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Installation (based on
	vim with ruby support 
	ACK (or comment line 147 in vimrc file - not tested).
  cURL (not sure)
  Exuberant ctags

  Required gems:
    - jamis-fuzzy_file_finder (gem sources -a if needed)
    - ruby-debug-ide
1. Backup your .vimrc file and .vim directory
2. In your home, do:
	git clone git:// .vim
  ln -s .vim/vimrc .vimrc
3. Enjoy!

Note for Windows users:
	.vimrc must be renamed to $HOME/_vimrc
	.vim must be renamed to $HOME/vimfiles
  In .vimrc file change paths at lines 21 and 22. For example: C:\windows\temp

1. Rails
2. AutoComplPop (popup for completions)
3. Trinity (srcexpl, taglist, NERD_tree)
4. allml (helps to write tags)
5. endwise.vim (Wisely add "end" in ruby, endfunction/endif/more in vim script, etc)
6. fuzzy_finder_textmate
7. gist
8. matchit
9. surround
10. vcscommand (SCM client)
11. ruby_debugger (sorry netbeans, bye bye) ;-)
12. snipMate (snippets)
13. tComment
14. vimwiki (a personal wiki)

There're other plugins not listed here because are dependencies.

Usage(or tips)

		F8							Toggle NERD_tree. I load it always
		F7							Toggle Taglist. Often it off when I work with views.
		F6							Toggle srcexpl. Almost never use it.
		F5							To invoke the holy trinity. I never use it :)
		<C-_><C-_>			Toggle comment

	More shortcuts :help g:tcommentOpModeExtra*

	Useful when you're editing *ml files.
	In ERB files I use the shortcuts:

		" Mapping       Changed to   (cursor = ^)
		<C-X>=					foo<%= ^ %>
		<C-X>-        	foo<% ^ %>
		<C-X>'        	foo<%# ^ %>         (mnemonic: ' is a comment in ASP with VBS)
		<C-X><Space>  	<foo>^</foo>
		<C-X><CR>     	<foo>\n^\n</foo>

	Read allml.vim to find other shortcuts.

	These mappings has been changed because it collided with ruby_debugger

		\ft	FuzzyFinder textmate mode
		\ff	FuzzyFinder files mode

	leader = \

	Matching "%"

	help surround ;-)

	Useful commands:
		VCSCommit				Do commit!
		VCSLog					Show log
		VCSVimdiff			Compare current buffer with latest commit
		VCSVimdiff <n>	Compare current buffer with a concrete commit(being "n" release number)

  I disabled VCS* mappings because I don't use it never.

AutoComplPop (aka acp):
	Advise: My preference for this plugin is very personal and it can be a annoying for you.

	This plugin open a popup for completions when you enter characters. It's very useful when you have long/rare/... class/method/... names. You only write a few letters and it show the popup.

		<C-n>						Jump to the next word
		<C-p>						Jump to the previous word

	It help you to remember snipMate snippets writing the first letter of the snippet as capital letter (Only works with one letter)

	To disable this plugin (i.e.: when writes in your personal wiki):


	To enable again:


	See usage in the help (:help ruby-debugger).

Mappings and functions
		gt							move to next tab
		gT							move to previous tab
		t%							open actual buffer in a tab
		td							close tab

		F2							paste mode
		F3							list chars
		F4							wrap text

	In visual mode:
		<Tab>						Indent							
		<S-Tab>					Unindent							

Grep(with ACK)
		:Rgrep	<string>		Search the string along the project and show results in quickfix window
		:Rgrepdef	<string>	Search a method with the string along the project and show results in quickfix window

	In rails projects you can generate tags file with the command:

	In other projects you should do it in the shell:
		$ ctags -R .

	Both commands will create a file called tags with is an index of our source code.
	To use tags in vim:
		<C-[>						Jump to definition(tag)	under the cursor
		<C-T>						Back again
		:ts <regex>			List tags that match with regex


my vim setup






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