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Library files (*.csv) compatible with Hotstrings application.

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Hotstring-library is text file (*.csv) formatted to work with Hotstrings application, which is text replacement tool.

International Age Rating Coalition (IARC) policy.

The libraries are downloadable content from Hotstrings application. Therefore before you upload any new library to this repository, please make sure it doesn't contain:

  • violence, depicted in form of e.g. ASCII art or in form of descriptive text,
  • sexuality, depicted in form of e.g. ASCII art or in form of descriptive text,
  • potentially offensive language e.g. in form of descriptive text,
  • do not promote by any means sale of age-restricted products or activities e.g. in form of descriptive text.

Thank you for your understanding. Any newly added content to Library cathalog will be checked manually against above policy.

List of content

  1. The free library files
  2. The not-free libraries
  3. List of free "second instance" library files
  4. Where libraries are stored?
  5. Text replacement format and naming convention
  6. Library file format

The free library files

no. library name library description no. of definitions within library
1. (Typer Helper) DevanagariTyperHelper_VowelSet.csv Helps type orthographic characters not found on the keyboard. ???
2. (Typer Helper) GreekSigmaHelper.csv Helps type orthographic characters not found on the keyboard. ???
3. (Typer Helper) GurmukhiTyperHelper_VowelSet.csv Helps type orthographic characters not found on the keyboard. ???
4. AbbreviationsEnglish.csv Acronyms / abbreviations typical for English language. ~550
5. AutocompleteBrackets.csv Adds closing bracket and shifts cursor in between the brackets. 5
6. AutoCorrect.csv Hotstrings to correct common English misspellings on-the-fly. 4841
7. AutoCorrectionHotstrings.csv Automatic corrections of mispelled words and couple more abbreviations. 18
8. BoxDrawing.csv ASCII box drawing characters. 8
9. BrandAndProperNames.csv Collection of frequently used brand names and product names useful in everyday life. 73
10. CapitalLetters.csv Auto-capitalization of first letter in the first word like week days, month days, geographical names. ~80
11. CircledNumbers.csv Unicode characters: numbers or letters inside of circles. 46
12. CombiningDiacritics.csv Unicode, combining diacritics sender. Character markings that go on top, below or around. 37
13. ComputerKeysSymbols.csv Unicode symbols of computer keys. 28
14. CurrencySymbols.csv Unicode symbols of currency. 61
15. DiacriticsDeadkey_Polish.csv Demonstration of dead key hotstrings used to enter diacritic characters (actually Polish diacritics). 18
16. DiacriticsHotstrings.csv So called diacritics or accented letters not present in English. ~25
17. EmojiHotstrings.csv Unicode characters called emojis. ~75
18. Examples_TestLib.csv Example and test definitions which check specific features of Hotstrings application. 27
19. FileFormats.csv File formats specific. 44
20. Finance.csv Abbreviations and definitions dedicated to subject of finances. 30
21. FirstNameCapitalizer.csv Replaces text string representing first name with first capitalized first letter. 40
22. FunctionKeys.csv Option to call function keys (or F keys): F1 ... F24 just by typing ordinary letters. 36
23. HotstringsHotstrings.csv Prepare triggerstring tips about hotstrings active for Hotstrings application. 9
24. Incoterms.csv Abbreviations and full definitions of Incoterms. 24
25. Ligatures.csv Unicode symbols of ligatures. 8
26. Markdown.csv Markdown lightweight markup language cheat sheet. 15
27. Mathematical.csv Set of Unicode codes to represent mathematical symbols. 60
28. Ortographic.csv Unicode, set of various ortographic characters. 168
29. PersonalHotstringsTemplate.csv Personal hotstrings template. 13
30. PhysicsHotstrings.csv Various unicode symbols more or less related to physics. ~75
31. polski.csv Mix of various subcategories such as abbrevitaions, "capital letters", Polish specific "auto correct". ~20
32. RomanNumerals.csv Unicode, symbols of Roman numerals. Types the Roman numerals instead of typing them with the Latin letters. 68
33. Punctuation.csv Punctuation and non-breaking characters. ~20
34. S2_DoubleSpace.csv Double pressing of 2x space key converted into dot and space. 26
35. S2_DoubleSpace_Polish.csv Enables pressing of 2x space key converted into dot and space also for words finished with Polish diacritic. 9
36. TimeHotstrings Definitions of time. 22
TOTAL: (last checked on: 2023-03-14) ~6574
  1. Only triggerstring definitions are counted. It means that if compound definition is present (single triggerstring -> multiple hotstrings), then it is counted as one.

