docker build -t dapr-test .
kind load docker-image dapr-test
kubectl apply -f *.yaml
You can invoke an example httpbin service with calling /invoke-service endpoint inside example app.
curl localhost:8080/invoce-service
client.PublishEvent(context.Background(), "rabbitmq-pubsub", "test-topic", []byte("hello dapr"))
kubectl apply -f state-store.yaml
- /save-state endpoint saves given key value to redis
curl localhost:8080/save-state -d '{"my-key":"my-value"}'
client.SaveState(context.Background(), "my-redis", k, []byte(v))
- /save-bulk-state endpoint saves given key value pairs to redis
curl localhost:8080/save-state -d '{"first-key":"first-value", "second-key":"second-value"}'
client.SaveBulkState(context.Background(), "my-redis", items...)
- /get-state endpoint returns value for given key from redis
curl localhost:8080/get-state?key=my-key'
client.GetState(context.Background(), "my-redis", key)
kubectl apply -f pubsub.yaml
- /publish endpoint publishes an event to rabbitmq on an exchange which name is test-topic
curl localhost:8080/publish
client.PublishEvent(context.Background(), "rabbitmq-pubsub", "test-topic", []byte("hello dapr"))