My Privacy DNS is an organisation that aims to keep a knowlegde base on domains that are blacklisted in any domain Blacklist project.
We have tryed to start thios a couple of times, but for various reasons, we have never found a stable solution to spread the KB, and therefor lost years of efforts. This is the 5 time we will try to acconplsh this goal, and this time we try out gibhub as the issue board (Knowlegde Base) for why domains are blacklisted.
The prokect started out as I @spirillen got very tired of not knowing why a domain was blacklisted, as many projects just put everything into one file without any comments.
As results of the knowledge we collect, we do build and maintain blacklists in the matrix reposiroty.
For general support and questions, please use our support repo and use either the Issue or Dicussion system. At the end of the day.. they are the same.
- Jetbrains, Provided free licence to any members, who have been working more than 3 month for My Privacy DNS open source project, under a non-commercial open-source software licence