  2. Sooner or later collection of definitions is so large that definitions start to overlap.

It is possible to run second instance of Hotstrings application with separate set of libraries. This trick helps to overcome overlapping of definitions which are present in the first instance. In order to run second instance please remeber to change name of the script or executable into something different. For example, the first (default) instance: Hotstrings.ahk, the second instance: Hotstrings2.ahk. There are two additional requirements:

  1. Make sure the second instance is always run as the second (e.g. force it in "Startup" folder).
  2. Please mind to keep libraries of second instance into separate "Libraries" folder.

Another trick is to make exchange between both instances of Hotstrings application. To make it possible to some degree part or all of the hotstring definition is fed back to input hook buffer. Then what is produced by the first instance of Hotstrigns application is feed back to the second instance. Input hook buffer is a buffer feed with characters entered by user (physical key presses).

To make it possible there are available new categories of libraries:

  • S1: Unique feature: last character of hotstring will be fed back to input hook buffer. Name of library file must start with "S1_", "output function" for all definitions within this file must be S1.
  • S2: Unique feature: last character of hotstring will be fed back to input hook buffer. Name of library file must start with "S2_", "output function" for all definitions within this file must be S2.

At the moment there is no way to choose S1 or S2 "output functions" from GUI of Hotstrings application. The only way is manual edition of library files. But there are also good news. You can simply run second instance with already prepared libraries from the following table. Advice: switch off triggerstring tips at least for all S2 libraries.

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License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Author: Maciej Słojewski (🐘)

Purpose: Acronyms (fitting into cathegory of abbreviations) can be used in up to 3x forms:

  • short version, e.g. ADC,
  • expanded version, e.g. Analog to Digital Converter,
  • full version, explaining definition of acronym:

Thanks to Hotstrings application all three forms can be easily applied.


triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
adc C ADC SI
adc/ * Analog to Digital Converter¦analog-to-digital converter is a system that converts an analog signal, such as a sound picked up by a microphone or light entering a digital camera, into a digital signal MSI


  1. Convention. For any of my Abbreviation* libraries I use the following convention:

    • If I want to immediately trigger a triggerstring, I use one of the characters freely available keys of keyboard, but seldomly used for other purposes. There are coupe of candidates: "~", "/", "". I decided to use "/" as it is relatively easy reachable.
    • According to my style of writing, a short version of acronym is usually present at the end of a sentence. To trigger automatic text replacement it is enough to press one of usual triggers just after short version (e.g. adc and space, dot (.), colon (,) etc.). This way I don't have to enter any of acronym letters as capitals - they are converted to capitals by AutoHotkey automatically. It speeds up writing enormously on longer run. Additionally I use option "C": in case I'd enter abbreviation in capital letters (following above example: ADC), then AutoHotkey is not used to convert it between small letters and capital letters, what spares some time of microprocessor 😉.
    • Additionally for reference purposes for some definitions I use comment field (part of hotstring definition) for storage of link to definition (e.g. from Wikipedia).
  2. Unification of language / culture.

    • If many people use the same set of abbreviations and definitions in written form, it builds at customers confidence and understanding. The same terms, the same definitions brings together and reduces area for misunderstanding. You can use Hotstrings aplication as basic aid for understanding.
    • You can use the same principle for definitions and names of your products in your company. For example all people in e-mail correspondence will use the same, unified definitions, no matter if it is technical documentation, datasheet or just a marketing leaflet.
  3. Sometimes acronym names are the same as entire word. Good example in English is word "can". There is also acronym "CAN" which can stand for "Controller Area Network". It can be sometimes confusing when it is triggered automatically in unwanted situation. The fallback scenario is to undo last hotstring by pressing shortcut key combination dedicated to Hotstring application and that purpose (by default Win + Z). But if it is still unconvenient, you can define another triggerstring. For this particular acronym I use can<Tab>, what is denoted as "can`t", where "`t" stands for <Tab> or tabulator key.

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License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Author: Maciej Słojewski (🐘)

Purpose: Usually brackets come in pairs, e.g. after the opening ordinary bracket "(" comes the closing one ")". Definitions within this library automatically add closing bracket and also shifts cursor position in between pair of brackets in order to enable typing.


triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
( *B0 ){left} SI

Meaning of options:

  • "*" the trigger is a part of triggerstring (trigger = "(").
  • B0 the triggerstring will be not erased (Backspaced).

