Moltres is a Discord bot for reporting, coordinating, and joining Pokemon Go raids. It was originally designed and written for Valor of Boston.
Moltres is location-agnostic and can be set up for use in any region. It performs best when its host server is outfitted with taggable regional roles, so that it can use these roles to organize gyms and notify users of raid calls.
To run an instance of Moltres for your Discord server, first clone the repo:
git clone
cd moltres
# All of the remaining commands will assume you are in the project folder.
Next, install all the Node package dependencies.
# If you have not yet built any C libraries from source, you will likely
# need this:
sudo apt-get install libtool-bin automake
npm install
Install MySQL, e.g.,
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
and create a database moltresdb
for use by a user named moltres
. Then,
create five tables: gyms
, raids
, calls
, rsvps
, and permissions
The script for this is in setup/moltres.sql. Edit the password to whatever you want, then run at the command line with:
mysql -u root -p < setup/moltres.sql
# This will prompt you for the MySQL root password, which is usually
# prompted for during the installation of mysql-server. If you never set
# up a root password, you can try running as the machine's root user.
# Otherwise, you get to Google how to reset a MySQL root password.
Create a Discord bot account and add it to your server by following these steps.
When adding Moltres to your server, you must grant it the following permissions in the channels in which it's active:
- Read Messages
- Send Messages
- Manage Messages
- Embed Links
- Read Message History
- Use External Emojis
- Add Reactions
Next, add a file config.js
in the repo's root directory:
cp setup/config.example.js config.js
vim config.js # or nano, emacs, or whatever editor you prefer
You may have noticed several references to guild IDs, channel IDs, and other IDs that are numbers and not names. You can get these IDs by enabling Developer Mode in your Discord client, right-clicking the entities in question, and selecting Copy ID.
To run Moltres, simply execute
once all the setup has been completed. In order for Moltres to be useful,
you'll have to manually add gym records to the gyms
table, either via MySQL
INSERT queries, or using the $add-gym
command, e.g.,
$add-gym galaxy-sphere kendall 42.362374 -71.084384 Galaxy: Earth Sphere
Feel free to submit issues or PRs for any bugs or feature requests you may have. Please be understanding of rejected feature requests---I am very intentional about what capabilities to support with a system like this that integrates with a social-first chat application.
If you're interested in Moltres development or have support questions, please feel free to ask in Victory Road, Moltres's home server.