PhoenixBetterTable is a Phoenix Live Component that presents a filterable and sortable table component given table metadata and rows.
It is designed to fill the space between <table>
and fully featured data tables backed by Ecto, such as those in flop_phoenix.
- (optionally) sortable columns
- (optionally) filterable columns
- (optionally) add custom classes to the table header
- (optionally) add custom classes to the table body
- custom render functions for each column
rows={[%{text: "Hello", number: 123}, %{text: "World", number: 456}]}
meta={%{headers: [%{id: :text, label: "string", sort: false}, %{id: :number}]}} />
produces a table with two columns ("Hello" and "World"), one sortable column ("World), and filtering by column contents:
Suppose you have a column with an action button you want to render. You can define a custom render function for that column:
def render_button(assigns) do
<button><%= @value %></button>
and pass it to the meta
rows={[%{action: "Hello", number: 123}, %{action: "World", number: 456}]}
meta={%{headers: [%{id: :action, label: "Action", sort: false, render: &render_button/1}, %{id: :number}]}} />
The package can be installed by adding phoenix_better_table
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:phoenix_better_table, "~> 0.5.0"}
The docs can be found at