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! HDG (SEM & DG) Hybrod Solver with a regular mesh for the 1D elastic wave equation 
! NOTE: This program is yet to be tested against analytical solutions.
! Language: Fortran 90, with parralel impelementation using OpenMP API
! Sources:  Igel 2017, Leveque 2002, Hesthaven & Warburton 2008
! The code used for arbitrary GLL points and weights was created by M.I.T departement of engineering. Link is hereafter
!    | file name: gll_library.f90
! This is part of the Numerical Modelling Workshop.
! Supervisor: Pr. Emmanual Chaljub
! Author    : Mus Benziane
! Input file: [Example] [Last BC options are yet to be impelented...]
! testing              ! Model name prefix (model names: prefix_vp, prefix_rho)
! 6                    ! Polynomial order
! 200                  ! Number of elements SEM
! 200                  ! Number of elements DG
! 30.                  ! Element size
! 20.                  ! Wavelet's peak frequency
! 0.0002               ! Time step
! 20000                ! Number of time steps
! 150                  ! Source location (element number)
! 4                    ! Source location (gll point)
! 50                   ! Snapshot interval
! 1                    ! [1/2/3/4] 1: Free surface, 2: Rigid wall, 3: Periodic, 4: Sponge 
! 0                    ! Boundary condition only on the left side [not for periodic BC | on the right side for absorbing]
! 20                   ! Sponge layer width in gll points
! .65                  ! Att constant for sponge layer
! 0                    ! Use intial conditions instead of point source, and produce analytical solution
! 100                  ! Width of Gaussian used as intial condition

! -> Model files in C-Style binary floats [doubles]: Vs, Rho files are needed.
!                                                  : For simple models, use create1Dmodel_files.f90
! -> Outputs are created in OUTPUT/ if OUTPUT/ is not created by the user, the program will not handle it.
!    Output files in OUTPUT directory:


Hybrid CG/DG in 1D






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