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The device monitors a list of your websites and lets you know if any of them are down using the Raspberry Pi and some LEDs


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Raspberry Pi - Website Uptime Monitor

The device monitors a list of your websites and lets you know if any of them are down. Still working on the logic but all green means all good. Red means 3+ sites are down, and yellow means 1-2 are down. More than one light can be on at once for now while I'm still figuring out the logic I want to implement.


Click image to watch demo on YouTube

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started
    1. Hardware
    2. RPi Pin Usage
  2. Installation
    1. Website List
  3. Configuration
    1. LED Pins
    2. Email Config
    3. Database Config
    4. Virtual Environment
  4. Cron Jobs
  5. Flask
    1. Run Flask App
    2. Web Service Endpoints
  6. Apache
  7. Backlog Items
  8. Authors
  9. License

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

Demo Pic of project in progress:

Website Uptime Monitor


  • Raspberry Pi - I use Zero W for this project
  • Red Dome LED + Resistor
  • Yellow Dome LED + Resistor
  • Green Dome LED + Resistor
  • Optional protoboard and pins to make a hat for the Pi

RPi pin usage

The following pin settings were used for this project:

green = 12
yellow = 25
red = 18

The pins can be modified in the LED Pins Configuration section below


NOTE: This guide assumes that you have MySQL installed with a database named uptime - you can change the database name and user in the configurations below.

If you haven't already, You can either clone this repository or download the latest release. To clone the repo run this command:

git clone

To get the latest release, check out the Latest Releases:

At the time of this update, the latest version is version Beta 0.3.0-b01. To get this directly, run the following commands:


Then unzip it with:


For simplicity's sake, I recommend changing the name of the directory/repo to uptime as I've done it in and will be using for the rest of this guide. You can do so easily with this command:

mv RaspberryPi-Website-Uptime-Monitor-0.3.0-b01 uptime

Update the directory name as needed.

Website List in sites table

Dependency on up.json was removed as of version 0.5.0. Sites are now stored in the database inside the sites table.

This application will check to see if a 200 is returned from the website and it will only check websites that are currently active and visible (not deleted). The previously used up.json didn't do too much in addition to checking for a status of 200 so it was removed. I am working on ideas on how to check the actual content for a better sense of website uptime.


The below configurations are located in config/ - before continuing, rename the file to and adjust the values below. There are two main configuration categorie: Database and Email.

To rename the file, run this command:


LED Pins

The GPIO pins for the LEDs that you will install can be modified in the conf file. Edit the LED_PINS object as you see fit. By default, the pins listed above are used:

    'green':    12,
    'yellow':   25,
    'red':      18

Email Config

If you want to use the email functionality, edit the EMAIL_CONFIG object in and enter your username and password. The Mail server and Port are also configurable. By default, this app uses Gmail as the mail server and port 465 for SSL. Feel free to change the values to your own specs. Recommended to keep port as the SSL port. And finally, edit the sender with your email address and recipient as whoever wants to receive the notification. This app currently only allows one recipient.

    'username': '<USERNAME>',
    'password': '<PASSWORD>',
    'smtpServer': '',
    'port': 465,
    'sender': 'Email of who will send it',
    'recipient': 'Email of who will receive it'

Once you've made the edits, move onto the database config.

Database Config

Before creating the schema, edit config/ and update the DATABASE_CONFIG configurations with the database that you'll create in the next step:

    'host' : 'localhost',
    'dbname' : 'uptime',
    'dbuser' : 'DATABASE_USER',
    'dbpass' : 'DATABASE_PASSWORD'

By default, the database name is uptime - if you want to use another name, change it. Update the dbuser and dbpass properties with the credentials that the database will use.

If you change the database name, make sure to edit schema.sql with nano schema.sql and update the name in the first two lines:

USE `uptime`;

The Schema also includes a ledStatus table that stores the current status of the LEDs. The default pins listed above are used. If you are using other GPIO Pins, please update the INSERT query on line 61 to the GPIO Pin Id that you are using:

INSERT INTO ledStatus (color, pin, status) VALUES ('red', 18, 0),('yellow',25,0),('green',12,0);

The above table is used for turning off the Green LED during off hours using cron jobs explained below.

Now you can run the schema.sql with the following command:

source database/schema.sql

Virtual Environment & Dependencies

In the main repo directory, install a virtual environment:

python3 -m venv venv

Activate the virtual environment:

. venv/bin/activate

Let's install five more dependencies. Installing flask right away isn't necessary unless you want a UI for your web service:

pip install RPi.GPIO flask mysqlclient requests python-crontab

Initialize Cron jobs

This app runs automatically via cron jobs. You can initialize some Cron Jobs that are put in place. Before proceeding, edit the file and edit the two instances of the directory called uptime on line 17 to whatever you called your repository.

After making the edit, run the script with the following command:


This script will add the cron jobs listed below to crontab as well as to the cronSettings MySQL table. Running will clear your crontab and rewrite all defaults.

Current Cronjobs:

  • Check Sites - by default, this will check sites every 15 minutes to see if they are online
  • Enable/Disable Green LED - by default, the Green LED will be turned off between 12:30 AM and 5:30 PM on weekdays and 1 am and 8 am on weekends. This is the assumption that you will not be home to see the light. This will NOT affect the red and yellow lights. You can change the values in the init file or later in the crontab.
  • Email Notification - a cron will run 1 minute after the sites are checked to get a count of how many times a particular site has been down. If a site has been reported down 3 times in a row, it will trigger an email from the sender to recipient email address as specified in

If you want to add or update your cron after you've run, you can easily edit the official crontab with the following command:

crontab -e

You can also update the database manually. You can also edit the file and add a new method or edit an old one with your Cron settings and re-run the script. I will add a way to programmatically update your settings in the future.


