Visual screenshot diff tool based on BBC Wraith.
All packages need to be available system-wide. You may use whichever method you wish to install the packages at their respective versions.
Here is a recommended way to manage the dependencies though:
Use NVM - this will use the version in the .nvmrc file.
Use RBENV - this will use the version in the .ruby-version file.
Install globally with NPM
npm install -g [email protected]
npm install -g [email protected]
This is a Ruby gem
gem install wraith -v 3.2.0
Wraith will run agains the requested configuration file. Feel free to copy ndevr.yaml to use for local testing.
cd to [project_root]
wraith configs/ndevr.yaml
An html page will be created in the configured output directory "shots" alling with the screenshots.
location: [project_root]/shots/gallery.html