Welcome to PennOS, a project designed to simulate the functionalities of a UNIX-like operating system. This project was created by Aaron Tsui, Matt Park, Joesph Cho, and Maya Huizar. The following repository only contains the executables.
Kernel: Matt Park, Maya Huizar
File System: Aaron Tsui, Joseph Cho
PennOS is a UNIX-like operating system that runs as a guest OS within a single process on a host OS. It includes implementations of a basic priority scheduler, a FAT file system (PennFAT), and user shell interactions.
Run a container in Docker Desktop and enter the correct file path, "PennOS-Demo" in the shell. Then type:
- For Shell:
bin/pennos minfs
If the symbol $ appears, you are in the PennOS shell!
- For File Allocator:
If "penn-fat>" appears, you are in the File Allocator!
- Kernel Documentation: Here is an overview of the Kernel, Scheduler, and Shell, and its related functions and structure.
- FAT Documentation: Here is an overview of the structure of the filesystem, and its related functions.