Keeping track of food in your pantry (swe: skafferi).
Note before we start: I am used to Debian (more specifically Raspbian). The instructions below is written from my experience with Raspbian and might differ on other operating systems. For example, RedHat uses yum instead of apt-get. But it shouldn't differ too much.
Make sure you have Node and npm installed, for up-to-date info see Node installation page.
If you are lazy, the following should probably work out:
sudo apt-get update & sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install nodejs npm node-semver
sudo npm install npm@latest -g
When the installations are done, use npm install
to setup project dependencies. This process will take around 2-10 minutes.
The project uses a MySQL database which needs some "manual" setup.
First off, install the MySQL server software using
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install mysql-server --fix-missing
During the installation process you will be prompted with a root password. This is the account we will use to setup our database. Any account with privileges to use the CREATE DATABASE, CREATE USER and CREATE TABLE privileges would be fine though.
Once the installation is done, open the file db.sql
from the skafferitracker root directory. On line 21, change the part 'REPLACE_THIS_WITH_A_NEW_PASSWORD' to a password of your choice. Then go to file skafferi.js
and use the same password on line 2. Note that the user skafferi will only have permissions to work on the data of the skafferi database, which makes storing the password in cleartext less horrible.
When the password has been set, create the db by runnning the following command (make sure to input the root password you selected in Step 1.
mysql --user=root --password=your_root_password < db.sql
Be happy! If everything goes as planned, the DB should be setup and ready to use.
To start the server, simply run node index.js
. This will run on port 1339.
If you want to specify a custom port, use node index.js [portnumber]
There is a tool called NodeAdmin that can be used to visualize databases and tables. A small wrapper script for this tool has been provided. In order to use it, first install nodeadmin with the command npm install nodeadmin
Run the utility with the command node dbadmin.js
and open your local NodeAdmin. It runs on port 1338.