Synctera - the Ruby gem for the Synctera API
This is the official reference documentation for Synctera APIs. If you need something specific or have a question, contact us.
This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 0.147.0
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Generator version: 7.10.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen
To build the Ruby code into a gem:
gem build synctera.gemspec
Then either install the gem locally:
gem install ./synctera-1.0.0.gem
(for development, run gem install --dev ./synctera-1.0.0.gem
to install the development dependencies)
or publish the gem to a gem hosting service, e.g. RubyGems.
Finally add this to the Gemfile:
gem 'synctera', '~> 1.0.0'
If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository:, then add the following in the Gemfile:
gem 'synctera', :git => ''
Include the Ruby code directly using -I
as follows:
ruby -Ilib script.rb
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:
# Load the gem
require 'synctera'
# Setup authorization
Synctera.configure do |config|
# Configure Bearer authorization (api_key): bearerAuth
config.access_token = 'YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN'
# Configure a proc to get access tokens in lieu of the static access_token configuration
config.access_token_getter = -> { 'YOUR TOKEN GETTER PROC' }
# Configure faraday connection
config.configure_faraday_connection { |connection| 'YOUR CONNECTION CONFIG PROC' }
api_instance =
gateway_post ={url: ''}) # GatewayPost | Gateway Config Create Request
#Create New Gateway Endpoint Configuration
result = api_instance.add_gateway_config(gateway_post)
p result
rescue Synctera::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling ACHApi->add_gateway_config: #{e}"
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
Synctera::ACHApi | add_gateway_config | POST /ach/gateways | Create New Gateway Endpoint Configuration |
Synctera::ACHApi | add_transaction_out | POST /ach | Send an ACH |
Synctera::ACHApi | delete_gateway_config_by_id | DELETE /ach/gateways/{id} | Delete Gateway Endpoint Configuration by ID |
Synctera::ACHApi | get_all_gateway_configs | GET /ach/gateways | List All Gateway Configurations |
Synctera::ACHApi | get_gateway_config_by_id | GET /ach/gateways/{id} | Get Gateway Endpoint Configuration By ID |
Synctera::ACHApi | get_incoming_ach_list | GET /ach/incoming | List Incoming ACH Transactions |
Synctera::ACHApi | get_incoming_achby_id | GET /ach/incoming/{id} | Get Incoming ACH Transaction By ID |
Synctera::ACHApi | get_transaction_out | GET /ach/{transaction_id} | Get a sent ACH transaction |
Synctera::ACHApi | list_transactions_out | GET /ach | List sent ACH transactions |
Synctera::ACHApi | patch_gateway_config_by_id | PATCH /ach/gateways/{id} | Update Gateway Endpoint Configuration By ID |
Synctera::ACHApi | patch_transaction_out | PATCH /ach/{transaction_id} | Update a sent ACH transaction |
Synctera::ACHTransactionSimulationsApi | ach_return_simulation | POST /ach/transaction_simulations/receiving_return | Simulate receiving ACH return |
Synctera::ACHTransactionSimulationsApi | ach_transaction_simulation | POST /ach/transaction_simulations/receiving_transaction | Simulate receiving ACH transaction |
Synctera::AccountsApi | create_account | POST /accounts | Create an account |
Synctera::AccountsApi | create_account_relationship | POST /accounts/{account_id}/relationships | Create account relationship |
Synctera::AccountsApi | create_account_resource_product | POST /accounts/products | Create an account product |
Synctera::AccountsApi | create_account_template | POST /accounts/templates | Create an account template |
Synctera::AccountsApi | delete_account_relationship | DELETE /accounts/{account_id}/relationships/{relationship_id} | Delete account relationship |
Synctera::AccountsApi | delete_account_template | DELETE /accounts/templates/{template_id} | Delete account template |
Synctera::AccountsApi | get_account | GET /accounts/{account_id} | Get account |
Synctera::AccountsApi | get_account_relationship | GET /accounts/{account_id}/relationships/{relationship_id} | Get account relationship |
Synctera::AccountsApi | get_account_template | GET /accounts/templates/{template_id} | Get account template |
Synctera::AccountsApi | initiate_account_closure | POST /accounts/{account_id}/initiate_closure | Initiate account closure |
Synctera::AccountsApi | list_account_relationship | GET /accounts/{account_id}/relationships | List account relationships |
Synctera::AccountsApi | list_account_resource_products | GET /accounts/products | List account products |
Synctera::AccountsApi | list_account_templates | GET /accounts/templates | List account templates |
Synctera::AccountsApi | list_accounts | GET /accounts | List accounts |
Synctera::AccountsApi | list_stop_payment | GET /accounts/stop_payments | List stop payments |
Synctera::AccountsApi | patch_account | PATCH /accounts/{account_id} | Patch account |
Synctera::AccountsApi | patch_account_product | PATCH /accounts/products/{product_id} | Patch account product |
Synctera::AccountsApi | update_account | PUT /accounts/{account_id} | Update account |
Synctera::AccountsApi | update_account_relationship | PUT /accounts/{account_id}/relationships/{relationship_id} | Update account relationship |