Meaning of hotstring:

  • {left} stands for special keyboard key: left cursor "←".


  1. The hotstrings are so common and handy that keys used for closing brackets can be reserved for other purposes, e.g. can be used as triggers.

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License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Author: Author: Jim Biancolo and Wikipedia's Lists of Common Misspellings.

Purpose: Hotstrings to correct about 4700 common English misspellings on-the-fly. The file downloaded following the first link after convertion to Hotstrings application format.



triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
bilites ? bilities SI

Meaning of options:

  • "?" whenever before triggerstring any alphanumeric is detected, the hotstring is triggered. This definition can be called even from within any word.

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License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Author: Maciej Słojewski (🐘)

Purpose: Content of this library is based on the concept of AutoCorrect library. It contains definitions which I wanted to have in separate, smaller library file, which are somewhat specific to my usage.


triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
molkky * mölkky SI

Comment: name of Finnish coutry game. Origin written form contains diacritic character ö. Back to the top


License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Author: Maciej Słojewski (🐘)

Purpose: ASCII box drawing characters. Based on: Thanks to this library it is relatively easier to prepare ASCII only based block diagrams. Definitiots could be combined with ASCII box drawing online editors (e.g. Macros exchanging characters could be prepared e.g. in Notepad++.


boxes1/ is replaced into

│ ││

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License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Author: Maciej Słojewski (🐘)

Purpose: Collection of frequently used brand names and product names useful in everyday life.

Notes: The vast majority of definitions have set feature * (immediate execute) and C (case sensitive).

Example: iphone → iPhone

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License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Author: Maciej Słojewski (🐘)

Purpose: Automatically change capitalization of frequently used words like first names, day / month names, geographical names etc. Thanks to this library it is possible to enter those names quicker without pressing Shift keyboard keys.


triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
sweden C* Sweden SI

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License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Author: Maciej Słojewski (🐘)

Purpose: Unicode characters used to denote items on pictures / diagrams / figures. For some items it is useful to put text in form of Unicode characters to denote items. E.g. ⑤. Next, below picture, in a legend it is possible to reference to such item.


triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
LiteraR C* {U+24C7} SI

LiteraR is replaced into

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License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Author: Maciej Słojewski (🐘), SalviaSage

Purpose: Unicode, combining diacritics sender. Character markings that go on top, below or around.

Notes: Based on "CombiningDiacritics.csv" by SalviaSage.


triggerstring hotstring
asmoothbreathing/ a᾿

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License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Author: Maciej Słojewski (🐘)

Purpose: Unicode symbols of computer keys.

Notes: Based on "(Unicode Sender) Computer-Keys Symbols.csv" by SalviaSage.

Example: leftarrowkey/ → ←

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License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Author: Maciej Słojewski (🐘) SalviaSage

Purpose: Unicode symbols of currency.

Notes: Based on "(Unicode Sender) Currency Symbols.csv" by SalviaSage.

Example: rupee/ → ₹

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**License**: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Author: Maciej Słojewski (🐘)

Purpose: Demonstration of dead key hotstrings used to enter diacritic characters (actually Polish diacritics). Actually key used to enter diacritics is not dead as it is displayed on the screen, but concept is similar: two keys have to be entered to get one diacritic key. As "dead key" the slash "/" is applied.


triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
/a *C? ą SI

"k/at" is replaced into


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License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Author: Maciej Słojewski (🐘)

Purpose: Accents or Diacritics is a glyph added to a letter. Sometimes it is useful to enter one accented character without a need to temporarily switch keyboard layout or code page. For example correct spelling of French originated term "a la" is "à la" with accented "à".


triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
a^ C*? å¦ä¦â¦à¦á¦ą¦ā MSI

Meaning of options:

  • "?" whenever before triggerstring any alphanumeric is detected, the hotstring is triggered. This definition can be called even from within any word.
  • "C" it is case sensitive (only ordinary letter "a" and caret ^ will produce corresponding hotstring).
  • "*" the trigger is a part of triggerstring (trigger = "^"). After triggerstring + trigger is pressed, user can choose from the list of 7x diacritics one fitting to the current purpose. Back to the top


