poseidon | @tamvas3712 | 8.2.2 | Marine plastic pollution module | |
MEDSLIK_II_NECCTON | @SLiubartseva | 8.2.3 | MEDSLIK-II code for NECCTON project | |
CanMETOP | Zhiyong Xie | 8.2.5 | POPs’ Global atmospheric transport model | |
ECOSMO-MERCY | @jbieser | 8.2.5 | Marine Mercury Cycling and Bioaccumulation module | |
Bfiat | @karlines | 8.2.6 | Bottom Fishing Impact Assessment Tools | |
FABM | @jornbr | 3.* | Framework for Aquatic Biogeochemical Models (FABM) | |
BAMHBI for FABM | @Ezhen | 3.2 | FABM implementation of BAMHBI | |
PISCES for FABM | @MoBelharet | 3.2 | FABM implementation of PISCES | |
OGSTM-BFM-Hg | neccton_WP8 | @ginRosati | 8.2 | Marine biogeochemical mercury model |
A GitHub repository of the NECCTON GitHub organization contains the following file:
- A
file: NECCTON encourages the use of open-source licences. - A
file: indicate the main contacts for the repository. See here for more details. - A
file: see the minimum requirement for the README file here - One or several Jupyter notebooks to demonstrate the algorithm and the baseline. The baseline corresponds to an existing algorithm or a minimal solution (e.g. linear regression) that the algorithm is expected to outperform.
The README file must contain a description for:
- the data source
- the baseline (or a link to the jupyter notebook of the baseline)
- the metrics used to validate the output(s) of the algorithm
- the list of dependencies (name of the dependency and full version number used) needed to use the code, and use language-specific tools to install the dependencies (recommended)
- the documentation (e.g., via a link). It should allow a potential user to understand the code and reuse it. The documentation will be available at the M36 of the NECCTON project.
- Citations and links for NECCTON publications using or introducing the code, when applicable.
In addition to the points mentionned above, it is strongly suggested to:
- Use a data API for easy access to the data when testing the code
- Make use of GitHub actions to run unit tests when pushing the code on the repository (or when merging with the
branch). See here for a documentation of GitHub actions. - Use language specific tools (e.g. conda, pipenv) to define the running environment.
- Use the latest best coding practices. For more details, see here
- Upload code to the organization code that is specific to the NECCTON project. Other generic tools can be hosted elsewhere.
indicate here the github login of the main contact for the code. ↩