Synctera::AccountsApi | update_account_template | PUT /accounts/templates/{template_id} | Update account template |
Synctera::AddressesApi | create_address | POST /addresses | Create a address |
Synctera::AddressesApi | get_address | GET /addresses/{address_id} | Get address information by id |
Synctera::AddressesApi | list_addresses | GET /addresses | List Addresses |
Synctera::AddressesApi | update_address | PATCH /addresses/{address_id} | Update address information by id |
Synctera::BusinessesApi | create_business | POST /businesses | Create a business |
Synctera::BusinessesApi | get_business | GET /businesses/{business_id} | Get business |
Synctera::BusinessesApi | list_businesses | GET /businesses | List business |
Synctera::BusinessesApi | update_business | PATCH /businesses/{business_id} | Patch business |
Synctera::CardTransactionSimulationsApi | simulate_authorization | POST /cards/transaction_simulations/authorization | Simulate authorization |
Synctera::CardTransactionSimulationsApi | simulate_authorization_advice | POST /cards/transaction_simulations/authorization/advice | Simulate authorization advice |
Synctera::CardTransactionSimulationsApi | simulate_balance_inquiry | POST /cards/transaction_simulations/financial/balance_inquiry | Simulate balance inquiry |
Synctera::CardTransactionSimulationsApi | simulate_clearing | POST /cards/transaction_simulations/clearing | Simulate clearing or refund |
Synctera::CardTransactionSimulationsApi | simulate_financial | POST /cards/transaction_simulations/financial | Simulate financial |
Synctera::CardTransactionSimulationsApi | simulate_financial_advice | POST /cards/transaction_simulations/financial/advice | Simulate financial advice |
Synctera::CardTransactionSimulationsApi | simulate_original_credit | POST /cards/transaction_simulations/financial/original_credit | Simulate OCT |
Synctera::CardTransactionSimulationsApi | simulate_reversal | POST /cards/transaction_simulations/reversal | Simulate reversal |
Synctera::CardTransactionSimulationsApi | simulate_withdrawal | POST /cards/transaction_simulations/financial/withdrawal | Simulate ATM withdrawal |
Synctera::CardTransactionSimulationsApi | simulatel2l3 | POST /cards/transaction_simulations/clearing/l2l3 | Simulate L2l3 |
Synctera::CardWebhookSimulationsApi | simulate_card_fulfillment_event | POST /cards/{card_id}/webhook_simulations/fulfillment | Simulate Card Fulfillment Event |
Synctera::CardsApi | activate_card | POST /cards/activate | Activate a card |
Synctera::CardsApi | create_card_image | POST /cards/images | Create Card Image |
Synctera::CardsApi | create_gateway | POST /cards/gateways | Create Gateway |
Synctera::CardsApi | get_card | GET /cards/{card_id} | Get Card |
Synctera::CardsApi | get_card_barcode | GET /cards/{card_id}/barcodes | Get Card Barcode |
Synctera::CardsApi | get_card_image_data | GET /cards/images/{card_image_id}/data | Get Card Image Data |
Synctera::CardsApi | get_card_image_details | GET /cards/images/{card_image_id} | Get Card Image Details |
Synctera::CardsApi | get_card_widget_url | GET /cards/card_widget_url | Get card widget URL |
Synctera::CardsApi | get_client_access_token | POST /cards/{card_id}/client_token | Get a client token |
Synctera::CardsApi | get_client_single_use_token | POST /cards/single_use_token | Get single-use token |
Synctera::CardsApi | get_gateway | GET /cards/gateways/{gateway_id} | Get Gateway |
Synctera::CardsApi | issue_card | POST /cards | Issue a Card |
Synctera::CardsApi | list_card_image_details | GET /cards/images | List Card Image Details |
Synctera::CardsApi | list_card_products | GET /cards/products | List Card Products |
Synctera::CardsApi | list_cards | GET /cards | List Cards |
Synctera::CardsApi | list_changes | GET /cards/{card_id}/changes | List Card Changes |
Synctera::CardsApi | list_gateways | GET /cards/gateways | List Gateways |
Synctera::CardsApi | update_card | PATCH /cards/{card_id} | Update Card |
Synctera::CardsApi | update_card_image_details | PATCH /cards/images/{card_image_id} | Update Card Image Details |
Synctera::CardsApi | update_gateway | PATCH /cards/gateways/{gateway_id} | Update Gateway |
Synctera::CardsApi | upload_card_image_data | POST /cards/images/{card_image_id}/data | Upload Card Image |
Synctera::CashOrdersAndDepositsAlphaApi | create_cash_authorization | POST /cash/authorization | Cash Authorization for an upcoming transfer |
Synctera::CashOrdersAndDepositsAlphaApi | get_cash_authorizations | GET /cash/authorization | Get cash authorizations |
Synctera::CashOrdersAndDepositsAlphaApi | get_cash_order_authorization | GET /cash/authorization/{id} | Get cash order authorization |
Synctera::CashOrdersAndDepositsAlphaApi | get_cash_transfer | GET /cash/{id} | Get cash transfer |
Synctera::CashOrdersAndDepositsAlphaApi | get_cash_transfers | GET /cash | Get cash transfers |
Synctera::CashOrdersAndDepositsAlphaApi | patch_cash_order_authorization | PATCH /cash/authorization/{id} | Update a cash order authorization |
Synctera::CashOrdersAndDepositsAlphaApi | patch_cash_transfer | PATCH /cash/{id} | Update a cash transfer |
Synctera::CustomersApi | create_customer | POST /customers | Create a Customer |
Synctera::CustomersApi | get_customer | GET /customers/{customer_id} | Get Customer |
Synctera::CustomersApi | list_customers | GET /customers | List Customers |
