This action is specific to MPTCP Upstream repo to validate the export
in mptcp_net-next repo.
The idea here is to validate the updated tree by building the kernel.
Set it to true
to validate the compilation of each commit. Default: true
Set the maximum size for CCache in ${{ github.workspace }}/.ccache
Default: 5G
Set the defconfig to pick: x86_64
or i386
. Default: x86_64
Compile with or without IPv6 support. Default: with_ipv6
Compile with or without MPTCP support. Default: with_mptcp
Set it to true
to run checkpatch exclusively. Default: false
Set it to true
to add more debug (set -x). Default: false
uses: multipath-tcp/mptcp-upstream-build-export-action@main
each_commit: true
ccache_maxsize: 5G
defconfig: x86_64
ipv6: with_ipv6
mptcp: with_mptcp
checkpatch: false
debug: false