The client can be used to connect to the FunPDBe deposition system API, and perform GET, POST, PUT and DELETE calls. With the exception of GET calls, all other calls require user authentication.
For more information on the FunPDBe initiative, visit
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
There are no prerequisites for installing the client, but in order to connect to the FunPDBe deposition system using this client, depositors have to register an account at Activating user accounts in dependent on admin approval.
The are two main approaches to getting the client up and running.
$ git clone
$ cd funpdbe-client
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ pip install funpdbe_client
Examples of usage:
$ --help
- -h, --help: Help (this is what you see now)
- -u, --user: FunPDBe user name
- -p, --pwd: FunPDBe password
- -m, --mode: Running mode (get, post, delete, put)
- -i, --pdbid: PDB id of an entry
- -r, --resource: Name of a resource
- -f, --path: Path to JSON file (.json ending), or files (folder name)
- -d, --debug: Enable more detailed logging
$ -user=username -pwd=password --mode=get
$ -user=username -pwd=password --mode=get --pdb_id=1abc
$ -user=username -pwd=password --mode=get --resource=funsites
$ -user=username -pwd=password --mode=get --pdb_id=1abc --resource=funsites
$ -user=username -pwd=password --mode=post --path=path/to/data.json --resource=funsites
$ -user=username -pwd=password --mode=delete --pdb_id=1abc --resource=funsites
$ -user=username -pwd=password --mode=put --path=path/to/data.json --resource=funsites --pdb_id=1abc
Running tests for the client is performed simply by using
$ pytest
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Mihaly Varadi - Initial work - mvaradi
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the EMBL-EBI License - see the LICENSE file for details
We would like to thank the PDBe team for their support and feedback, as well as all the members of the FunPDBe consortium:
- PDBe team - team website
- Orengo team - CATH
- Vranken team - DynaMine
- Barton team - NoD
- Wass team - 3DLigandSite
- Blundell team - CREDO
- Fraternali team - POPSCOMP