Visualize your Knative Eventing connections.
Visit the root of the graph service in a web browser. This will show you the graph of the current Knative resources in the namespace the graph resource is installed.
To install into the default
kubectl apply -f
To install into a test
export NAMESPACE=test # <-- update test to your target namespace.
curl -L \
| sed "s/default/${NAMESPACE}/" \
| kubectl apply -n $NAMESPACE --filename -
NOTE: This is required because of the ServiceAccount and ClusterBindings required for Graph.
To install into the default
ko apply -f config
To install into a test
export NAMESPACE=test # <-- update test to your target namespace.
ko resolve -f config \
| sed "s/default/${NAMESPACE}/" \
| kubectl apply -n $NAMESPACE --filename -
- Get Deployments working when broker is the sink.
- Work with owner ref graphs.
- Have Graph take a namespace param.
- Make Graph work well on namespaced clusters (mt-clusters)