repo for data analysis on Covid-19 diffusion.
This repo contains analysis built around data about global and italian diffusion of COVID-19 that might be useful in monitoring the spread of coronavirus around the world.
Please click on this link to use it interactively on BINDER:
Or alternatively, use the notebook Covid_daily_report in the notebooks folder to perform data exploration and model simulations available at this address:
Note that analysises in this repo do not by any means intend to provide any attempt to predict future evolutions of the virus but only to offer a visual tool to capture its dynamics.
Data are automatically downloaded from publicly available repos such as: John Hopkins CSSE ( for world statistics about Covid-19 diffusion Protezione Civile Italiana ( for national data
To update binder goto and add this repo address in the "GitHub repository name or URL"; to allow Voila implementation add in "URL to open (optional)" the following address: /voila/render/notebooks/Covid_daily_report.ipynb as URL file in the
Author Maurizio Spadaccino, april 2020