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References and Recommended Readings

bbischke edited this page May 1, 2017 · 4 revisions

Task Specific References

  1. Bischke, Benjamin, et al. "Contextual enrichment of remote-sensed events with social media streams." Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on Multimedia Conference. ACM, 2016.

  2. Chaouch, Naira, et al. "A synergetic use of satellite imagery from SAR and optical sensors to improve coastal flood mapping in the Gulf of Mexico." Hydrological Processes 26.11 (2012): 1617-1628.

  3. Klemas, Victor. "Remote sensing of floods and flood-prone areas: an overview." Journal of Coastal Research 31.4 (2014): 1005-1013.

  4. Lagerstrom, Ryan, et al. "Image classification to support emergency situation awareness." Frontiers in Robotics and AI 3 (2016): 54.

  5. Ogashawara, Igor, Marcelo Pedroso Curtarelli, and Celso M. Ferreira. "The use of optical remote sensing for mapping flooded areas." International Journal of Engineering Research and Application 3.5 (2013): 1-5.

  6. Peters, Robin, and J. P. D. Albuquerque. "Investigating images as indicators for relevant social media messages in disaster management." The 12th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. 2015.

  7. Planet Team (2017). Planet Application Program Interface: In Space for Life on Earth. San Francisco, CA.

  8. Schnebele, Emily, et al. "Real time estimation of the Calgary floods using limited remote sensing data." Water 6.2 (2014): 381-398.

  9. Ticehurst, C. J., P. Dyce, and J. P. Guerschman. "Using passive microwave and optical remote sensing to monitor flood inundation in support of hydrologic modelling." Interfacing modelling and simulation with mathematical and computational sciences, 18th World IMACS/MODSIM Congress. 2009.

  10. Wedderburn-Bisshop, Gerard, et al. "Methodology for mapping change in woody landcover over Queensland from 1999 to 2001 using Landsat ETM+." Department of Natural Resources and Mines, 2002.

  11. Woodley, Alan, et al. "Introducing the Sky and the Social Eye." Working Notes Proceedings of the MediaEval 2016 Workshop. Vol. 1739. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2016.

  12. Yang, Yimin, et al. "Hierarchical disaster image classification for situation report enhancement." Information Reuse and Integration (IRI), 2011 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2011.

Feature Descriptors

  1. Huang, J., Kumar, S. R., Mitra, M., Zhu, W., and Zabih, R. Image Indexing Using Color Correlograms, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 1997.

  2. Chatzichristofis, S. A. and Boutalis, Y.S. CEDD: Color and Edge Directivity Descriptor: A Compact Descriptor for Image Indexing and Retrieval, International Conference on Computer Vision Systems (ICCV), 2008.

  3. Chatzichristofis, S. A. and Boutalis, Y. S. FCTH: Fuzzy Color and Texture Histogram - A Low Level Feature for Accurate Image Retrieval, International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS), 2008.

  4. Chatzichristofis, S. A., Boutalis, Y. S., and Lux, M. Selection of the proper compact composite descriptor for improving content based image retrieval, Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Applications, 2009.

  5. H. Tamura, S. Mori, T. Yamawaki. Textural Features Corresponding to Visual Perception. IEEE Transaction on Systems, Man, and Cybernetcs, 1978.