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Bingo automates the creation of DNS records for services served by a reverse proxy.

The original idea was to run alongside Fabio (hence the name).


Bingo Architecture


  • A supported nameserver
  • A supported reverse proxy
  • A "service parent domain" to register your service domains under. For example, with "svc.local" as a service parent domain, Bingo will:
    • Assume "ownership" of every subdomain of "svc.local" in the nameserver, meaning it will:
      • only ever create subdomains of "svc.local"
      • delete subdomains of "svc.local" it does not recognise
    • For a service named "myapp", create the subdomain "myapp.svc.local"
    • For a service named "home-assistant", create the subdomain "home-assistant.svc.local"
    • etc.


Docker CLI

docker run -d \
    -e FABIO_HOSTS="host1.local host2.local" \
    -e PIHOLE_URL=http://pihole.local:80 \
    -e PIHOLE_PASSWORD=abc123 \
    -e SERVICE_DOMAIN=svc.local \

Docker Compose

version: "3"

    image: n6g7/bingo
      FABIO_HOSTS: host1.local host2.local
      PIHOLE_URL: http://pihole.local:80
      PIHOLE_PASSWORD: "abc123"
      SERVICE_DOMAIN: svc.local
    restart: unless-stopped

Nomad + Consul

job "bingo" {
  datacenters = ["dc1"]
  type        = "service"

  group "bingo" {
    network {
      mode = "bridge"
      port "metrics" {}

    service {
      name = "bingo"
      tags = ["metrics"]
      port = "metrics"

      check {
        name     = "http port alive"
        type     = "http"
        path     = "/health"
        interval = "10s"
        timeout  = "2s"

    task "bingo" {
      driver = "docker"

      config {
        image = "n6g7/bingo"

      template {
        destination = "secrets/bingo.env"
        env = true

        data = <<EOH
        FABIO_HOSTS="{{ range service "fabio" }}{{ .Node }}.local {{ end }}"
        PROMETHEUS_LISTEN_ADDR=":{{ env "NOMAD_PORT_metrics" }}"

      resources {
        cpu    = 50
        memory = 32


Bingo aims to require the least configuration possible, however we're not quite there yet.

All configuration is passed as environment variables.

Minimum config for Fabio and Pi-hole

Variable name Example Description
FABIO_HOSTS host1.local host2.local Hosts where Fabio is running.
PIHOLE_URL http://pihole.local:80 Address of the Pi-hole instance.
PIHOLE_PASSWORD abc123 Pi-hole admin password.
SERVICE_DOMAIN svc.local Domain under which service subdomains should be created.

Complete config

Variable name Default Description
SERVICE_DOMAIN Domain under which service subdomains should be created. Any service with a declared domain that does not match "*.$SERVICE_DOMAIN" will be ignored. Bingo only ever creates or deletes subdomains of SERVICE_DOMAIN.
PROXY_TYPE fabio The type of proxy to fetch services from. Supports "fabio" or "traefik".
PROXY_POLL_INTERVAL 5s Time interval between requests to reverse proxy.
FABIO_HOSTS List of comma-separated hosts where Fabio is running.
FABIO_ADMIN_PORT 9998 Fabio's admin UI port.
FABIO_SCHEME http URI scheme for Fabio
TRAEFIK_HOSTS List of comma-separated hosts where Traefik is running.
TRAEFIK_ADMIN_PORT 8080 Traefik's API port.
TRAEFIK_SCHEME http URI scheme for Traefik
TRAEFIK_ENTRYPOINTS List of comma-separated Traefik entrypoints to watch. Only services mapped to these entry points will be managed.
NAMESERVER_TYPE pihole The type of nameserver to managed records in. Supports "pihole" or "route53".
NAMESERVER_POLL_INTERVAL 30s Time interval between requests to nameserver.
PIHOLE_URL Address of the Pi-hole instance.
PIHOLE_PASSWORD Pi-hole admin password.
ROUTE53_HOSTED_ZONE Route53 hosted zone name (eg. "")
ROUTE53_TTL 3600 TTL of records created in Route53.
AWS_REGION us-west-1 The AWS region to connect to when using Route 53. Route 53 is a global service so any region will work, changing the region will only affects latency.
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID When using environment variables to authenticate with AWS, the Access Key ID to use.
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY When using environment variables to authenticate with AWS, the Secret Access Key to use.
AWS_PROFILE When using the AWS shared configuration file (usually in ~/.aws/{credentials,config}) to authenticate with AWS, the name of the profile to use.
LOG_LEVEL INFO Logging verbosity. Supports "DEBUG-4" (meaning "TRACE"), "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN" and "ERROR".
MAIN_LOOP_TIMEOUT 1s Lower timeout means faster drift detection at the cost of higher CPU usage.
RECONCILIATION_TIMEOUT 30s Minimum interval between reconciliations.
RECONCILER_LOOP_TIMEOUT 1s Lower timeout means faster reconciliation at the cost of higher CPU usage.
PROMETHEUS_LISTEN_ADDR :9100 Address on which the prometheus exporter should listen.
PROMETHEUS_METRICS_PATH /metrics Metrics path for prometheus exporter.


Reverse proxies

Name Status Notes
Fabio ✅ Supported
Træfik ✅ Supported The Træfik backend requires the Traefik API to be enabled.
HAProxy No issue


Name Status Notes
Pi-hole ✅ Supported Requires the Pi-hole admin password to manage local CNAME records.
Route 53 ✅ Supported Supports either static credentials (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables), shared config file (AWS_PROFILE) or IAM role authentication (auto-detected).
pfSense Issue opened