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A web-scraper based Manga Reader!
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Technology Stack :

  1. ExpressJS for server library.
  2. Node.js for Environment.
  3. React.js for developing dynamic user interfaces
  4. Axios for promise based HTTP requests
  5. Cheerio.js for quick and flexible implementation of core jQuery
  6. Puppeteer for headless-browser based scraping
  7. Electron.js for Desktop-client app.

Build Instructions

1. First the clone the repository locally by

    git clone

and change directory into the project using

    cd ./manga

2. Install all server-side packages

In the root directory of the backend project using

npm install

3. Run the backend-server

In the root directory of the backend using

npm start

and change directory into the webapp using

   cd ./webapp

4. Install all client-side packages

In the root directory of the webapp using

npm install

5. Run the client-server

In the root directory of the webapp using

npm start

6. Run the desktop-client after the client-server loads

In the root directory of the webapp using

npm run electron

7. Optionally run the desktop & client server togethor

In the root directory of the webapp setup the startUrl in electron.js file and then run

npm run dev

Run Test

In the root directory of the project run

   npm test


  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/fooBar)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some fooBar')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/fooBar)
  5. Create a new Pull Request