Test Driven Development (TDD) - is a software development process that relies on the repetition of a very short development cycle: requirements are turned into very specific test cases, then the software is improved to pass the new tests, only.
Look at the file find_min.py.
To follow TDD the first thing we have to do is write tests for given functions. Fortunately for you I've already created tests. (look at the file tests/find_min_test.py)
Run tests:
python3 -m unittest tests/find_min_test.py
You will see that it ran 7 tests and all of them FAILED (failures=7)
Now, complete that functions in find_min.py
After running tests all of them should be passed.
Compare your answer with mine located in answers/find_min.py
Commit and push your changes
Look at the file find_max.py. You will find that there are empty functions.
Run tests for find_max functions:
python3 -m unittest tests/find_max_test.py
You will see that it Ran 7 tests without failures, because there is no body for test functions in test/find_max_test.py
You have to do:
Write documentation for function get_max inside find_max.py
Write test for get_max function inside tests/find_max.py
Run tests and see that one test failed (test_get_max)
Implement get_max function
Run tests, all of the tests shoud be passed.
Do the same for every function one by one
Commit and push your changes
Smile cause you've done good job.