Web service end points have been created with Flask that can be connected to via a frontend web application or a simple Post request. The end points are still being built. The information below will help you get the flask app started as well as understand some of the basic endpoints. Most end points return JSON, some may return basic text. More details below.

Run Flask APP

Note: The flask app is still under construction. So far, a few web service end points have been created. More will be added.

Running a flask app is fairly simple. To run apache in front of flask so that you can access your app without needing the port, read the Apache section below.

The controller for the Flask app is Once you have flask installed in your virtual environment, you can start flask with the following commands:


Then run the actual flask app:

flask run --host=

You can now access it from any computer on your network (assuming there are no firewall settings blocking this) by going to http://ip_addr:5000 - substitute ip_addr for the IP address for your pi. Hostname will also work in some instances depending on your network setup. The apache section below will cover how to run your flask app through apache.

Details on the Flask app will be posted later.

Web Service Endpoints

Note: All GET requests below have two URL parameters that they accept. They are page with a default value of 1 and limit with a default value of 25.

1. Sites

You can get a list of all sites being monitored with the /getSites endpoint. You can add a site with /addSite and pass in these items:

  • siteName - name of the site
  • url - url to be monitored
  • email - email address which will be contacted if the site goes down

New sites are automatically set to the active status, but can be turned off by changing the active property to 0.

You can update a site by using the /updateSite endpoint. Along with the three properties above, send these additional two to update the site:

  • id - in order to edit a site, it must exist with an unique id in the database
  • active - change the active status to either 1 (active) or 0 (inactive)

Delete functionality will be coming in a future release. It will be a soft delete (visibility will be set to 0 instead of removing the row from the database).

2. Update Status

You can run the website checks manually with /updateStatus - it may take a few seconds to a minute to return something depends on how many sites are being checked.

3. GET Current Status (Sites component replaces this)

Note: This will eventually be deprecated since the Sites component handles everything here and more.

You can get the current status of all websites checked with this end point: /getCurrentStatus

Sites previously checked but removed from the list will return as down.

4. GET Activity

Every time the script is run, it's recorded in the database. The /getActivity end point will grab you every entry. Note that this list can get very long.

5. Other GET requests (will be documented later)

  1. /getOutages
  2. /getDowntimeCounts
  3. /getCron/
  4. /getNotifications

POST and PUT requests

  1. /overrideGreen - override the database value that keeps the green light turned off. PUT request taking one parameter: status (0 or 1)
  2. /checkFrequency - Changes the frequency at which the regular site check runs. By default it's every 15 minutes. PUT request that takes three parameters: cronName, cronVal, and enabled (0 or 1)
  3. /updateCron - Changes the crontab values of placed cronjobs based on comment name. PUT request that takes 4 paramters: comment (unique identifier), cronName, cronVal, and enabled (0 or 1).
  4. '/updateSite' - new - will update sites

More will be added. Want me to add something specific, let me know!



We need to install Apache2 as well as Libapache WSGI module. To do so, run this command:

sudo apt install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3 -y

This will install the required depencencies.

Move or copy the file from the util/ dir into your venv folder. You can do so with this command:

cp util/ venv/bin/

The file will allow Apache to run your this application from from the virtual environment. The file was last copied on January 31, 2019. To look for updates or to get it directly from the source, you can run this command:

cd venv/bin

This will enter your venv/bin dir and download the file from the source (source file does not change often).

We need to add a new configuration file to Apache. To do this run these:

cd /etc/apache2/sites-available

Create a new .conf file:

sudo nano uptime.conf

Enter this new virtual host information in the file and save:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName uptimepi
    WSGIDaemonProcess uptime user=pi group=www-data threads=5
    WSGIScriptAlias /uptime /var/www/html/uptime/uptime.wsgi
    <Directory /var/www/html/uptime>
        WSGIProcessGroup uptime
        WSGIScriptReloading On
        WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
        Require all granted

Then we need to activate this new configuration file and disable the default one with these commands:

sudo a2ensite uptime.conf
sudo a2dissite 000-default.conf

You can then restart apache with sudo service apache2 restart now.

As the file suggests, we need the uptime.wsgi file in the /var/www/html/uptime/ directory so that our apache can access it. So let's do these commands:

cd /var/www/html
sudo mkdir uptime
cd uptime

A wsgi file is already provided in the util/ directory of this repository. You can either create your own or copy the provided file with this command:

sudo cp /home/pi/uptime/util/uptime.wsgi /var/www/html/uptime/

Adjust the directory from /uptime/ as you need to if you created your own directory. Note that you will need to update line 3 and 8 of uptime.wsgi with the correct directory as well.

Once this is done, restart apache if you haven't already, open a new browser and go to http://ip_addr/uptime - if all goes well, the app should load and you no longer need to start Flask every time or use the port 5000. You can use any of the routes available to you.

What are the benefits of running apache in front of your flask app?

When we create our front-end site, we won't have to worry about CORS when requesting data. We can simply add our front-end to another folder in our web server and use this as one big app!

Backlog items:

For a better list of backlog items, check out the beta project on Github:

  1. Web service access (currently in progress as a Flask app)
  2. Database integration - for reporting purposes (COMPLETE)
  3. Cron Jobs (COMPLETE)
  4. Ability to add and update cron jobs programmatically (partially complete)
  5. Notification via email (Mostly Complete)
  6. Front-End UI (in progress - Planning on creating a separate Angular app that consumes the Flask Web Service endpoints)

Want to add an item to the backlog? Submit an issue.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details