**Author**: Maciej Słojewski (🐘)

License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Purpose: Collection of emoticons, emojis and ASCII art.


triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
flowers/ * 💐: 🌹🍀🌻🌺🌸 SI

"flowers/" is replaced into

💐: 🌹🍀🌻🌺🌸

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Author: Maciej Słojewski (🐘)

License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Purpose: Examples of use, test suit for Hotstrings application. Set of definitions to test Hotstrings application.


triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
ex6/ * newline (linefeed/LF) `n SI

"ex6/" is replaced into

newline (linefeed/LF) 

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Author: Maciej Słojewski (🐘)

License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


  1. Explain meaining of specific file extensions / name of applications which apply that name.
  2. Enables entering not capitalized file extensions within filenames.
  3. Capitalize file extension names when such extension is present standalone.


Ad. 1.

triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
svg/ * Scalable Vector Graphics SI

svg is replaced into

Scalable Vector Graphics

Ad. 2.

triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
.svg B0? SI

"Filename.svg" is replaced into


(hotstring was triggered, but file extension wasn't capitalized).

Ad. 3.

triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
svg SVG SI

"This is file extension svg." is replaced into

This is file extension SVG.

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Author: Maciej Słojewski (🐘)

License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Purpose: Abbreviations and definitions dedicated to subject of finances.


triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
bic/ * Bank Identifier Code SI

"bic/" is replaced into

Bank Identifier Code 

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**Author**: Maciej Słojewski (🐘)

License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Purpose: Replaces text string representing first name with first capitalized first letter.


triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
daniel * Daniel SI

"daniel" is replaced into


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**Author**: Maciej Słojewski (🐘)

License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Purpose: Option to call function keys (or F keys): F1 ... F24 just by typing ordinary letters.


triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
f10/ * {F10} SI

"f10/" is replaced into pressing of F10 function key. It's behavior is application dependant, but in many applications menu is activated.

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**Author**: Maciej Słojewski (🐘)

License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Purpose: Prepare triggerstring tips about hotstrings active for Hotstrings application. All the hotsrings start from "hs" and have "immediate execute" (*) feature and have no replacement string (they are removed after). Thanks to that user should be able to find and least what hotstrings exist.


triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
hsenable/ * SI

If option "show triggerstring tips" is enabled in configuration of Hotstrings application and this library is enabled, then user should see on the screep triggerstring tip after entering "hs" (hotstring) what options from within this library are available in form of hotstrings.

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Author: Maciej Słojewski (🐘)

License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Purpose: Abbreviations and full definitions of Incoterms.


triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
cfr/ * Cost and Freight (named port of destination)¦The seller pays for the carriage of the goods up to the named port of destination. Risk transfers to buyer when the goods have been loaded on board the ship in the country of Export. The shipper is responsible for origin costs including export clearance and freight costs for carriage to the named port. The shipper is not responsible for delivery to the final destination from the port (generally the buyer's facilities), or for buying insurance. If the buyer requires the seller to obtain insurance, the Incoterm CIF should be considered. CFR should only be used for non-containerized seafreight and inland waterway transport; for all other modes of transport it should be replaced with CPT.¦ MCL

If user enters "cfr/", then on the screep hotstring menu is displayed. After choosing the second poition it is replaced into:

The seller pays for the carriage of the goods up to the named port of destination. Risk transfers to buyer when the goods have been loaded on board the ship in the country of Export. The shipper is responsible for origin costs including export clearance and freight costs for carriage to the named port. The shipper is not responsible for delivery to the final destination from the port (generally the buyer's facilities), or for buying insurance. If the buyer requires the seller to obtain insurance, the Incoterm CIF should be considered. CFR should only be used for non-containerized seafreight and inland waterway transport; for all other modes of transport it should be replaced with CPT.

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Author: Maciej Słojewski (🐘)

License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Purpose: Unicode symbols of ligatures.

Example: oeligature/ → œ

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**Author**: Maciej Słojewski (🐘)

License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Purpose: Markdown lightweight markup language cheat sheet.


triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
mdcolor/ * hex color: {#}0969DA¦RGB color: rgb(9, 105, 218) MSI

If you enter "mdcolor/", then on the screep hotstring menu is displayed. After choosing the second poition it is replaced into:

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Author: Maciej Słojewski (🐘), SalviaSage

License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Purpose: Set of Unicode codes to represent mathematical symbols.

