This application allows the user to do sign in/up/out, change their password, and play a game of tic tac toe. If the user can only play against another person on their browser.
The planning began with wireframes to undersand the basic layout of the application. Then the project was broken down into different parts that could be broken down into steps. Originally I started with the Javascript functionality when I should have started with user authentication. Starting with authentication helpes maintain code organization and would have prevented me from having to rewrite some functionality later on in the process. This is a simple game application, the user can log in and play tic tac toe! NOTE: This is a TOY application and real passwords should not be used.
- As a user I want to sign up/in/out
- As a user I want to create a new game
- As a user I want to read finished games
- As a user I want to update my password
- As a user I want to be able to play again after current game ends.
- As a user I want to be able to know if it's my turn or not.
- Bootstrap
- Javascript
- jQuery
- Fix design issues/inconsistencies
- Clean up code - must work on organization.