An Android App which Gives Today's Date in Gregorian, Jalali, and Hijri Calendars.
Built with Expo in TypeScript, this app gives today's date in Gregorian, Jalali, and Hijri calendars. It also detects Jalali holidays and has a useful widget to tell the current date from the Home screen.
Project is created with:
- Expo v49
- React Native v0.72
- React v18
- TypeScript v5
- React Native Reanimated v3
To run this project, install it locally using npm and create a development build with Expo by running the following command from the root of the project:
$ eas build --profile development --platform android
After installing the app, start the Dev Server by running the following command:
$ npx expo start --dev-client
- Get today's date in three different calendars
- Find out if today is a Jalali holiday
- Use the app's widget to get today's Jalali date right from your Home screen

Distributed under the MIT License.
Created by n-ii-ma
Feel free to contact me!