Notes: Based on "(Unicode Sender) Mathematical (Needs Improvement).csv" by SalviaSage. Requires further expansion.

Example: lemniscate/ → ∞

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Author: Maciej Słojewski (🐘)

License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Purpose: Unicode, set of various ortographic characters. Based on library "(Unicode Sender) Orthographic.csv" with typomatic convention of my hotstrings. Reviewed, verified, supplemented and corrected on 2023-02-26.


triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
tricolon/ *C1?Z SI

"tricolon/" is replaced into:

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**Author**: Maciej Słojewski (🐘)

License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Purpose: Personal hotstrings template.


triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
cardmy/ * 1122334455667788¦123¦07/26¦07¦26 MSI

If you enter "cardmy/", then on the screep hotstring menu is displayed containing all data relevant to register your bank card. After choosing the second poition it is replaced into your bank card secret code:


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License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Purpose: Various unicode symbols more or less related to physics.


triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
<= * CL

If you enter "<=" it is replaced into:

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Author: Maciej Słojewski (🐘)

License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Purpose: Mix of various subcategories related to Polish language such as abbrevitaions, "capital letters", "auto correct".

Example: Z*‖conajmniej‖SI‖En‖co najmniej‖

triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
conajmniej Z* co najmniej SI

If you enter "conajmniej" it is immediately autocorrected into:

co najmniej

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Author: Maciej Słojewski (🐘), SalviaSage

License: CC BY-SA (Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike)

Purpose: Unicode symbols of Roman numerals. Types the Roman Numerals as opposed to typing them with the Latin letters.

Notes: Based on "(Unicode Sender) Roman Numerals.csv" by SalviaSage.


triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
romannumeral12/ *C1?Z SI

"romannumeral12/" is replaced into:

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**Author**: Julia Kierska, Maciej Słojewski

License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Purpose: Punctuation and non-breaking characters.


triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
emspace/ *? {U+2003} SI

If you enter "emspace/" even in a middle of a word, it is replaced into "em space" which is wider than normal space. "cateemspace/dog" is replaced into:

cat dog

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Author: Maciej Słojewski

License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Purpose: When <space> is pressed twice, it is replaced with dot "." and followed by <space>. If this library is combined with "S2_FirstCapital.csv" then also capitalization of next entered character takes place automatically. But to gest this effect this library must be run in the first instance of Hotstrings and CapitalLetters.csv must be run in the second instance of second instance of Hotstrings. This functionality is "borrowed" from mobile phones operating systems.


triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
a<space><space> *B0? {BS 2}. ` S2

If you enter "home<space><space>f" and only "S2_DoubleSpace.csv" library is enabled, it is replaced into:

home. f

If you enter "home<space><space>f" and "S2_DoubleSpace.csv" is enabled in the first instance of Hotstrings and "S2_FirstCapital.csv" library is enabled in the second instance of Hotstrings (e.g. Hotstrings2.ahk), it is replaced into:

home. F

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Author: Maciej Słojewski

License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Purpose: Double space functionality for Polish diacritic letters. In other words if a word is finished with Polish diacritic character and followed by two spaces, then they are replaced with dot "." and single space. If this library is combined with "S2_FirstCapital.csv" then also capitalization of next entered character takes place automatically. But to gest this effect this library must be run in the first instance of Hotstrings and CapitalLetters.csv must be run in the second instance of second instance of Hotstrings. This functionality is "borrowed" from mobile phones operating systems.


triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
ą<space><space> *B0? {BS 2}. ` S2

If you enter "jaką<space><space>f" and only "S2_DoubleSpace.csv" library is enabled, it is replaced into:

jaką. f

If you enter "home<space><space>f" and "S2_DoubleSpace.csv" is enabled in the first instance of Hotstrings and "S2_FirstCapital.csv" library is enabled in the second instance of Hotstrings (e.g. Hotstrings2.ahk), it is replaced into:

jaką. F

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Author: Maciej Słojewski

License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Purpose: Definitions of time.


triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function

If you enter "d[" it is replaced into:


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The not-free libraries

In this section I show examples of other libraries which I use in my everyday life but which cannot be shared by various reasons (GDPR, licence constraints, proprietary names etc.).

