Alloy Titanium widget to toggle a label into inputs (textbox/area, switch & slider) from touch events.
Note: This uses underscore's debounce which will throw an error on android unless you use the work around found here:
Tested on iOS 7+ and Android
gittio install com.n3wc.touchtoedit
git clone [email protected]:n3wc/com.n3wc.touchtoedit.git app/widgets/com.n3wc.touchtoedit
And add in your config.json, under dependencies
"dependencies": {
"com.n3wc.touchtoedit": "*"
View XML
<Require type="widget" src="com.n3wc.touchtoedit" id="demo"/>
controller JS
var config = {
inputType:'',//TextField, TextArea, Switch, Slider defaults to TextField
focus:''//bool to focus textbox/area on toggle
value:'',//initial value; slider: numeric, switch: bool, textbox/area: string
container:{},//object that is directly passed to root container createView() default is {width:Ti.UI.SIZE,height:Ti.UI.SIZE}
label:{},//object that is directly passed to label createLabel() default is {} text value is set after createLabel()
input:{},//object that is directly passed to input type you are creating createTextField()/createTextArea()/createSwitch()/createSlider() default is {}
inputDone:{},//object that is directly passed to button createButton() on switch/slider default is {title:'OK'}
parentWindow:{}//ANDROID ONLY this is needed to override the back button to toggle inputs back into labels
//there is also a blur event that is fired when the edit controls toggle back to a label
$.demo.addEventListener('blur',function(){'demo blur new value::: ' + $.demo.value());
""switch** the label object in config adds an additional paramerter 'display' which if passed 'bool' will display the text 'true' or 'false' else 1 or 0 label:{display:'bool'}