Synctera::CustomersApi | patch_customer | PATCH /customers/{customer_id} | Patch Customer |
Synctera::CustomersApi | update_customer | PUT /customers/{customer_id} | Update Customer |
Synctera::DigitalWalletTokensApi | create_digital_wallet_apple | POST /cards/{card_id}/digital_wallet_tokens/applepay | Create digital wallet token provision request for Apple Pay |
Synctera::DigitalWalletTokensApi | create_digital_wallet_google | POST /cards/{card_id}/digital_wallet_tokens/googlepay | Create digital wallet token provision request for Google Pay |
Synctera::DigitalWalletTokensApi | get_digital_wallet_token | GET /cards/digital_wallet_tokens/{digital_wallet_token_id} | Get Digital Wallet Token |
Synctera::DigitalWalletTokensApi | list_digital_wallet_tokens | GET /cards/digital_wallet_tokens | List Digital Wallet Tokens |
Synctera::DigitalWalletTokensApi | update_digital_wallet_token_status | PATCH /cards/digital_wallet_tokens/{digital_wallet_token_id} | Update Digital Wallet Token's life cycle status |
Synctera::DisclosuresApi | create_disclosure | POST /disclosures | Create disclosure record |
Synctera::DisclosuresApi | get_disclosure | GET /disclosures/{disclosure_id} | Get disclosure |
Synctera::DisclosuresApi | list_disclosures | GET /disclosures | List disclosures |
Synctera::DisclosuresDeprecatedApi | create_disclosure1 | POST /customers/{customer_id}/disclosures | Create a Disclosure |
Synctera::DisclosuresDeprecatedApi | list_disclosures1 | GET /customers/{customer_id}/disclosures | List Disclosures |
Synctera::DocumentsApi | create_document | POST /documents | Create a document |
Synctera::DocumentsApi | create_document_version | POST /documents/{document_id}/versions | Create a new document version |
Synctera::DocumentsApi | delete_document | DELETE /documents/{document_id} | Delete a document |
Synctera::DocumentsApi | get_document | GET /documents/{document_id} | Get a document |
Synctera::DocumentsApi | get_document_contents | GET /documents/{document_id}/contents | Get contents of latest document version |
Synctera::DocumentsApi | get_document_version | GET /documents/{document_id}/versions/{document_version} | Get a document by version |
Synctera::DocumentsApi | get_document_version_contents | GET /documents/{document_id}/versions/{document_version}/contents | Get document contents by version |
Synctera::DocumentsApi | list_documents | GET /documents | List documents |
Synctera::DocumentsApi | update_document | PATCH /documents/{document_id} | Update a document |
Synctera::EDDApi | create_edd | POST /edd | Create a EDD |
Synctera::EDDApi | delete_edd | DELETE /edd/{edd_id} | Delete a EDD |
Synctera::EDDApi | get_edd | GET /edd/{edd_id} | Get a EDD |
Synctera::EDDApi | list_edd | GET /edd | List EDD |
Synctera::EFTCanadaBetaApi | create_eftca_transfer | POST /eft_ca | Create EFT Canada Transfer |
Synctera::EFTCanadaBetaApi | get_eftca_transfer | GET /eft_ca/{id} | Get EFT Canada Transfer |
Synctera::EFTCanadaBetaApi | get_eftca_transfers | GET /eft_ca | Get EFT Canada Transfers |
Synctera::EFTCanadaBetaApi | patch_eftca_transfer | PATCH /eft_ca/{id} | Update a EFT Canada Transfer |
Synctera::ExternalAccountsApi | add_external_accounts | POST /external_accounts | Add an external account |
Synctera::ExternalAccountsApi | add_vendor_external_accounts | POST /external_accounts/add_vendor_accounts | Add external accounts through a vendor, such as Plaid. |
Synctera::ExternalAccountsApi | create_access_token | POST /external_accounts/access_tokens | Create a permanent access token for an external account |
Synctera::ExternalAccountsApi | create_verification_link_token | POST /external_accounts/link_tokens | Create a link token to verify an external account |
Synctera::ExternalAccountsApi | delete_external_account | DELETE /external_accounts/{external_account_id} | Delete an external account |
Synctera::ExternalAccountsApi | external_account_refresh_transactions | POST /external_accounts/{external_account_id}/refresh_transactions | Sync external account transactions through a vendor, such as Plaid |
Synctera::ExternalAccountsApi | get_external_account | GET /external_accounts/{external_account_id} | Get an external account |
Synctera::ExternalAccountsApi | get_external_account_balance | GET /external_accounts/{external_account_id}/balance | Get external account balances |
Synctera::ExternalAccountsApi | get_external_account_transactions | GET /external_accounts/{external_account_id}/transactions | List transactions of a given external account |
Synctera::ExternalAccountsApi | list_external_accounts | GET /external_accounts | List external accounts |
Synctera::ExternalAccountsApi | sync_vendor_external_accounts | POST /external_accounts/sync_vendor_accounts | Sync external accounts through a vendor, such as Plaid. |
Synctera::ExternalAccountsApi | update_external_account | PATCH /external_accounts/{external_account_id} | Patch an external account |
Synctera::ExternalCardsApi | authenticate3_ds | POST /external_cards/authenticate_3ds | Authenticate 3DS |
Synctera::ExternalCardsApi | create_external_card_from_token | POST /external_cards/tokens | Create External Card from token |
Synctera::ExternalCardsApi | create_external_card_transfer | POST /external_cards/transfers | Create External Card Transfer |
