caTissue Suite uses JASIG CAS (Common Authentication Service) to provide Single Sign-On support with other applications. The caTissue application uses the HTTP request filter provided by CAS to intercept all requests and redirect the user to the Login page in case the user is not already logged in.
CAS is an authentication system originally created by Yale University to provide a trusted way for an application to authenticate a user. CAS became a Jasig project in December 2004.
The caTissue CAS is distributed under the BSD 3-Clause License. Please see the NOTICE and LICENSE files for details.
You will find more details about the caTissue CAS Tool in the following links:
- [caTissue Tools Home Page] (
- [caTissue Home] (
- [NCI OSDI] (
- [Issue Tracker] (
- [Code Repository] (
- [Single Sign On Support] (
Please join us in further developing and improving the caTissue CAS Tool.