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Netanel Draiman edited this page Mar 26, 2016 · 9 revisions

Project Inception / Planning Page


We use a hybrid of waterfall and Scrum processes, putting out a product prototype every sprint and getting feedback from the client.

specific details have yet to be determined & will be updated soon.

Initial Feature List

  • Volunteer Sign-up.
  • Project Team Leader - Document Renovations.
  • Chat room per Renovation project.
  • Navigation and location on map for the each Renovation project
  • showcase for the tools the the organization have in their inventory

Initial Planning

Risk Management

Risk Severity Response
1 New technology & libraries Medium Team members with the technical knowledge will help others, take free online courses, read libraries docs.
2 Client changing product demands High Working in fast iterations, each time showing a prototype for the client and receiving feedback.
3 Project's scope too big Medium Regular team meetings discussing project progress, dropping features if necessary (while consulting the client).

## Development


Mean Stack:

  • MongoDB
  • ExpressJS
  • AngularJS
  • NodeJS


Microsoft Azure

Version Control

Github repo

Coding Convention

Following Google's JavaScript Style Guide

Initial Architecture

alt Architecture