Synctera::ExternalCardsApi | create_external_card_transfer_reversal | POST /external_cards/transfers/{transfer_id}/reversals | Create External Card Transfer Reversal |
Synctera::ExternalCardsApi | delete_external_card | DELETE /external_cards/{external_card_id} | Delete External Card |
Synctera::ExternalCardsApi | get_external_card | GET /external_cards/{external_card_id} | Get External Card |
Synctera::ExternalCardsApi | get_external_card_transfer | GET /external_cards/transfers/{transfer_id} | Get External Card Transfer |
Synctera::ExternalCardsApi | initialize3_ds | POST /external_cards/initialize_3ds | Initialize 3DS |
Synctera::ExternalCardsApi | list_external_card_transfers | GET /external_cards/transfers | List External Card Transfers |
Synctera::ExternalCardsApi | list_external_cards | GET /external_cards | List External Cards |
Synctera::ExternalCardsApi | lookup3_ds | POST /external_cards/lookup_3ds | Lookup 3DS |
Synctera::ExternalCardsApi | update_external_card | PATCH /external_cards/{external_card_id} | Update External Card |
Synctera::IncomingWiresApi | get_incoming_wire | GET /wires/incoming/{wire_id} | Get incoming wire by id |
Synctera::IncomingWiresApi | list_incoming_wires | GET /wires/incoming | List incoming wires |
Synctera::IncomingWiresApi | patch_incoming_wire | PATCH /wires/incoming/{wire_id} | Update an incoming wire by id |
Synctera::InstitutionsBetaApi | get_institutions | GET /institutions | Retrieve a list of institutions |
Synctera::InternalAccountsApi | add_internal_accounts | POST /internal_accounts | Add internal accounts |
Synctera::InternalAccountsApi | get_internal_accounts | GET /internal_accounts/{internal_account_id} | Get internal account by id |
Synctera::InternalAccountsApi | list_internal_accounts | GET /internal_accounts | List internal accounts |
Synctera::InternalAccountsApi | patch_internal_account | PATCH /internal_accounts/{internal_account_id} | Patch internal account |
Synctera::InternalTransferApi | create_internal_transfer | POST /transactions/internal_transfer | Create an internal transfer |
Synctera::InternalTransferApi | get_internal_transfer_by_id | GET /transactions/internal_transfer/{id} | Get an internal transfer |
Synctera::InternalTransferApi | update_internal_transfer_by_id | PATCH /transactions/internal_transfer/{id} | Update an internal transfer |
Synctera::KYCKYBVerificationsApi | create_verification | POST /verifications | Create a verification |
Synctera::KYCKYBVerificationsApi | get_verification1 | GET /verifications/{verification_id} | Get verification |
Synctera::KYCKYBVerificationsApi | list_verifications1 | GET /verifications | List verifications |
Synctera::KYCKYBVerificationsApi | verify | POST /verifications/verify | Verify a customer's identity |
Synctera::KYCKYBVerificationsApi | verify_ad_hoc | POST /verifications/adhoc | Check if an individual is on any watchlists |
Synctera::KYCVerificationDeprecatedApi | create_customer_verification_result | POST /customers/{customer_id}/verifications | Create a customer verification result |
Synctera::KYCVerificationDeprecatedApi | get_verification | GET /customers/{customer_id}/verifications/{verification_id} | Get verification result |
Synctera::KYCVerificationDeprecatedApi | list_verifications | GET /customers/{customer_id}/verifications | List verification results |
Synctera::KYCVerificationDeprecatedApi | verify_customer | POST /customers/{customer_id}/verify | Verify a customer's identity |
Synctera::LicensesApi | create_licenses | POST /licenses | Create a license and associate it with a business |
Synctera::LicensesApi | get_license | GET /licenses/{license_id} | Get license |
Synctera::LicensesApi | list_licenses | GET /licenses | list licenses |
Synctera::LicensesApi | patch_license | PATCH /licenses/{license_id} | Patch License |
Synctera::MerchantsApi | mx_read_merchant | GET /mx/merchants/{merchant_guid} | Get merchant from MX |
Synctera::MonitoringApi | create_subscription | POST /monitoring/subscriptions | Subscribe a customer or business to monitoring |
Synctera::MonitoringApi | delete_subscription | DELETE /monitoring/subscriptions/{subscription_id} | Delete monitoring subscription |
Synctera::MonitoringApi | get_alert | GET /monitoring/alerts/{alert_id} | Retrieve a monitoring alert |
Synctera::MonitoringApi | get_subscription | GET /monitoring/subscriptions/{subscription_id} | Retrieve monitoring subscription |
Synctera::MonitoringApi | list_alerts | GET /monitoring/alerts | List monitoring alerts |
Synctera::MonitoringApi | list_subscriptions | GET /monitoring/subscriptions | List monitoring subscriptions |
Synctera::MonitoringApi | update_alert | PATCH /monitoring/alerts/{alert_id} | Update a monitoring alert |
Synctera::NotesApi | create_note | POST /notes | Create a note |
Synctera::NotesApi | list_notes | GET /notes | List notes |
Synctera::NotesApi | patch_note | PATCH /notes/{note_id} | Patch Note |
Synctera::PaymentSchedulesApi | create_payment_schedule | POST /payment_schedules | Create a payment schedule |
Synctera::PaymentSchedulesApi | list_payment_schedules | GET /payment_schedules | List payment schedules |
Synctera::PaymentSchedulesApi | list_payments | GET /payment_schedules/payments | List payments |
Synctera::PaymentSchedulesApi | patch_payment_schedule | PATCH /payment_schedules/{payment_schedule_id} | Update a payment schedule |
