cancer Bench-to-Beside (caB2B) is an open-source query tool that permits translational research scientists to search and combine data from virtually any caGrid data service.
The caB2B suite is composed of three core components: the Web application, the Client Application, and the Administrative Module.
The caB2B Web Application provides query templates that allow easy search and retrieval across the grid of microarray data (from caArray), imaging data (from the National Biomedical Imaging Archive (NBIA)), specimen data (from caTissue), and nanoparticle data (from caNanoLab). Searches can be performed on selected locations using either form-based or keyword searches and data can be exported in the CSV format. The web application can be used from standard web browsers and does not require any software to be downloaded.
caB2B is developed in Java and requires Apache Ant for building.
caB2B is distributed under the BSD 3-Clause License. Please see the NOTICE and LICENSE files for details.
You will find more details about caB2B in the following links:
- Home Page:
- Code Repository:
- Issue Tracker:
- Documentation:
- Release Notes:
- Installation Package: