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🔧 A boilerplate for express api applications


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Boilerplate Express Server


This repository serves as a boilerplate for setting up an Express server with TypeScript. It includes essential middleware and tools for building a robust and maintainable server application.

Table of Contents


Install the dependencies:

npm install



To start the server in development mode, which uses nodemon for auto-reloading:

  • Single instance:

    npm run dev
  • Cluster mode:

    npm run dev:cluster


To build and start the server for production:

  1. Build the project:

    npm run build
  2. Start the server:

    npm start
  3. Start the server in cluster mode:

    npm run start:cluster

Environment Variables

The application requires the following environment variables, which should be defined in a .env file:

Variable Description Default Value
APP_NAME Name of the application boilerplate-express-server
APP_SCHEMA Application schema (http/https) http
APP_HOSTNAME Hostname of the application localhost
APP_PORT Port number the app will listen on 3000
APP_ROUTE_PREFIX Route prefix for the API /api
APP_COOKIE_SIGN_SECRET Secret for signing cookies secret
CLUSTER_NUMBER_OF_INSTANCES Number of cluster instances 1
LOG_LEVEL Level of logging info
LOG_PATH Path to log files (empty)


Package Description
@godaddy/terminus Graceful shutdown for your HTTP server.
cookie-parser Parse Cookie header and populate req.cookies.
cors Enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).
dotenv Loads environment variables from a .env file.
express-prom-bundle Prometheus middleware for Express.
express-rate-limit Basic IP rate-limiting middleware.
helmet Helps secure Express apps by setting various HTTP headers.
http-status Utility to interact with HTTP status codes.
pino Super fast, low overhead logging library.
pino-http HTTP logger for Express.
pino-pretty Pretty print logs for Pino.
prom-client Prometheus client for Node.js.
request-ip Middleware for getting a user's IP address.
swagger-jsdoc Generates swagger spec from JSDoc comments.
swagger-ui-express Serve swagger-ui for your API docs.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Feel free to contribute to this repository by opening issues or submitting pull requests. Happy coding!