StainlessDb is an in-memory database system designed for lightweight
StainlessDb adopts an HTTP-like structure, where requests and responses consist of a header and a body. The response also includes a status code, similar to HTTP responses. This makes the protocol familiar and easy to understand
StainlessDb communicates with clients using JSON-formatted commands, making it simple and human-readable.
Clients send requests in the following JSON format:
"header": {
"command": "SET",
"key": "key-name"
"body": "value"
The server responds with a JSON object structured like this:
"statuscode": 200,
"header": {
"comment": "Command success"
"body": "Ok"
Detailed documentation is currently under development. Please check back later for more information on how to use and integrate StainlessDb.
Here is a series of basic operations to help you get started with StainlessDb.
command stores a key-value pair in the database. In this example, we are storing the key "rust"
with the value "crab"
"header": {
"command": "SET",
"key": "rust"
"body": "crab"
"statuscode": 204,
"header": {
"comment": "Command success"
"body": "OK"
The server responds with a 204 status code indicating that the command was successfully executed, but no content is returned in the body. The response confirms the success of the SET operation.
The GET command retrieves the value associated with a specified key. In this case, we are retrieving the value of the key "rust" that was set in the previous step.
"header": {
"command": "GET",
"key": "rust"
"body": null
"statuscode": 200,
"header": {
"comment": "Get value"
"body": "crab"
The server responds with a 200 status code, indicating that the value was successfully retrieved. The value "crab" is returned in the body field.
The DEL command deletes a key-value pair from the database. Here, we are deleting the key "rust".
"header": {
"command": "DEl",
"key": "rust"
"body": null
"statuscode": 200,
"header": {
"comment": "Command success"
"body": "OK"
The server responds with a 200 status code, confirming that the key-value pair was successfully deleted from the database.
Installation instructions are currently being prepared. Please check back soon for details on how to install StainlessDb.
We welcome contributions! If you would like to contribute, please refer to the contributing guidelines.
StainlessDb is licensed under the MIT License.