A bash script (tested on Mac OSX) to tidy up the naming convention for mp3 collections inconsistently format shifted from my CD collection. It is in two parts: rename the files based on the folder structure and set id3 tags.
Command line options:
-r Write changes, pass any argument.
-p The directory path of the mp3 files to be tidied.
By default it will use the location of this script.
Should point to ./Artist/Album/%FILES_TO_TIDY%
-y The ablum year
-g Short code genre. For full list see http://axon.cs.byu.edu/~adam/gatheredinfo/organizedtables/musicgenrelist.php.
Recommended genres and codes:
7 Hip-Hop
8 Jazz
9 Metal
13 Pop
17 Rock
32 Classical
52 Electronic
57 Comedy
-h Print this help menu
Dry run all mp3s in this directory
.mp3-tidy-file.sh -p ./Mark\ Ronson/Uptown\ Special
Tidy all mp3s in this directory
.mp3-tidy-file.sh -p ./Mark\ Ronson/Uptown\ Special -r 1
By default the script runs in dry run mode and outputs the proposed changes.
The folder and file naming convention is:
/artist/album/artist - ## - song title ft. artist.mp3
Place the album to rename in the artist/album structure. The mp3-tidy-file either should sit inside the album alongside the mp3s or you can pass it the relative path to the mp3s with -p
If in dry run mode the new file name looks incorrect, either make neccessary changes to files to make up shortfall or add additional formatting functions in script where highlighted.
This uses the opens source library id3lib which once installed is accessed on the command line using id3tag.
Use homebrew to install:
brew install id3lib
One limitation is that it only takes id3 v1 genres as a short code, and cannot be set to a custom string.