Klaus is a simple stack based language with a compiler implemented in OCaml. The language itself does not rely on any dependencies, it is currently developed on and for x86-64 GNU/Linux, but exploring other architectures and operating systems is something I would like to do.
Its name is a reference to Staplerfahrer Klaus (Stapel being Stack in german).
This project is build using my noob build system on Linux. You will have to build the noob.c file using your systems C compiler, then run the executable to build the main compiler using ocamlc.
Being a stack based language means there are no variables, all data is kept on a stack.
Klaus provides you with a basic set of input/output, algebraic and branching/looping instructions.
All data handled by klaus is signed 64-bit integers.
Currently the syntax is still in a very simple, pseudo assembly state,
I am planning on expanding the synatx and allowing for more complex, abstract syntax.
I am currently reworking the language for a brand new syntax and control flow. More info to follow soon.
Many more examples can be found in the examples/
folder (most of the examples there still use the old synatx, new ones will follow)
: Pushes an immediate value onto the stack.
: Pops the top value of the stackputs
: Prints the top value of the stack (without popping it)read
: Reads a user input (as int) and pushes it on top of the stackswap
: Swaps the top 2 valuesdup
: Duplicates the top valueend
: Ends the program+
: Replaces the top 2 values by their sum-
: Replaces the top 2 values by their difference*
: Replaces the top 2 values by their product/
: Replaces the top 2 values by their quotient:<name>
: Defines a variable with given name and stores the top of the stack within<name>
: Pushes the variable given by the name onto the stack
- Replace libc
- Explore Reverse Polish Notation -> currently in progress
- Expand documentation and example programs
- Char, String and float datatypes
Further information about the language will follow