This is a small project born out of my need to be more organized. My primary way of tracking tasks at work is through Outlook. While Outlook does offer a robust calendar system, sometimes it is overkill. When the phone is ringing and my coworkers are talking to me and my email is blowing up, sometimes I just need to refocus on the tasks at hand.
So I made myself a peaceful and simple to do list!
There are definitely more features I would like to add (see: Issues), the ultimate goal is to keep this tool simple and to keep me productive.
Visit the live site and try it out. All features should be relatively apparent (if I've done my job correctly), but basically...:
- Type a new task into the text field and hit Enter to add it to your list
- Tasks can be marked as completed with the checkmark button or deleted with the trash can button
- No need to log in or save anything. Your list is periodically saved to localStorage and saved again when you navigate away or close the browser tab
- Because lists are saved in localStorage, you cannot access your list from other devices
- This is an entirely front-end application. As such, it has limitations. I will work on a database-backed version soon!
- Make tasks editable
- Make tasks re-orderable
- Add per-task note taking functionality
Please feel free to add issues to the tracker if you'd like to see something new added or a bug fixed~