Synctera::PersonsApi | create_person | POST /persons | Create a person |
Synctera::PersonsApi | create_personal_id | POST /persons/personal_ids | Create a personal identifier |
Synctera::PersonsApi | delete_personal_id | DELETE /persons/personal_ids/{personal_id_id} | Delete a personal identifier |
Synctera::PersonsApi | get_person | GET /persons/{person_id} | Get person |
Synctera::PersonsApi | list_persons | GET /persons | List persons |
Synctera::PersonsApi | update_person | PATCH /persons/{person_id} | Update person |
Synctera::PersonsApi | update_personal_id | PATCH /persons/personal_ids/{personal_id_id} | Update a personal identifier |
Synctera::RelationshipsApi | create_relationship | POST /relationships | Create a relationship |
Synctera::RelationshipsApi | delete_relationship | DELETE /relationships/{relationship_id} | Delete relationship |
Synctera::RelationshipsApi | get_relationship | GET /relationships/{relationship_id} | Get relationship |
Synctera::RelationshipsApi | list_relationships | GET /relationships | List relationships |
Synctera::RelationshipsApi | update_relationship | PATCH /relationships/{relationship_id} | Update relationship |
Synctera::RemoteCheckDepositBetaApi | create_rdc_deposit | POST /rdc/deposits | Create a Remote Check Deposit |
Synctera::RemoteCheckDepositBetaApi | get_rdc_deposit | GET /rdc/deposits/{deposit_id} | Get Remote Check Deposit |
Synctera::RemoteCheckDepositBetaApi | list_rdc_deposits | GET /rdc/deposits | List Remote Check Deposits |
Synctera::SandboxWipeApi | wipe_workspace | POST /wipe | Delete data |
Synctera::SpendControlsApi | create_spend_control | POST /spend_controls | Create Spend Control |
Synctera::SpendControlsApi | get_spend_control | GET /spend_controls/{spend_control_id} | Get Spend Control |
Synctera::SpendControlsApi | list_spend_controls | GET /spend_controls | List Spend Controls |
Synctera::SpendControlsApi | update_spend_control | PATCH /spend_controls/{spend_control_id} | Update Spend Control |
Synctera::StatementsApi | get_statement | GET /statements/{statement_id} | Get a statement |
Synctera::StatementsApi | get_statement_transactions | GET /statements/{statement_id}/transactions | Get a statement's transactions |
Synctera::StatementsApi | list_statements | GET /statements | List statements |
Synctera::TransactionsApi | get_pending_transaction_by_id | GET /transactions/pending/{id} | Get a pending transaction |
Synctera::TransactionsApi | get_posted_transaction_by_id | GET /transactions/posted/{id} | Get a posted transaction |
Synctera::TransactionsApi | get_transactions_batch_payments | GET /transactions/batchable | Get Transactions From Batch Payments Templates |
Synctera::TransactionsApi | list_pending_transactions | GET /transactions/pending | List pending transactions |
Synctera::TransactionsApi | list_posted_transactions | GET /transactions/posted | List posted transactions |
Synctera::WatchlistDeprecatedApi | list_watchlist_subscriptions | GET /customers/{customer_id}/watchlists/subscriptions | List watchlist monitoring subscriptions for a customer |
Synctera::WatchlistDeprecatedApi | update_watchlist_alert | PUT /customers/{customer_id}/watchlists/alerts/{alert_id} | Update watchlist alert |
Synctera::WatchlistDeprecatedApi | update_watchlist_subscription | PUT /customers/{customer_id}/watchlists/subscriptions/{subscription_id} | Update watchlist monitoring subscription |
Synctera::WebhooksApi | create_secret | POST /webhook_secrets | Create a secret |
Synctera::WebhooksApi | create_webhook | POST /webhooks | Create a webhook |
Synctera::WebhooksApi | delete_webhook | DELETE /webhooks/{webhook_id} | Delete a webhook |
Synctera::WebhooksApi | get_event | GET /webhooks/{webhook_id}/events/{event_id} | Get webhook event |
Synctera::WebhooksApi | get_webhook | GET /webhooks/{webhook_id} | Get a webhook |
Synctera::WebhooksApi | list_events | GET /webhooks/{webhook_id}/events | List webhook events |
Synctera::WebhooksApi | list_webhooks | GET /webhooks | List webhooks |
Synctera::WebhooksApi | replace_secret | PUT /webhook_secrets | Replace an existing secret |
Synctera::WebhooksApi | resend_event | POST /webhooks/{webhook_id}/events/{event_id}/resend | Resend an event |
Synctera::WebhooksApi | revoke_secret | DELETE /webhook_secrets | Revoke the secret |
Synctera::WebhooksApi | trigger_event | POST /webhooks/trigger | Trigger an event |
Synctera::WebhooksApi | update_webhook | PUT /webhooks/{webhook_id} | Update a webhook |
Synctera::WireTransactionSimulationsApi | wire_return_simulation | POST /wires/transaction_simulations/receiving_return | Simulate receiving Wire transfer return |
Synctera::WireTransactionSimulationsApi | wire_transaction_simulation | POST /wires/transaction_simulations/receiving_transaction | Simulate receiving Wire transaction |
Synctera::WiresApi | cancel_wire | PATCH /wires/{wire_id} | Cancel an outgoing wire |
Synctera::WiresApi | create_wire | POST /wires | Send a wire |
Synctera::WiresApi | get_wire | GET /wires/{wire_id} | Get an outgoing wire by id |
Synctera::WiresApi | list_wires | GET /wires | List outgoing wires |
- Synctera::Account
- Synctera::AccountAccessStatus
- Synctera::AccountBase
- Synctera::AccountChargeSecured
- Synctera::AccountChargeUnsecured
- Synctera::AccountClosure
- Synctera::AccountClosureReason
- Synctera::AccountClosureValidationResponse
