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A simple drag and drop form builder and renderer.

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Demo can be viewed at

Editing is a React application with the only major dependency being react-dnd. The form's data renderer is standalone and renders using only DOM manipulation.


npm install --save formial


Example from example/src/App.tsx

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { Editor, Container, render } from 'formial'
import 'formial/styles.css' // could also import .scss source into existing sass styles

 // this would normally be loaded from server
const DEFAULT = {"id":"4f78521b-59a8-4069-8ae8-8b0c793d9f5e","type":"FORM","control":"col","className":"","direction":"row","children":[{"id":"5421839e-6592-4c7b-aea6-72dd889f2354","type":"TEXT","control":"heading","tag":"h3","text":"Hello World!","className":""}]}

const App = () => {
    const formRef = React.useRef<FormRefT>(null)
    const htmlRef = React.useRef(null)

    const renderHTML = () => {
        if (!formRef.current) return
        // json would normally be saved.
        // It's intended to be loading back into the editor or rendered to a form
        const json = formRef.current.form.serialize()

        render(htmlRef.current!, json)


    return (
        <div id="example-builder">
            <Editor formRef={formRef} defaultValue={DEFAULT}  />
            <hr />
            <div><button onClick={renderHTML}>Render</button></div>
            <hr />
            <div ref={htmlRef}></div>

export default App

Editor Props

  • className?: string

  • onChange?(form: Form): void Called anytime the form is modified. A form should not be saved as-is, but provides a "serialized()" method that can be called to obtain the "SerializedForm" structure that can be saved

  • defaultValue?: SerializedForm Initial state of form editor.

  • formRef?: A React reference that will be set to an oject with methods for reading/updating the form. FormRefT

    • form: a readonly property that returns the current form state. Call serialize() on the form state to obtain a storable JSON structure
    • update(serializedForm): update form with the json obtained from calling serialize() above
    • clear(): reset form to a blank state


The editor is styled using scss and assigns class names to elements to they can be overridden. The controls on the editor default to assigning elements bootstrap classes.

The form renderer does not include any styles by itself. The demo loads the bootstrap 5 styles on the page only in order to show what's possible.

Raison d'être

Formial was written for use by the MyClientSpot project management application. Customers can use it to easily build or customize premade forms and then embed them in their websites to feed data into their workflows. It was important that the builder be easy to use and the rendering be very lightweight since it's intended to be loaded onto foreign websites.

Other form builders that were evaluated:


MIT © nathanstitt


a simple form builder and renderer








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