Yet another drawing board. Piet Mondrian, one of the greatest abstract style artists of the 20th century.
Install the main package: @mondrian/mondrian, check out the package main page here for more documentations.
We had make more than one broken drawing board, having problems like:
- Not well designed.
- Hard to maintain.
- Render logic and data logic not well split.
- No central control or non-invasive mechanism to handle datas flow.
- Brush or plugin unsupported.
- Low performance in extreme circumstance.
To have a maintainable and flexible drawing board, here are our design goals:
- Full abilities of drawing board for teaching or presentation.
- High performance.
- Live share supported.
- Easy to build, easy to run.
- Maintainable, easy to learn, easy to code, easy to debug.
- Brush/Plugin extendable.
npm install
npm run start
Here is a simple project to be used to test released @mondrian/mondrian