no. library name library description no. of definitions
1. BrandAndProperNames.csv Brand names (reserved), proper names (reserved), used in everyday life. ~100
2. BuildingBlocks.csv Building blocks from specific template file of Microsoft Word 37
3. dSAT.csv Text replacements valid for Diagnostic and Monitoring Technologies for Rolling Stock. ~100
4. FirstAndSecondNames.csv Collections of abbreviated first and second names of my colleagues, sometimes also other personal data like phone numbers, e-mails.
5. ProjectSpecific.csv Collections of abbreviations, terms, definitions which are specific to one project.
6. TechnicalHotstrings.csv Technical standards, technical documents useful on time of authoring technical documentation.
7. SubjectSpecific.csv Collections of abbreviations, terms, definitions which are specific to one subject.
8. ProductSpecific.csv Collections of abbreviations, terms, definitions which are specific to one product.
9. CompanySpecific.csv Collections of abbreviations, terms, definitions which are specific to one company.


  1. Only single definitions are counted. It means that if compound definition is present, then it is counted as one.

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Concept: Brand names, proper names of products.

Example: joomla

triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
joomla * Joomla{!}¦ MSI


  • special character "!" have to be escaped into "{!}"

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Concept: Building blocks from Microsoft Word template file (.dotm or .dotx) must belong to "autotext" category. After entering "autotext" dedicated to specific building block F3 key has to be pressed. Next building block is inserted into document content. The definitions belonging to this library make sense only when: 1. Microsoft Word is open. 2. Active Microsoft Word document has attached specific template file.


triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
@copyrights * Copyrights{F3} SI
Company specific copyright note.


  • special character "F3" is called by entering in between curved brackets "{F3}"

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**Concept**: In railway business certain specific definitions of common terms are applied. To keep unified lanugage this library was created.

Example: –

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**Concept**: In formal e-mail correspondence or even in corporate text messengers it is good to have set ot first-name second-name abbreviations which are replaced with full Firstname Secondname, starting from capital letters.

In some languages (e.g. Polish) endings of first-name and second-name are changed according to position and form in a sentence. Thanks to Hotstrings this local feature is addressed.


triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
js/ * John Smith¦Johna Smitha¦Johnowi Smithowi¦Johnem Smithem MSI

"js/" is replaced into small on-screen menu and when 1st position is selected

John Smith 

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**Concept**: Collections of abbreviations, terms, definitions which are specific to one project. Sometimes in commercial project are required literal definitions of notions, which can differ from other, well known sources of information. In such cases it is good to have handy set of definitions, which can be quickly and exactly called in any text / edit / input. Thanks to flexibility of *Hotstrings* application it is possible on the fly to switch on and off specific libraries when for example the same abbreviation is present in different projects. Another feature worth to remember is option to move specific definition from one library to another. Finally it is possible to place comments to specific definitions.


triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
atp/ * Automatic Train Protection¦The subsystem within Automatic Train Control system whichenforces safe operation, including speed restriction andseparation of trains running on the same track, unauthorizedtrain door opening, and over interlocked routes. MSI

"atp/" is replaced into small on-screen menu and when 2nd position is selected

The subsystem within Automatic Train Control system whichenforces safe operation, including speed restriction andseparation of trains running on the same track, unauthorizedtrain door opening, and over interlocked routes. 

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**Concept**: Technical standards, technical documents useful on time of authoring technical documentation. Collection of technical standards short names which are complemented in full form with dates, exact title. Useful on time of bringing references to technical documentation, quotations, building lists of references.


triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
iso14001/ * ISO 14001:2015 Environmental management systems ─ Requirements with guidance for use. SI

"iso14001/" is replaced into

ISO 14001:2015 Environmental management systems ─ Requirements with guidance for use

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**Concept**: Collections of abbreviations, terms, definitions which are specific to one subject, e.g. "information security (cybersecurity)".


triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
asset owner/ * individual or organization responsible for one or more IACSs SI

"asset owner/" is replaced into

individual or organization responsible for one or more IACSs

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**Concept**: Collections of abbreviations, terms, definitions which are specific to one product, e.g. "system".


triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
fp52 C FP52 SI

"fp52," is replaced into


what saves some time on writing (two time less of Shift presses).

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Concept: Collections of abbreviations, terms, definitions which are specific to one company.


triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
hqct/ * Head of Quality Control Team SI

"hqct/" is replaced into

Head of Quality Control Team

what saves some time on writing (two time less of Shift presses).

