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Joint Service Placement and Request Routing in Multi Connectivity Mobile Edge Networks

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Latency Focused Function Placement and Request Routing in Multi Access Mobile Edge Computing Networks

In this project, we study the problem of network function placement and request routing under node and link constraints. With the deployment of 5G, more and more networks will benefit from mobile edge computing. Networks can provide variety of low latency services by processing the demands at the edge. However, the limited computation power and memory of computing devices at the edge requires an optimal placement of the services. An edge computing node can not provide all of the various services and has to forward or possibly neglect some requests from users. The limited node resources and the ability to forward the requests to neighboring nodes naturally raises the question of where to serve a request and how to route the request, a joint function placement and request routing optimization problem. We formulate the problem as mixed integer programming optimization which is known to be an NP-hard problem. We solve the optimization problem using the CPLEX solver. Then, we relax the variables to solve the optimization as a Linear Programming. Moreover, we develop two different heuristic algorithms, one being bottom up approach and the other being top to bottom approach. Finally, we compare the performance and execution times of these 4 different approaches.

System Model

We consider a MEC network consisting of a set (\mathcal{N}) of (N) nodes (base stations) equipped with storage and computation capabilities, a set of (\mathcal{U}) of (U) mobile users, and a set of (\mathcal{E}) of (E) links. An example of the network is illustrated in Fig. 1.

Fig 1: An example scenario. User positions are generated randomly, the graph consisting of nodes and edges is fixed over all the simulations. Blue and red points together represents all the users, where the latter is the users covered by access point 4 are given as an example coverage region.

The centralized cloud can be represented as another node $l$ where combined with other nodes form the set $\mathcal{N} \cup {l}$. Each user can access to the network through a set of access nodes $\mathcal{N}_u$. If the request of user u determined to be served in the network then, one of the connections between user $u$ and nodes $\mathcal{N}_u$ should be active. The MEC network receives service requests from its subscribers in a stochastic manner. Without the loss of generality, we assume each user request one service $s_u \in \mathcal{S}$ where the set $\mathcal{S}$ contains the library of services offered in this particular MEC network. If a user performs multiple requests, we can split it into multiple users. Each of these services can require different computation power, storage space on the computation nodes. Moreover a service can require to transfer data between the user and serving computing node hence consumes bandwidth. Generally the services offered by 5G-NR, such as autonomous driving, AR/VR and tactile internet, can tolerate up to a certain latency. These requirements of a service $s$ on computation power, storage space (memory), bandwidth (traffic volume), latency are given as $\bar{c}_s$, $\bar{m}_s$, $\bar{h}_s$, and $\bar{t}_s$, respectively. A mobile network operator can price this various services as $w_s$, which can model how much a user can be charged for service $s$. Notice that this price is independent of user, however, without increasing the problem complexity, an MNO can selectively price its users.

The request of user $u$ can be routed to any node on the edge network. The memory and computation resources required by the service will be reserved on the node. The request can, also, be served at the centralized cloud where the memory and computational constrains are no longer a system limitation. However, accessing the centralized cloud may cause high end to end latency due to its long distance. The latency requirement of the service should be satisfied when the request is decided to be served at the cloud. Notice that the service will still use the available bandwidths on the network.

The network operator needs to decide whether to serve a user at the edge network, at the centralized cloud or ignore the service request if it can not satisfy the requirements of the service. If the network operator decides to serve the user, it needs to allocate the service on a node, and also use a path through one of the access node of that user.

Reproduce our Results

To reproduce our experiment locally follow the steps below.

*	git clone
*	cd common_script

The matlab file, ScenarioGenerator.m generates one random instance of simulation parameters, then this instance can be solved by using and ampl scripts.

In order to solve multiple instances of linear programming and integer programming, simply use "" bash script as follows

chmod 755
./ $start $end

where start and end are integer values for the range of simulation instance. As an example

./ 10 15

will solve the instances {10,11,12,13,14,15}. This bash script will output the values of the objective function in each step.

To run on NYU HPC you will need an account. To run on hpc, clone the repository as previously mentioned. But this time run

sbatch --array=1-999 lpmip.sbatch

This will produce the outputs of each solution inside output folder as txt file. Moreover, the objective values achieved by each solution will be recorded in their respective .txt files in the current folder. One can use the DataProcessing script to produce the figures.

For running on local machine to get result and running time:

For LP:

run only one scenario:

./ $scenario_number

where return the result and running time. For example:

./ 500

will return result and running time of scenario 500.

run on multi-input:

./ $start $end

where save the result and running time to ./Output/. For example:

./ 200 300

will save result and running time from scenario 200 to 300 to ./Output/

For MIP:

run only one scenario:

./ $scenario_number

where return the result and running time. For example:

./ 500

will return result and running time of scenario 500.

run on multi-input:

./ $start $end

where save the result and running time to ./Output/. For example:

./ 200 300

will save result and running time from scenario 200 to 300 to ./Output/

For Heuristic2:

first cd to ./Greedy2 directory

cd ./Greedy2

then like LP and MIP

run only one scenario:

./ $scenario_number

where return the result and running time. For example:

./ 500

will return result and running time of scenario 500.

run on multi-input:

./ $start $end

where save the result and running time to ../Output/. For example:

./ 200 300

will save result and running time from scenario 200 to 300 to ../Output/


Joint Service Placement and Request Routing in Multi Connectivity Mobile Edge Networks






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