Step-mothur is a bioinformatics analysis pipeline used for initial quality control, denoising of highly-multiplexed amplicon sequencing (HMAS) data. Currently, only the pair-end Illumina data is supported.
The pipeline is built using nextflow, a workflow tool to help with processing multiple samples in parallel and allowing for highly modular, customizable, and scalable analysis of HMAS data.
By default, the pipeline runs the following workflow:
- Input: Illumina Miseq pair-end raw reads (fastq.gz format) for each sample, all in a single folder, and a plain file (4 columns, tab delimited) of primer information.
- Raw reads quality control (fastqc)
- Primer removal (cutadapt)
- Pair merging (pear)
- Quality filtering (vsearch)
- Dereplication (vsearch)
- Denoising (vsearch)
- Reporting (custom scripts)
- Aggregate reports (multqic)
- Output: high quality unique representative sequence file (fasta format), and a plain text file report. Additionally, there is a combined report (csv format) summarizing the data from all samples and a MultiQC report (html format) aggregating data from all the modules.
Copy the Github repository to a folder
git clone
We recommend using conda for all required dependencies. You can create a conda env with our provided yaml file. For that, you will run the following:
conda env create -n hmas -f bin/hmas.yaml
(ormamba env create -n hmas -f bin/hmas.yaml
for speed)conda activate hmas
Test with the default test_data:
- Run the following:
nextflow run -profile test
Depends on your hardware, the test run should be completed in a few minutes. And the output will be in thetest_output
folder - Alternatively, change directory to the test_data folder, and run the following:
The script will automatically run the pipeline with the default test data and compare the output to the expected result and print out 'PASSED ! CSV files match' if the results match, or WARNING messages otherwise.
- Run the following:
Test with your own data - Make sure to provide path for the 3 required parameters in nextflow.config file.
- params.reads: this is the path to your paired demultiplexed fastq files (for each sample). And make sure they have a
pattern. - params.outdir: this is the folder for your output which contains all the subfolders (one for each sample).
- params.primer: this is the path (absolute path required, prefix it with $PWD/ if it's in the same work directory of the file) to your primer-pair file which lists your primer infomation, and it's 4 column (tab delimited) file with the format as: 'primer', forward_primer, reverse complement of reverse_primer and primer name, i.e.,
Run the following:
nextflow run
note: the alternative is to provide those 3 parameters at the command line, for example:
nextflow run --reads YOUR_READS --outdir YOUR_OUTPUT --primer YOUR_PRIMER
- params.reads: this is the path to your paired demultiplexed fastq files (for each sample). And make sure they have a
nextflow.config file:
Feel free to update the file as necessary. But it is recommended to fill in theparams.reads, params.outdir, params.primer
, update theCPU, memory, params.maxcutadapts
parameters based on your available hardware, and leave other parameters intact unless you have strong evidence to update them otherwise. -
multiqc_config.yaml file in bin/ folder:
Feel free to update the file as necessary. This file controls the display in the MultiQC htmal report.
- the optional count table contains abundance information for the corresponding high quality unique sequences (fasta file). It is only optional because the abundance information is also embedded in the seq_ID in the fasta file. For example, size=551 is the abundance value for this particular sequence.
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