- Synctera::AccountCreation
- Synctera::AccountDepository
- Synctera::AccountGeneralLedger
- Synctera::AccountGenericResponse
- Synctera::AccountIdentifiers
- Synctera::AccountLineOfCredit
- Synctera::AccountList
- Synctera::AccountProduct
- Synctera::AccountProductList
- Synctera::AccountRelationship
- Synctera::AccountRelationshipType
- Synctera::AccountRestrictions
- Synctera::AccountRouting
- Synctera::AccountStatus
- Synctera::AccountSummary
- Synctera::AccountSummaryBalanceCeiling
- Synctera::AccountSummaryBalanceFloor
- Synctera::AccountTemplate
- Synctera::AccountTemplateResponse
- Synctera::AccountType
- Synctera::AccountVerification
- Synctera::AccrualPayoutSchedule
- Synctera::AchInstruction
- Synctera::AchRequestHoldData
- Synctera::AchReturnSimulationRequest
- Synctera::AchTransactionSimulationRequest
- Synctera::Action
- Synctera::AddAccountsRequest
- Synctera::AddAccountsRequestAccountIdentifiers
- Synctera::AddAccountsRequestRoutingIdentifiers
- Synctera::AddVendorAccountFailure
- Synctera::AddVendorAccountsErrorReason
- Synctera::AddVendorAccountsRequest
- Synctera::AddVendorAccountsResponse
- Synctera::AdditionalData
- Synctera::AdditionalOwnerData
- Synctera::Address
- Synctera::Address1
- Synctera::Address2
- Synctera::Address3
- Synctera::AddressBase
- Synctera::AddressLines
- Synctera::AddressPost
- Synctera::AddressResponse
- Synctera::AddressResponseBase
- Synctera::AddressesList
- Synctera::AdhocVerificationRequest
- Synctera::AdhocVerificationResponse
- Synctera::AppleDigitalWalletProvisionRequest
- Synctera::AppleDigitalWalletProvisionResponse
- Synctera::ApplicationType
- Synctera::AuthRequestModel
- Synctera::Authenticate3dsRequest
- Synctera::Authenticate3dsResponse
- Synctera::AuthorizationAdviceModel
- Synctera::Balance
- Synctera::BalanceCeiling
- Synctera::BalanceFloor
- Synctera::BalanceInquiryRequestModel
- Synctera::BalanceType
- Synctera::BanStatus
- Synctera::Base
- Synctera::BaseAccountVerification
- Synctera::BaseCard
- Synctera::BaseCustomer
- Synctera::BaseDisclosure
- Synctera::BasePerson
- Synctera::BaseStatement
- Synctera::BaseTemplateFields
- Synctera::BillingAddress
- Synctera::BillingFrequency
- Synctera::BillingPeriod
- Synctera::Business
- Synctera::Business1
- Synctera::BusinessBusinessOwnerRelationship
- Synctera::BusinessList
- Synctera::BypassErrors
- Synctera::BypassableErrors
- Synctera::BypassableErrors1
- Synctera::CalculationMethod
- Synctera::CardAcceptorModel
- Synctera::CardActivationRequest
- Synctera::CardBrand
- Synctera::CardCategory
- Synctera::CardChange
- Synctera::CardChangeState
- Synctera::CardChangesList
- Synctera::CardEditRequest
- Synctera::CardFormat
- Synctera::CardFulfillmentProvider
- Synctera::CardFulfillmentStatus
- Synctera::CardImageDetails
- Synctera::CardImageDetailsList
- Synctera::CardImageMode
- Synctera::CardImageRejectionReason
- Synctera::CardImageStatus
- Synctera::CardIssuanceRequest
- Synctera::CardListResponse
- Synctera::CardOptions
- Synctera::CardPinStatus
- Synctera::CardProduct
- Synctera::CardProductListResponse
- Synctera::CardProductResponse
- Synctera::CardProgramType
- Synctera::CardResponse
- Synctera::CardStatus
- Synctera::CardStatusObject
- Synctera::CardStatusPendingReasons
- Synctera::CardStatusReasonCode
- Synctera::CardStatusRequest
- Synctera::CardType
- Synctera::CardWidgetUrlResponse
- Synctera::CashAuthorizationBase
- Synctera::CashAuthorizationPost
- Synctera::CashAuthorizationResponse
- Synctera::CashAuthorizationResponseList
- Synctera::CashAuthorizationType
- Synctera::CashBase
- Synctera::CashList
- Synctera::CashNetworkStatus
- Synctera::CashOrderAuthorizationPatch
- Synctera::CashOrderAuthorizationPost
- Synctera::CashOrderAuthorizationResponse
- Synctera::CashPatch
- Synctera::CashResponse
- Synctera::CashStatus
- Synctera::ChangeChannel
- Synctera::ChangeType
- Synctera::ClearingModel
- Synctera::ClientToken
- Synctera::CorrespondentBankDetails
- Synctera::CreateCardImageRequest
- Synctera::CreateEddRequest
- Synctera::CreateEddResponse
- Synctera::CreateGatewayRequest
- Synctera::CreateSecret201Response
- Synctera::Customer
- Synctera::CustomerInBody
- Synctera::CustomerKycStatus
- Synctera::CustomerList
- Synctera::CustomerServiceDetails
- Synctera::CustomerType
- Synctera::CustomerVerification
- Synctera::CustomerVerificationResult
- Synctera::CustomerVerificationResultList
- Synctera::CustomerVerifyResponse
- Synctera::DcSign
- Synctera::DeleteResponse
- Synctera::Deposit
- Synctera::DepositGet
- Synctera::DepositList
- Synctera::DepositPost
- Synctera::DepositRequest
- Synctera::Detail
- Synctera::DeviceDetails
- Synctera::DeviceType
- Synctera::DigitalWalletTokenAddressVerification
- Synctera::DigitalWalletTokenEditRequest
- Synctera::DigitalWalletTokenResponse
- Synctera::DigitalWalletTokenState
- Synctera::DigitalWalletTokenization
- Synctera::Disclosure
- Synctera::Disclosure1
- Synctera::DisclosureList
- Synctera::DisclosureResponse
- Synctera::DisclosureType
- Synctera::DocumentEncryption
- Synctera::DocumentEncryptionVersionPost
- Synctera::DocumentList
- Synctera::DocumentPatch
- Synctera::DocumentResponse
- Synctera::DocumentType
- Synctera::DocumentVersionInfo
- Synctera::EddAccount
- Synctera::EddAccountResponse
- Synctera::EddBaseReport
- Synctera::EddBaseResponse
- Synctera::EddBusiness
- Synctera::EddBusinessResponse
