Node.js >= v20
Cloudflare R2
setup DB
# init
$ docker-compose up
# set mongodb user_password
$ npm run cli -w bin init_mongodb -- --password example --user=mzm --user_password=password
# create env file
$ npm run cli -w bin create_env -- --password password --user=mzm
# write your client id, secret of GitHub or X, ... packages/auth/.env
# write your token of AWS S3 (Cloudflare R2) in packages/backend/.env
# create general room
$ npm run start -w mzm-backend
$ npm install
# start middleware
$ docker-compose up
# start
$ npm run start
# access http://localhost:8080
# reload backend, auth...
$ npm run build -w mzm-backend
# mongosh
$ docker exec -it mzm-mongo mongosh -u root -p example
# test all components
$ npm test --workspaces --if-present
# test "pachages/auth"
$ npm test -w mzm-auth
$ docker build -f packages/auth/Dockerfile -t mzm-auth .