Create with heroku/node-js-getting-started
and Create React App
.Deployed on Heroku.
material design and UI inspired by typography
use Prism for code highlight
- React
- React-Router
- CSS Modules
- Redux(plan to use when write Management interface)
- material-ui
- express
- postgresql
- sequelize(in plan)
- webpack
- react-jss sovle css modules problem with material-uii
- react-paginate a simple paginate component, add router support for it
// install latest nodejs and npm or yarn
// install express and other node modules for service part
yarn install or npm i
cd frontend && yarn install or npm i
// run the service
npm start
// run the client
cd frontend && npm start
- add a sideMenu
- add gobackTop button
- rewrite the paginate component to support react-router
- add a gallery page
- a simple management page(may use redux)
- save and get the articles by postgresql and sequelize
- mobile adaptation
- add test by Jest
- support search in blog