- Synctera::EddCustomer
- Synctera::EddCustomerResponse
- Synctera::EddList
- Synctera::EddTransaction
- Synctera::EddTransactionResponse
- Synctera::EftCaBase
- Synctera::EftCaCreate
- Synctera::EftCaList
- Synctera::EftCaPatch
- Synctera::EftCaResponse
- Synctera::EftCaStatus
- Synctera::EmbossName
- Synctera::Error
- Synctera::EstimatedRevenue
- Synctera::Event
- Synctera::EventList
- Synctera::EventTrigger
- Synctera::EventType
- Synctera::EventTypeExplicit
- Synctera::EventTypeWildcard
- Synctera::ExtAccountCustomerType
- Synctera::ExternalAccount
- Synctera::ExternalAccountAccessToken
- Synctera::ExternalAccountBalance
- Synctera::ExternalAccountLanguage
- Synctera::ExternalAccountLinkToken
- Synctera::ExternalAccountTransaction
- Synctera::ExternalAccountTransactionRefreshResponse
- Synctera::ExternalAccountVendorData
- Synctera::ExternalAccountVendorValues
- Synctera::ExternalAccountsList
- Synctera::ExternalAccountsTransactionList
- Synctera::ExternalCardListResponse
- Synctera::ExternalCardProductType
- Synctera::ExternalCardRequest
- Synctera::ExternalCardResponse
- Synctera::ExternalCardStatus
- Synctera::ExternalCardUpdateRequest
- Synctera::ExternalCardVerifications
- Synctera::ExternalCardsFundsAvailability
- Synctera::Fee
- Synctera::Financial
- Synctera::FinancialInstitution
- Synctera::FinancialInstitution1
- Synctera::FinancialRequestModel
- Synctera::FinicityAccountVerification
- Synctera::Fleets
- Synctera::FleetsEmv
- Synctera::Form
- Synctera::Frequency
- Synctera::FulfillmentDetails
- Synctera::FundsOwnership
- Synctera::GatewayConfig
- Synctera::GatewayListResponse
- Synctera::GatewayPatch
- Synctera::GatewayPost
- Synctera::GatewayResponse
- Synctera::GatewayStandin
- Synctera::GeneralLedgerCategory
- Synctera::GeneralLedgerType
- Synctera::GetCardBarcode200Response
- Synctera::GoogleDigitalWalletProvisionRequest
- Synctera::GoogleDigitalWalletProvisionResponse
- Synctera::HoldData
- Synctera::IatAddress
- Synctera::IatData
- Synctera::InAppProvisioning
- Synctera::Income
- Synctera::IncomingAch
- Synctera::IncomingAchList
- Synctera::IncomingWire
- Synctera::IncomingWireList
- Synctera::IncomingWirePatch
- Synctera::IndustryType
- Synctera::Initialize3dsRequest
- Synctera::Initialize3dsResponse
- Synctera::Institution
- Synctera::InstitutionList
- Synctera::Interest
- Synctera::InternalAccount
- Synctera::InternalAccountPatch
- Synctera::InternalAccountPost
- Synctera::InternalAccountPurpose
- Synctera::InternalAccountResponse
- Synctera::InternalAccountType
- Synctera::InternalAccountsList
- Synctera::InternalTransfer
- Synctera::InternalTransferInstruction
- Synctera::InternalTransferPatch
- Synctera::InternalTransferResponse
- Synctera::InternalTransferResponseStatus
- Synctera::InternationalWireDetails
- Synctera::InventoryDetails
- Synctera::ItemDetailTaxes
- Synctera::KycVerificationType
- Synctera::L2l3Model
- Synctera::LegalAddress
- Synctera::LicenseList
- Synctera::LicensePatch
- Synctera::LicenseType
- Synctera::Lookup3dsRequest
- Synctera::Lookup3dsRequestBase
- Synctera::Lookup3dsRequestBrowser
- Synctera::Lookup3dsRequestSdk
- Synctera::Lookup3dsResponse
- Synctera::ManualAccountVerification
- Synctera::ManualEntry
- Synctera::Merchant
- Synctera::MerchantResponse
- Synctera::MinimumPayment
- Synctera::MinimumPaymentFull
- Synctera::MinimumPaymentPartial
- Synctera::MinimumPaymentType
- Synctera::MinimumPaymentTypeFull
- Synctera::MinimumPaymentTypeRateOrAmount
- Synctera::Modelcase
- Synctera::MonitoringAlert
- Synctera::MonitoringAlertList
- Synctera::MonitoringStatus
- Synctera::MonitoringSubscription
- Synctera::MonitoringSubscriptionList
- Synctera::NetworkFeeModel
- Synctera::NocData
- Synctera::NonFuelItemDetails
- Synctera::NoteCreate
- Synctera::NoteList
- Synctera::NoteResponse
- Synctera::NoteStatus
- Synctera::NotificationLanguage
- Synctera::OriginalCreditRequestModel
- Synctera::OriginalCreditSenderData
- Synctera::OutgoingAch
- Synctera::OutgoingAchList
- Synctera::OutgoingAchPatch
- Synctera::OutgoingAchRequest
- Synctera::PaginatedResponse
- Synctera::Party
- Synctera::PatchAccount
- Synctera::PatchAccountChargeSecured
- Synctera::PatchAccountChargeUnsecured
- Synctera::PatchAccountDepository
- Synctera::PatchAccountGeneralLedger
- Synctera::PatchAccountLineOfCredit
- Synctera::PatchAccountProduct
- Synctera::PatchAccountsRequestAccountIdentifiers
- Synctera::PatchAccountsRequestRoutingIdentifiers
- Synctera::PatchBusiness
- Synctera::PatchBusinessBusinessOwnerRelationship
- Synctera::PatchCustomer
- Synctera::PatchExternalAccount
- Synctera::PatchInterest
- Synctera::PatchInternationalWireDetails
- Synctera::PatchNote
- Synctera::PatchPayerPayeeRelationship
- Synctera::PatchPaymentSchedule
- Synctera::PatchPerson
- Synctera::PatchPersonBusinessOwnerRelationship
- Synctera::PatchPersonBusinessRelationship
- Synctera::PatchPersonalId
- Synctera::PatchRelationshipIn
- Synctera::PayerPayeeAdditionalData
- Synctera::PayerPayeeRelationship
- Synctera::Payment
- Synctera::PaymentDate
- Synctera::PaymentErrorDetails
- Synctera::PaymentInstruction
- Synctera::PaymentList
- Synctera::PaymentSchedule
- Synctera::PaymentScheduleList
- Synctera::PaymentScheduleStatus
- Synctera::PaymentStatus
- Synctera::PaymentSubType
- Synctera::PaymentType
- Synctera::PendingTransaction
- Synctera::PendingTransactionData