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List of free "second instance" library files

no. library name library description no. of definitions
1. Exceptions.csv Exceptions to "first instance". 1
2. FirstCapitalExceptions.csv Because of overlapping between Hotstring instances some definitions have to be shifted to separate library file. 23
3. S2_BasicLayerToShiftLayer.csv Method to get characters from the Shift layer without using Shift keys. 19
4. S2_FirstCapital.csv When sentence is finished with . or ! or ? or <Enter> then next word is started with capital letter. 104
5. S2_LayerKeys.csv Sends back some special characters, which can be used to control Hotstrings application. 3
TOTAL: (last checked on: 2023-02-26) 150


  1. Only single definitions are counted. It means that if compound definition is present, then it is counted as one.

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Author: Maciej Słojewski

License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Purpose: Exceptions which are dependent on the first instance of Hotstrings application.


triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
(-: * 🙃{Del} SI

If you enter "(" it is replaced into:


by the first instance of Hotstrings application (library "EmojiHotstrings.csv"). The library "EmojiHotstrings.csv" will not feed back any characters (this is not S1 or S2 library). Therefore if I continue and enter "(–:" it is replaced into:


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Author: Maciej Słojewski

License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Purpose: There are abbreviations which are finished with dot "." but after it is allowed to continue without capitalization. Even more, capitalization is seen as improper. What those definitios actually do is reset of input hook buffer.


triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
np. *B0Z SI

If you enter the triggerstring "np.", the input hook buffer gets ready to trigger another hotstring, starting with dot. This definition is shorter and resets input hook buffer, so there is no longer to trigger any definition from within "FirstCapital.csv".

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Author: Maciej Słojewski

License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Purpose: Quest is to get non-alpha characters from the shift-layer without pressing <Shift> keys.


triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
[\ *? {{} SI

If you enter "[" it is replaced into:



  • "{" is a special character for SI output function, it requires escaping. Therefore "{{}".

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Author: Maciej Słojewski

License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Purpose: Quest to auto-capitalize the first letter of sentence.

It is possible to prepare hotstrings, which will detect end of a sentence. In many languages sentences are finished with such characters as ".", "?", "!". New sentence usually is also started after pressing of "enter". Then it is enough to start next word with capital letter. Many text editors / text fields have in-build such functionality, many do not. This feature is called "first capital".

Inspiration comes from this article: It will never run perfectly, because AutoHotkey doesn't know the context: if cursor is at the beginning, middle, end of sentence of paragraph. All what AutoHotkey is able to achieve is to "observe" stream of characters entered by user. So in particular such actions like switching between different parts of interface will be unnoticed. For vast majority of applications it works as expected. In particular it is useful in text messengers or any other text edit fields which do not observe context.


triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring output function
. a *CB0? {BS}A S2

If you enter "I'm back. a" it is replaced into:

I'm back. A


  • Note the "S2" output function. It must be the same as prefix of library filename.
  • Works with the following set of characters at the end: "!", "?", "." and "<enter>".
  • The trick which can be applied in many text messengers that they filter out the first "dummy" press of <enter>. So if you wish to start the first sentence capitalized just press <enter>.

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Author: Maciej Słojewski

License: CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

Purpose: Definitions which can be used to run specific hotkeys for Hotstring application. For example Hotstrings application is configured by user to switch triggerstring tips when ScrollLock is pressed, even if ScrollLock is not available on specific keyboard, this hotstring still can be run and it will activate Hotstrings application. Works only for *?<NumLock>, <ScrollLock> and <CapsLock>.

Example: Entering "numlock/" → "NumLock" key will be pressed even if it is not physically available on particular keyboard. If "NumLock" is configured as a hotstring for Hotstring application, then it will be interpreted accordingly.

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Where libraries are stored?

As it was already mentioned, the library file can caontain fragile / protected in law data. Therefore such files should be protected against public access. The basic way to accomplish this task is to store library files within <UserData>:

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Text replacement format and naming convention

text to be replaced replacement options replaced text output function
triggerstring + trigger (triggerstring) options hotstring how hotstring is produced

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Library file format

File extension: CSV

File encoding: UTF-8 with BOM


  • block comments: /* */
  • single line comments: ;

It is possible to add header to library. Library header template:

License:    CC BY-SA (Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike)

Author:      FirstName SecondName





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Library files (*.csv) compatible with Hotstrings application.






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Contributors 3
