Method Chaining base UnitTesting Extension Methods and Dynamic Private Accessor for MSTest, NUnit,, MbUnit. This provides only single file. NuGet install supported
- PM> Install-Package ChainingAssertion (for MSTest)
- PM> Install-Package ChainingAssertion-NUnit (for NUnit)
- PM> Install-Package ChainingAssertion-MbUnit (for MbUnit)
- PM> Install-Package ChainingAssertion-xUnit (for
easy to write, you can use only one method.
// "Is" extend on all object and has three overloads.
// This same as Assert.AreEqual(25, Math.Pow(5, 2))
Math.Pow(5, 2).Is(25);
// lambda predicate assertion.
// This same as Assert.IsTrue("foobar".StartsWith("foo") && "foobar".EndWith("bar"))
"foobar".Is(s => s.StartsWith("foo") && s.EndsWith("bar"));
// collection assert takes variable arguments
// This same as CollectionAssert.AreEqual(Enumerable.Range(1,5), new[]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5})
Enumerable.Range(1, 5).Is(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
if you want to use CollectionAssert Methods then use Linq to Objects and Is.
var array = new[] { 1, 3, 7, 8 };
array.Contains(8).IsTrue(); // IsTrue() == Is(true)
array.All(i => i < 5).IsFalse(); // IsFalse() == Is(false)
new int[] { }.Any().Is(false); // IsEmpty
array.OrderBy(x => x).Is(array); // IsOrdered
// Null Assertions
Object obj = null;
obj.IsNull(); // Assert.IsNull(obj)
new Object().IsNotNull(); // Assert.IsNotNull(obj)
// Not Assertion
"foobar".IsNot("fooooooo"); // Assert.AreNotEqual
new[] { "a", "z", "x" }.IsNot("a", "x", "z"); /// CollectionAssert.AreNotEqual
// ReferenceEqual Assertion
var tuple = Tuple.Create("foo");
tuple.IsSameReferenceAs(tuple); // Assert.AreSame
tuple.IsNotSameReferenceAs(Tuple.Create("foo")); // Assert.AreNotSame
// Type Assertion
"foobar".IsInstanceOf<string>(); // Assert.IsInstanceOfType
(999).IsNotInstanceOf<double>(); // Assert.IsNotInstanceOfType
var lower = new[] { "a", "b", "c" };
var upper = new[] { "A", "B", "C" };
// Comparer CollectionAssert, use IEqualityComparer<T> or Func<T,T,bool> delegate
lower.Is(upper, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
lower.Is(upper, (x, y) => x.ToUpper() == y.ToUpper());
// or you can use Linq to Objects - SequenceEqual
lower.SequenceEqual(upper, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase).Is(true);
class MyClass
public int IntProp { get; set; }
public string StrField;
var mc1 = new MyClass() { IntProp = 10, StrField = "foo" };
var mc2 = new MyClass() { IntProp = 10, StrField = "foo" };
mc1.IsStructuralEqual(mc2); // deep recursive value equality compare
mc1.IntProp = 20;
AsDynamic convert to "dynamic" that can call private method/property/field/indexer.
// a class and private field/property/method.
public class PrivateMock
private string privateField = "homu";
private string PrivateProperty
get { return privateField + privateField; }
set { privateField = value; }
private string PrivateMethod(int count)
return string.Join("", Enumerable.Repeat(privateField, count));
// call private property.
var actual = new PrivateMock().AsDynamic().PrivateProperty;
Assert.AreEqual("homuhomu", actual);
// dynamic can't invoke extension methods.
// if you want to invoke "Is" then cast type.
(new PrivateMock().AsDynamic().PrivateMethod(3) as string).Is("homuhomuhomu");
// set value
var mock = new PrivateMock().AsDynamic();
mock.PrivateProperty = "mogumogu";
(mock.privateField as string).Is("mogumogu");
// a model
public class Person
public int Age { get; set; }
public string FamilyName { get; set; }
public string GivenName { get; set; }
public void TestMethod()
// this assertion is fail
var person = new Person { Age = 50, FamilyName = "Yamamoto", GivenName = "Tasuke" };
person.Is(p => p.Age <= 10 && p.FamilyName == "Yamada" && p.GivenName == "Tarou");
error message shows property values
// Exception Test(alternative of ExpectedExceptionAttribute)
// AssertEx.Throws does not allow derived type
// AssertEx.Catch allows derived type
// AssertEx.ThrowsContractException catch only Code Contract's ContractException
AssertEx.Throws<ArgumentNullException>(() => "foo".StartsWith(null));
AssertEx.Catch<Exception>(() => "foo".StartsWith(null));
AssertEx.ThrowsContractException(() => /* contract method */);
// return value is occured exception
var ex = AssertEx.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() =>
throw new InvalidOperationException("foobar operation");
ex.Message.Is(s => s.Contains("foobar")); // additional exception assertion
// must not throw any exceptions
AssertEx.DoesNotThrow(() =>
// code
Parameterized Test like NUnit's TestCase. TestCase takes parameters and send to TestContext's Extension Method "Run".
public class UnitTest
public TestContext TestContext { get; set; }
[TestCase(1, 2, 3)]
[TestCase(10, 20, 30)]
[TestCase(100, 200, 300)]
public void TestMethod2()
TestContext.Run((int x, int y, int z) =>
(x + y).Is(z);
(x + y + z).Is(i => i < 1000);
TestCaseSource can take static field/property that types is only object[][].
public void TestTestCaseSource()
TestContext.Run((int x, int y, string z) =>
string.Concat(x, y).Is(z);
public static object[] toaruSource = new[]
new object[] {1, 1, "11"},
new object[] {5, 3, "53"},
new object[] {9, 4, "94"}