Please don't forget to write files for others to understand..
- UI
- Server
- DB
- Do not include build files in the repo, please change .gitignore so that it will ignore the whole folder or file
- When changing one part, please make sure no one else will get effected, if it is crucial let them know
- When working on parts where intersect with other works, please try to specify in the Trello's description field
Install django
pip install django==1.11
Install djano rest framework
pip install djangorestframework
pip install markdown
pip install django-filter
Install httpie - for test API
pip install --upgrade httpie
You can also use curl to test it
- cd server/byteme
runpython runserver
run python flush
python populate [number_of_events_to_populate]
- use browser, url:
account: admin
password: password@
- Browse API:
- Name:
- Method: GET
- Description: Browse the events by user (created or attending) or all events
- Parameters: type(String/required) value: attending or created or all
- Example:
- Response:
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
"Response": "List_events",
"Events": [
"abstract":"Superman is the best",
"time":"2018-11-03 03:01:00.914138+00:00",
"tags":["computer science 5.00"],
"speakerEmail":"[email protected]",
"time":"2018-11-03 03:01:00.914138+00:00",
"speakerEmail":"[email protected]",
HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request
"Response": "Add_Event",
"status": reason
- Add Event API:
- Name:
- Method: POST
- Description: Request to add the event
- Request json interface:
"Request": "Add_event",
"Event": {
"abstract": "BlaBla",
"place": "Kaist",
"time": "2018-11-03 03:01:00.914138+00:00",
"title": "Zombies",
"details": "Blabla",
"speaker": {
"name": "Steve",
"univ": "KAIST",
"speakerEmail": "[email protected]"
"poster_image": "imageimage"
- Response json interface:
HTTP/1.0 202 Accepted
"Events": {
"id": "51dca183-1dd7-4342-ae22-a10efe1d9d3f",
"status": "wait",
"title": "Zombies"
"Response": "Add_Event"
HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request
"Response": "Add_Event",
"status": "please check the response json"
- Delete Event:
- Name:<event_id>
- Method: DELETE
- Description: Delete request to add/mod/del the event
- Parameters: event_id(UUID/required)
- Example:
- Response json interface:
HTTP/1.0 202 Accepted
- Modify Event:
- Name:<event_id>
- Method: DELETE
- Description: Delete request to add/mod/del the event
- Parameters: event_id(UUID/required)
- Example:
- Request json interface:
"Request": "Modify_event",
"Event": {
"abstract": "Superman is the best (optional)",
"place": "Kaist (optional",
"time": "2018-11-03 03:01:00.914138+00:00 (optional",
"title": "Superman (optional",
"details": "Blabla (optional",
"poster_image": "imageimage (optional",
"speaker": {
"name": "Harlem",
"univ": "KAIST",
"speakerEmail": "[email protected]"
- Response json interface:
HTTP/1.0 202 Accepted
- Approve Event request:
- Name:<event_id>
- Method: POST
- Description: Request to delete the event
- Parameters: event_id(UUID/required) *need to use form to pass!!
- Response json interface:
HTTP/1.0 205 Reset Content
"Response": "Delete_event",
"Event": {
"id": aa6634c6-b10c-4339-b2c4-3e4baf49880e,
"title": "Zombies", // title only present in add and modify (not delete)
"status": "wait"
- Sign Up request:
- Name:
- Method: POST
- Description: Request to create an account
- Example:
- Request json interface:
"Request": "Sign_up",
"User": {
"id": "mustafa",
"email": "[email protected]",
"pw_hash": "XXA83jd3kljsdf",
"type": "normal", // or admin
- Response json interface:
"Example_responses": [
"Response": "Sign_up",
"id": "mustafa",
"result": "accepted"
- Login request:
- Name:
- Name:
- Method: GET
- Description: Request to login
- Parameter: idk
- Response json interface:
- Modify profile request:
- Name:
- Method: POST
- Description: Request to modify department and tags for users
- Request json interface:
"Request": "Modify_profile",
"dept": "Computer Science",
"name": "Visualization"
"name": "Graphics"
- Response json interface:
"Response": "Modify_profile",
"status": "accepted"
- Mark attend request:
- Name:<event_id>
- Method: POST
- Description: Request to modify department and tags for users
- Response json interface:
- Unmark attend request:
- Name:<event_id>
- Method: POST
- Description: Request to modify department and tags for users
- Response json interface:
If you change the code in the model, you need to run:
python makemigrations
python migrate
this is for modifying the table in sqlite
node test [username] [password] [command] [Token] [Event_ID] [req]
every operations related to the events browse?type=all Browse all events browse?type=attending Browse the events login user attending browse?type=created Browse the events login user created add Add the event mod [Event_ID] Modift the event with Event_ID del [Event_ID] Delete the event with Event_ID approve [Event_ID] [req] Approve the event request with Event_ID (only Admin) changetags [Event_ID] change tags of event attend [Event_ID] attend the event unattend [[Event_ID]] unattend the event every operations related to the accounts register add a new user profile get profile updateprofile modigy profile login get tokenyou can also modify the json interface of each request in the javascript code