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G. Managing RewardedVideo Ads

Hadi Tavakoli edited this page Jun 14, 2018 · 1 revision

To load a RewardedVideo Ad, you must have initialized the Admob ANE. The main reason for using this type of Ad is to allow your users to watch an advertising video clip for a few seconds in trade for a game coin or as called officially, rewards. RewardedVideo Ad API will dispatch a AdMobEvents.AD_DELIVER_REWARD event when the user has watched the video clip fully.

NOTE: Requesting an ad can be customized. To learn more about the possible properties, read here.

// don't forget to initialize the Admob first

AdMob.api.rewardedVideo.addEventListener(AdMobEvents.AD_DELIVER_REWARD, onDeliverReward);

var adRequest:AdRequest = new AdRequest();

AdMob.api.rewardedVideo.loadAd(adRequest, "ca-app-pub-9202401623205742/3427670519");

// now, you must wait for the banner to load before you can show it.
// of course you can show the video in other times! The only thing you
// should be careful with, is to pre-load the Ad so when you want to
//show it, it will be quickly available.

private function onAdLoaded(e:AdMobEvents):void
	if (e.adType == AdMob.AD_TYPE_REWARDED_VIDEO)
		// Your Ad is ready to be shown. show it whenever you like!

private function onDeliverReward(e:AdMobEvents):void
	trace("onDeliverReward Type: " + e.rewardType + " amount: " + e.rewardAmount);