- Synctera::PendingTransactionHistory
- Synctera::PendingTransactionHistoryData
- Synctera::PendingTransactions
- Synctera::Person
- Synctera::PersonBusinessOwnerRelationship
- Synctera::PersonBusinessRelationship
- Synctera::PersonList
- Synctera::PersonStatus
- Synctera::PersonalIdBase
- Synctera::PersonalIdCountryCodePost
- Synctera::PersonalIdCountryCodeResponse
- Synctera::PersonalIdCustomerId
- Synctera::PersonalIdType
- Synctera::PhysicalCard
- Synctera::PhysicalCardFormat
- Synctera::PhysicalCardIssuanceRequest
- Synctera::PhysicalCardPlusStatus
- Synctera::PhysicalCardResponse
- Synctera::PhysicalCardResponseStatus
- Synctera::PlaidAccountVerification
- Synctera::PostLicense
- Synctera::PostPerson
- Synctera::PostPersonalId
- Synctera::PostPersonalIdWCust
- Synctera::PostPersonalIdsArray
- Synctera::PostedTransaction
- Synctera::PostedTransactionData
- Synctera::PostedTransactions
- Synctera::Prospect
- Synctera::ProviderType
- Synctera::ProvisioningControls
- Synctera::PullDetails
- Synctera::PushDetails
- Synctera::PushTokenizeRequestData
- Synctera::Question
- Synctera::RailsChargeSecured
- Synctera::RailsChargeUnsecured
- Synctera::RailsDepository
- Synctera::RailsGeneralLedger
- Synctera::RailsLoc
- Synctera::RateDetails
- Synctera::RawResponse
- Synctera::RecipientName
- Synctera::RelatedResourceType
- Synctera::RelatedResourceType1
- Synctera::RelatedResourceType2
- Synctera::Relationship
- Synctera::RelationshipIn
- Synctera::RelationshipList
- Synctera::RelationshipResponse
- Synctera::RelationshipRole
- Synctera::RelationshipTypes
- Synctera::RelationshipsList
- Synctera::ReplaceSecret200Response
- Synctera::ReplaceSecretRequest
- Synctera::ResidentialExpense
- Synctera::ResponseHistoryItem
- Synctera::ResponseLicense
- Synctera::ResponsePerson
- Synctera::ResponsePersonalId
- Synctera::ResponsePersonalIdWCust
- Synctera::ResponsePersonalIdsArray
- Synctera::ReturnData
- Synctera::ReturnData1
- Synctera::ReversalModel
- Synctera::RiskData
- Synctera::RoutingIdentifier
- Synctera::SavingsSummary
- Synctera::ScheduleConfig
- Synctera::SchemasBypassableErrors
- Synctera::Security
- Synctera::Shipping
- Synctera::ShippingAddress
- Synctera::SimulateCardFulfillment
- Synctera::SingleUseTokenRequest
- Synctera::SingleUseTokenResponse
- Synctera::SourceOfWealth
- Synctera::SpecificInvolvement
- Synctera::SpendControl
- Synctera::SpendControlDirection
- Synctera::SpendControlResponse
- Synctera::SpendControlResponseList
- Synctera::SpendControlRollingWindowDays
- Synctera::SpendControlSingleTransaction
- Synctera::SpendControlTimeRange
- Synctera::SpendControlTimeRangeType
- Synctera::SpendControlUpdateRequest
- Synctera::SpendingLimitWithTime
- Synctera::SpendingLimits
- Synctera::SpendingLimitsTransaction
- Synctera::SsnSource
- Synctera::Statement
- Synctera::StatementList
- Synctera::StatementSummary
- Synctera::StopPayment
- Synctera::StopPaymentList
- Synctera::StopPaymentResponseWAccount
- Synctera::TemplateFields
- Synctera::TemplateFieldsChargeSecured
- Synctera::TemplateFieldsChargeUnsecured
- Synctera::TemplateFieldsDepository
- Synctera::TemplateFieldsGeneralLedger
- Synctera::TemplateFieldsGenericResponse
- Synctera::TemplateFieldsLineOfCredit
- Synctera::TemplateList
- Synctera::ThreeDsPolicy
- Synctera::TokenList
- Synctera::TokenListResponse
- Synctera::Transaction
- Synctera::TransactionData
- Synctera::TransactionDispute
- Synctera::TransactionLine
- Synctera::TransactionLine1
- Synctera::TransactionList
- Synctera::TransactionOptions
- Synctera::TransactionVolume
- Synctera::TransferListResponse
- Synctera::TransferRequest
- Synctera::TransferRequestBase
- Synctera::TransferRequestPull
- Synctera::TransferRequestPush
- Synctera::TransferResponse
- Synctera::TransferResponseBase
- Synctera::TransferResponsePull
- Synctera::TransferResponsePush
- Synctera::TransferReversalRequest
- Synctera::TransferType
- Synctera::TransferTypeRequest
- Synctera::TriggerEventRequest
- Synctera::TxnEnhancer
- Synctera::Type
- Synctera::UpdateAccount
- Synctera::UpdateCardImageRequest
- Synctera::UpdateGatewayRequest
- Synctera::UpdateTransfer
- Synctera::VendorInfo
- Synctera::VendorJson
- Synctera::VendorXml
- Synctera::Verification
- Synctera::VerificationList
- Synctera::VerificationRequest
- Synctera::VerificationResult
- Synctera::VerificationStatus
- Synctera::VerificationType
- Synctera::VerificationVendorInfo
- Synctera::VerificationVendorInfoDetail
- Synctera::VerificationVendorJson
- Synctera::VerificationVendorXml
- Synctera::VerifyResponse
- Synctera::VirtualCard
- Synctera::VirtualCardIssuanceRequest
- Synctera::VirtualCardPlusStatus
- Synctera::VirtualCardResponse
- Synctera::VirtualCardResponseStatus
- Synctera::WalletProviderCardOnFile
- Synctera::WatchlistAlert
- Synctera::WatchlistSubscription
- Synctera::WatchlistSubscriptionList
- Synctera::Webhook
- Synctera::WebhookList
- Synctera::WebhookRequestObject
- Synctera::WidgetType
- Synctera::Wire
- Synctera::WireList
- Synctera::WireRequest
- Synctera::WireReturnSimulationRequest
- Synctera::WireSimulationDatasoftResponse
- Synctera::WireSimulationFedwireResponse
- Synctera::WireSimulationResponse
- Synctera::WireTransactionSimulationRequest
- Synctera::WithdrawalRequestModel
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: Bearer authentication (api_key)