Managing personal finances can be challenging for many individuals, from college students managing limited budgets to working professionals handling various expenses. Keeping track of transactions, categorizing spending, and understanding financial habits require time and effort. Many existing solutions are either too complex or lack the necessary features to make financial management straightforward and effective.
Introducing FinTrack, a comprehensive budget tracker application designed to simplify financial management for everyone, from college students to working professionals. FinTrack leverages modern web technologies to provide a seamless, intuitive, and powerful tool for managing finances.
By combining ease of use with powerful features, FinTrack helps users track their transactions, analyze spending patterns, and gain insights into their financial habits through visually appealing charts and historical data aggregates.
Enter our application FinTrack. With FinTrack, users can effortlessly manage their finances, categorize their spending, and visualize their financial data through stunning charts. Our application supports secure authentication, a modern user interface, and robust data handling to ensure a smooth user experience.
Next.js 14: API routes and ServerActions!Auth with Clerk: Secure user authentication
TypeScript: Type-safe programming
TailwindCSS / Shadcn UI: Responsive and customizable UI
SQLite / Vercel PostgreSQL: Reliable and scalable database solutions
Prisma: Powerful ORM for database interactions
React-query: Data fetching and state management
Recharts: High-quality data visualizations
Transaction Management: Easily add, edit, and delete transactions.
Category Statistics: Track spending across various categories.
Historical Data Aggregates: View and analyze financial trends over time.
Stunning Charts: Visualize financial data with beautiful and interactive charts.
Icon Selector for Categories: Personalize categories with icons for better visualization.
By integrating modern technologies and offering a user-friendly interface, FinTrack ensures that managing finances is no longer a daunting task but a straightforward and engaging experience.